Military Technology

Chapter 2491 Micro Bionic Dragonfly Detector

Military Technology Chapter 2491 Micro Bionic Dragonfly Detector

With Chang Shengjun and the others still smiling, Wu Hao and the others came to a laboratory. In fact, to be precise, this place is more like a testing ground. The entire venue is relatively spacious and filled with various equipment and equipment. At this moment, several technical experts wearing white lab coats are waiting for them.

Chang Shengjun and the others who walked into the test site looked at everything inside curiously. They were not sure about Wu Hao's intention and why he brought them to this place.


Wu Hao snapped his fingers. Just when everyone was wondering what Wu Hao was doing, they suddenly heard a buzzing sound and saw several dragonflies flying over from a distance and circling around them.

When everyone saw this, they also stared at these dragonflies. They would not believe that in such a strict testing field, a few dragonflies would fly in for no reason.

While everyone was looking at him curiously, Wu Hao walked up to them and stretched out a finger under everyone's gaze. A dragonfly flying in the air reached the tip of its finger and stopped.

Wu Hao held up the dragonfly and smiled at everyone: "Everyone can try it!"

Seeing what Wu Hao said, everyone present couldn't help but stretched out their fingers like a cat or a tiger. They saw the dragonflies hovering in the air one after another flying to the people's fingers and stopping.

Wu Hao held up the dragonfly on his finger and said with a smile: "What is resting on your finger is a miniature bionic dragonfly detector we developed."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but open their eyes and look carefully. After careful observation, they discovered that these things were actually mechanical. Although they were very small, they still saw tiny mechanical structures on the dragonfly.

Seeing everyone's surprised look, Wu Hao tapped the dragonfly's tail with his finger, and saw that the tip of the dragonfly's tail began to flash its green light very rhythmically, like breathing.

"The entire miniature bionic dragonfly detector is very small. The overall size is similar to the size of a real dragonfly. The weight is a bit heavier than a real dragonfly, but the overall weight is only 39 grams, which can be said to be very light.

The two large compound eyes on the head of this dragonfly are equipped with two of our synthetic aperture compound eye lenses, which can display many detection images such as white light, infrared, thermal imaging, etc., and through the image recognition system equipped inside the fuselage, The detected image can be recognized in real time.

In addition, we also installed a miniature microphone sound collection array on its face, which can clearly pick up small sounds within a range of thirty meters.

In addition to the dragonfly legs that can grab objects and stop, the front two dragonfly legs are also two micro-manipulator arms that can be used to perform some operating tasks. The entire long tail, in addition to maintaining the balance of the entire dragonfly, is also its antenna. Therefore, it can achieve ultra-long-distance remote control communication up to 500 meters, which is very impressive for a miniature bionic dragonfly detector of this size.

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

The super solid-state battery inside it can allow it to maintain a continuous flight time of more than 25 minutes. If you do not fly and stop working, the entire battery life can last for nearly two hours. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, how could these people not know the purpose of this miniature bionic dragonfly detector. There was a look of surprise on every face. They have also used this kind of micro bionic aircraft, but compared with the micro bionic dragonfly detector resting on their fingers, theirs was too big, too heavy, too rough, and too unsightly.

To be able to make a detector so small is really a great effort. It has to be said that Haoyu Technology is already far ahead of the entire industry in the field of drone technology and is at the forefront of the world, surpassing several others behind.

Having said this, Wu Hao faced everyone and flicked the miniature bionic dragonfly detector that was parked on his fingertips. The miniature bionic dragonfly detector was bounced into the air and then continued to fly.

Wu Hao seemed to have frightened other miniature bionic dragonfly detectors. The miniature bionic dragonfly detectors on Chang Shengjun's fingers all took off and hovered in the air.

Just when everyone was surprised and confused, Wu Hao snapped his fingers again.

With a buzzing sound, there was a sound of flapping wings, and from a square transmitter nest of about 24 inches in a suitcase not far away, countless miniature bionic dragonfly detectors flew out, buzzing into a swarm.

Everyone was surprised and made a rough estimate. There were about six to seven hundred of these miniature bionic dragonfly detectors.

Xiao Wu, this... Chang Shengjun looked at Wu Hao with doubts.

Wu Hao looked at the dragonflies spinning around them and said with a smile: "This kind of miniature bionic dragonfly detector can not only be used for detection, but also for destruction and attack."

As he spoke, Wu Hao stretched out his finger, and saw two miniature bionic dragonfly detectors break away from the cluster, fly to Wu Hao's finger and stop. Find Shuyuan www. Wu Hao smiled at the Chang Sheng Army in front of them and introduced: "If necessary, we can use it to fly into the local command post, important equipment center, radar station, power center and other core hub areas to launch attacks and destroy these facilities.

By releasing strong current, it burns and paralyzes the enemy's computers, radars, communication centers, power stations and other facilities. Of course, it can also be used to spread computer viruses and spread the enemy's internal command network.

In addition to killing hardware and software, this miniature bionic dragonfly detector can also kill people. We can install a small amount of ammunition on its head or tail. Although these ammunition are not enough to kill the opponent, they can kill the opponent. Through directional blasting technology, if it can hit the enemy's vital position, it can also kill the opponent.

Moreover, we can also launch a swarm attack. So many miniature bionic dragonflies can make the place completely defenseless. The metal jets generated by the explosion and the micro-metal components on these micro-bionic dragonfly detectors will penetrate into the enemy's body and will be difficult to clean out. If not cleaned in time, these tiny metal debris are likely to flow back to the heart along the meridian network, seriously damaging the heart structure.

Of course, you can also destroy various organs and tissues at the end of the meridian network through the meridians. Even if these patients receive good treatment, they will still have serious sequelae. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Chang Shengjun and the others, who were still teasing these dragonflies, couldn't help but feel chills running down their backs. I originally thought this was a bionic dragonfly, a beautiful thing, but it is so deadly. This is too sinister. Whose idea was it?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at the young man with a smile on his face in front of them.

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