Military Technology

Chapter 2490 The defenseless weapon

This chubby red and white koi jumped to the shore, jumped and struggled twice, and then lost movement.

Wu Hao then made a move, and saw the two staff members following him step forward to pick up the koi, then place it on a stone bench on the shore, and use absorbent paper to wipe the water from it.

Upon seeing this, Chang Shengjun and others immediately stepped forward to watch.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said: "In order to better simulate the koi, we designed a special silicone skin for it. This skin can well simulate the skin and flesh of the koi, as well as the external details and luster. And it's also very soft.

In addition, its biggest function is to prevent shocks, drain water, and provide necessary lift for the equipment inside.

Finally, this shell can also emit light at night, thereby increasing its viewing effect. \

,"While Wu Hao was introducing, the two staff members quickly wiped away the water drops on the koi, then took out a small scalpel and gently cut along the koi's abdomen.

This scene made some people in the audience feel a little intolerable, especially several of the female officers. Even though Wu Hao told them that the koi was fake, they still couldn't bear it. They even still doubt whether the koi is real. of.

The scalpel cut open the entire belly of the koi very smoothly, but no blood flowed out as everyone expected. The assistant then opened the belly of the fish along the incision, revealing a side of metal and plastic. And as they peeled off the outer shell, a metal fish skeleton inside appeared in front of everyone. In this metal stock price, there were some electronic components and some power equipment, which also showed Everyone proved that these fish are all robotic fish.

In fact, this technology or the idea of ​​robotic fish is not very new. In fact, there are many very successful fish releases, which are also very good and very lifelike.

But, it's really amazing that there can be thousands of these underwater bionic robot koi at one time, and they can still gather together in such an orderly manner.

With so many fish gathered together in such an orderly manner, is swarm technology used here? Zeng Kecheng asked Wu Hao.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, these koi do use our cluster array control system, so they can gather together in such an orderly manner without causing chaos."

In other words, these koi can actually be regarded as part of the swarm attack system, and each koi is a suicide attack fish. Chang Shengjun reacted and said casually.

You can understand it that way. Wu Hao nodded and said, "It's just that the main purpose of these koi in our artificial lake is to watch fish, so we didn't write any attack programs or install attack weapons for them.

If users need it in the future, they can customize various shell skins for it, imitate various fish, and install various weapons and equipment on them.

In fact, we can make this underwater bionic robotic fish very large or very small, depending on the specific needs of the user. The underwater bionic patrol warning robot fish and the underwater bionic robot koi that I showed you are two typical examples. "

I have a question. Feng Kun asked Wu Hao: "There are so many koi, how do you charge them?"

Hearing this question, everyone couldn't help but wonder, indeed, how can so many koi be charged so that they can keep swimming in the lake.

"It's actually very simple. Wireless remote charging technology has a wireless remote charging receiver on its dorsal fin. Through this receiver, it can receive the radio waves emitted by a large wireless remote charger placed on the shore, thereby performing wireless remote charging.

These koi fish will float on the water for wireless remote charging from 0:00 every night to 6:00 the next morning to replenish power.

In addition, as these koi fish float and play on the water, as long as their dorsal fins are exposed, they can receive the radio waves emitted by the wireless remote charger on the shore to continue to recharge and provide power to them.

In fact, not only these koi, but also the underwater bionic patrol and warning robots we have seen before also use this method.

A way to recharge them to maintain their endless continuous work in the lake. "Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Everyone present heard this and then realized, yes, Wu Hao and his company are most famous for their wireless remote charging technology, which has completely replaced the previous wired fast charging and wireless charging methods. How could they have forgotten this?

"How long can such a koi fish run in the water after it is fully charged?" Chang Shengjun asked Wu Hao.

"Looking at its operating status, if it is operated at high load, it can last for about ten to twelve hours. If the energy-saving mode is turned on, this fish can work underwater for more than thirty hours. Find a book 》

enough. Chang Shengjun smiled with satisfaction after hearing his answer, and then said to Feng Kun: "Compared to the intelligent underwater bionic patrol and warning robot fish in front, I think this intelligent bionic robot koi is more suitable for conducting some secret intelligence Collect and sneak into reconnaissance missions.

Who would have thought that a fish in the pool could actually be an underwater robot that could carry out reconnaissance, surveillance, and intelligence collection. "

Can be used for some daily tasks. Feng Kun said.

I think it's good too. Zeng Kecheng looked at the koi under the water and said with a smile: "The underwater bionic patrol and warning robot fish in front was too big to be carried. This smart bionic robot koi is just the right size and easy to carry."

This allows us to release this small intelligent underwater bionic fish in unfamiliar waters to explore these unfamiliar waters, thereby mastering the underwater dynamic information of the entire water area.

Of course, we can also use it to enter enemy military ports, docks, and camps to conduct a series of reconnaissance missions.

In addition, we can also use it to attack the enemy's special forces crossing, underwater frogmen, or some small boats in inland rivers and lakes. "

Seeing that both Zeng Kecheng and Feng Kun spoke highly of this intelligent bionic robot Koi, Chang Shengjun also said with a smile: "And it has another advantage, that is, it is cheap to build, so it can be used on a large scale."

Yes, this is also a major feature of this smart bionic robot Koi. It is cheap. Its cost is much cheaper than an individual missile. After large-scale production, it is the price of a drone on the market.

So if necessary, we can completely use it to launch an underwater swarm attack, making the enemy defenseless and defenseless.


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