Military Technology

Chapter 2492 Is this what you call low power?

Military Technology Chapter 2492 Is this what you call low power?

It’s so awesome, can you demonstrate it on site? Zeng Kecheng showed great interest when he heard this and said excitedly to Wu Hao.

Hearing Zeng Kecheng's words, Chang Shengjun, Feng Kun and others also looked at him. The meaning expressed by their expressions was very clear. You Wu Hao said this thing is very powerful. What you hear is false and what you see is believing. You are not allowed to show us the scene. Demonstrate it and see if this thing is really as powerful as you say.

In response, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said, "Of course, everyone is welcome."

As he spoke, Wu Hao made a gesture, and the miniature bionic dragonfly detectors that were still hovering around the crowd in the air began to evacuate in an orderly manner, and then stopped on an iron shelf toward the test site. Soon, the entire iron All the things on the shelf are these miniature bionic dragonfly detectors. The scene is very spectacular, even a little scary and disgusting.

With that said, Wu Hao brought everyone to a test site in front of a glass curtain wall. Inside was an internal sealed space blocked by glass. It could be seen that it could be used for some intense testing projects.

Looking at Chang Shengjun and the others who were looking curiously, Wu Hao smiled and said: "This is one of our internal test rooms. The entire test room is blocked by 80mm bulletproof glass, so everyone can rest assured about its safety. "

With that said, he gestured to the technical expert next to him. Under the control of the technical expert there, the heavy iron door of the testing room opened, and Wu Hao led everyone in.

Then the three mannequins of different shapes placed in the middle introduced with a smile to everyone: "These are the three mannequins we will use for testing later. Its structure is similar to that of real people, so It can very well simulate the trauma caused by an attack by a miniature bionic dragonfly."

As he spoke, Wu Hao gestured to the technical experts next to him. Two young technicians walked in carrying a metal suitcase, and then at Wu Hao's gesture, they came to a metal table next to them. In front of him, one person put down the metal suitcase he was carrying, while the other person walked over and entered the password, then opened the metal suitcase.

Under the gaze of everyone, the technician pulled up the partition of the suitcase, and a four-layer partition platform appeared. On top of these partitions, there was a layer of black soft partitions, each layer neatly Twenty miniature bionic dragonflies are displayed.

Wu Hao walked to the suitcase, picked one up at random, and then showed it to everyone: "Please see, these miniature bionic dragonflies are the same as the ones just shown outside. There is no difference in appearance or size. .”

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zeng Kecheng subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch, but Wu Hao stopped him. Seeing the puzzled expressions of the other party and everyone else, Wu Hao explained with a smile: "The biggest difference between these miniature bionic dragonflies here and those outside is that they are equipped with ammunition, so they are very dangerous, so everyone should not touch them. It’s better if you touch it.”

After listening to his explanation, everyone understood why they did not use the miniature bionic dragonflies outside, but instead brought out a new batch of miniature bionic dragonflies.

Zeng Kecheng also nodded with some embarrassment. He often greeted weapons and ammunition, but now he was organized by Wu Hao with danger, which made him somewhat embarrassed.

After showing it to everyone, Wu Hao then led everyone out of the testing room and stood in front of the glass curtain wall.

The technicians in the test room withdrew, the metal door was closed again, and the lights in the entire test room were turned on to make it easier for everyone to see the situation inside more clearly. In addition, the large screens hanging outside the test room also light up, and inside are the live images captured by various surveillance cameras in the test room.

Wu Hao looked at Chang Shengjun and the others, then waved his hand and said, "Let's get started."

I saw a technical expert, unfolding a transparent folding tablet, and then came in front of everyone. Under his control, the tails of the miniature bionic dragonflies on the four partitions in the metal suitcase actually lit up. Green light.

The miniature bionic dragonfly has been activated.

Then the technical expert handed the transparent folding tablet to Wu Hao's hand. Wu Hao took the tablet and showed it to everyone. I saw a full page of small green icons of miniature bionic dragonflies neatly arranged on the transparent folding tablet.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wu Hao clicked on the icon of one of the miniature bionic dragonflies, and then dragged it out. A miniature bionic dragonfly on the metal suitcase partition was also activated, taking off from the partition and flying into the air. It hovered over, and a video window popped up on the screen. It was the first detection picture taken by the miniature bionic dragonfly. Wu Hao then switched the video window picture, from color to black and white, and then to thermal imaging, then switch to color again.

The three dummy model targets in the video were also discovered and identified in the detection just now. They were found at Shuyuan and marked. Wu Hao then clicked on one of the standing family models. The image was enlarged and the facial features of the family model appeared. Wu Hao clicked on the face and forehead of the family model and immediately locked it and clicked to confirm the attack.

Buzz, then the miniature bionic dragonfly hovering inside rushed towards the forehead of the mannequin and directly hit the forehead of the mannequin.


An explosion occurred at the moment of the armor. After a burst of fire, white smoke rose up. I saw that the forehead of the family model had been blown out by the miniature bionic dragonfly, and the entire model's face was also hit by the drone's fragments. In the middle, several holes were made.


Seeing this scene, Chang Shengjun Zeng Kecheng and Feng Kun all had surprised looks on their faces. They stared at the model's head carefully for a while, then stared at the playback lens on the big screen, and the slow-motion lens carefully. After watching for a while, he turned to look at Wu Hao.

This is what you call less powerful. It is powerful enough to kill people. Good guy, he directly blew out a big hole the size of an apricot in the forehead of his family model. If this were applied to a real person, wouldn't the entire forehead be gone? Would this person still be alive?

More importantly, this thing is impossible to guard against. Who would have thought that such a dragonfly, which is relatively common in nature, could be a suicide attack drone and have such power, it is really unbelievable.

What's more, the control of this thing is too simple. It's a fool-like control. Anyone can easily control this thing to launch attacks as long as he learns it.

This made everyone feel surprised and worried at the same time. If this thing is not controlled and exposed, it will be a disaster.

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