Military Technology

Chapter 2482 Media Interpretation (3)

Military Technology Chapter 2482 Media Interpretation 3

Chief Chen followed Professor Zhou's words, then picked up a satellite model and said to the host and the camera: "It's like this. This is the installation of the Environmental Satellite 1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite launched this time. Of course, it is real Sanitation No. 1 definitely doesn’t look like this.

To set up the Environmental Satellite-1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite, it requires flexible orbit changes in orbit, which relies on the multiple attitude engines it carries. By continuously controlling the turning on and off of these attitude engines, the flight movement of the satellite throughout the orbit is adjusted.

This places very high demands on the flight control system of the entire satellite, which requires the entire flight control system to be precise in order to complete such approach and cleanup tasks.

In addition to accuracy, the performance of the entire attitude engine, including the satellite's main engine, must also be excellent enough, otherwise it will not be able to tow a retired weather satellite that is much heavier than it.

Although space is a state of weightlessness, the object itself has mass. According to the law of conservation of mass, in any isolated material system isolated from the surroundings, its total mass remains unchanged no matter what changes or processes occur.

That is to say, whether on the earth or in a weightless environment in the sky, the object's own mass will not decrease or increase. How a small satellite can drag a large retired meteorological satellite requires an engine with excellent performance on board the satellite.

In addition, the entire flight control system, including the engine, has to withstand many repeated starts, especially during the post-capture orbit transfer stage, which requires the satellite to change its orbit first and load it into the atmospheric orbit from its original orbit change position. Then it accelerates on the orbit that is loaded into the atmosphere and drags the entire retired weather satellite to fly along the orbit.

After reaching a certain speed, disconnect the cable, so that by virtue of inertia and the earth's gravity, the retired weather satellite pushed behind will continue to fly downward along this orbit into the atmosphere, and eventually fall into the atmosphere and burn up.

The Environmental Sanitation-1 high-speed orbital debris cleanup experimental satellite with its cable disconnected must change its orbit, then start the main engine and continue to climb upward, thereby leaving the orbit of the atmosphere. Then continue to change orbit and perform the next mission.

In this way, we can achieve the purpose of cleaning up decommissioned satellites and other debris and garbage floating in space orbit without destroying the Sanitation-1 satellite.

Moreover, a satellite can clean up several pieces of orbital debris and space junk, which can greatly reduce its use cost, or the cost of cleaning up space junk and debris. "

Hearing what Chief Chen said, the host nodded, then looked to Professor Zhou aside and asked: "Professor Zhou, we have also noticed that there are many voices on the Internet that this space junk experiment is meaningless. To a greater extent, it is just a play directed and performed by Haoyu Aerospace. Its purpose is to increase the valuation of its own stock market for its own stock market. To put it bluntly, it is just for money. What do you think of this?"

Professor Zhou shook his head when he heard this: "I don't agree with this statement. This statement is wrong, very one-sided, and also maliciously speculated by these people.

First of all, I want to tell you that this technology is very difficult. At present, there are only a few countries that control this technology. Currently, the only private enterprise that controls this technology is Haoyu Technology.

It can be said that in this field, they are absolutely ahead of the industry, there is no doubt about this.

Secondly, there are currently close to millions of debris in the earth's low-Earth orbit, which seriously threatens normal human space activities. It not only poses a threat to the various satellite spacecraft we launch into space, but also harms our various manned space activities, such as affecting the spacecraft that shuttle back and forth, and harming the space station that has been operating in orbit for a long time. It endangers astronauts on the space station and astronauts conducting extravehicular walking operations.

It is very likely that a fragment with a diameter of only a few millimeters can kill an astronaut. With a speed of several kilometers per second, the impact of its impact is much greater than that of a bullet.

With the rapid development of space activities in various countries, various spacecraft and payloads are competing to be sent into the sky. This has also led to more and more garbage and debris in space, greatly increasing the risk of impact. risk.

And these garbage fragments, wandering in space, will become more trivial and smaller due to collisions with each other, and will be more difficult to clean up.

In addition, these space junks and space debris have greatly occupied the limited space, especially in low-Earth orbit. The low-Earth orbit available on our planet is very limited. Once used, it is no longer possible to use it in low-Earth orbit, and it is a non-renewable resource. Find the book

Throughout the low-Earth orbit, there are many very valuable special orbits, which are often used to place some important satellites and spacecraft, such as communication satellites, meteorological satellites, remote sensing satellites, etc.

Once again, in previous space activities, various companies from various countries have seized a large amount of precious orbital resources, and many of the previously launched satellites have malfunctioned and stopped working. Now they are garbage floating in space, and they continue to orbit. The Earth flies and continues to occupy the entire orbit.

If you want to launch satellites in the future, you will definitely not be able to continue to use this orbit, and you will have to choose another orbit. But now with the development of aerospace technology in various countries, such good orbits have become increasingly rare, and even no longer exist.

So now, if we can clear the original orbit and send new satellites, we can continue the mission of the previous satellite and continue to serve mankind.

This experiment is very important. It not only means that we have a more advanced, cheaper and more reliable method of cleaning up space junk and space debris. It also represents that the aerospace industry has initially found a way to approach the long-standing problems of orbital space depletion and space debris threats.

Once this technology is implemented and applied on a large scale, it will benefit the lives of all mankind and society, and all of us will benefit from it.

To give a very simple example, the Internet we use, or the TV broadcasts we watch, including the Beidou satellite navigation we use when driving, are all inseparable from satellites. With this technology, we can better enjoy these services for a long time. We will not be unable to enjoy these services or the price of the services will increase because the orbit is exhausted or the sky environment deteriorates one day. "

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