Military Technology

Chapter 2493 10 Deadly Attacks

Military Technology Chapter 2493 Ten Deadly Attacks

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Wu Hao handed the transparent folding tablet to Chang Shengjun and said, "Director Chang, please give it a try."


Chang Shengjun was stunned for a moment, but when Wu Hao nodded again, he found the transparent folding tablet, and then looked at the content on it, feeling a little at a loss.

Wu Hao said with a smile: "Just do what I did just now and click to select one or more drones."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Chang Shengjun clicked on a miniature bionic dragonfly from the screen, and then the green light on the tip of the miniature bionic dragonfly's tail turned blue.

"Okay, now you just need to drag it out, like I just did." Wu Hao smiled and continued to guide.

Under Wu Hao's guidance, Chang Shengjun clicked on the icon of the miniature bionic dragonfly and dragged it out. At the same time, a drone on the metal suitcase partition took off, then flew into the air and began to hover. stand up.

At the same time, a video window appeared on the transparent folding tablet in Chang Shengjun's hand, and many control buttons appeared below. At this time, Wu Hao explained with a smile: "The video window above is the first image information detected by the synthetic aperture compound eye lens on this aircraft. You can switch to white light, infrared, thermal imaging, etc. as needed. mode to facilitate investigation.

As for the buttons below, you can control the drone to control it, or you can set a path to let it fly along the relevant path.

Of course, you can also select the target on the screen, and then choose to get closer to investigate, or launch an attack. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Chang Shengjun also followed Wu Hao's example and clicked on the seated model on the screen. The screen zoomed in and displayed the close-up information of the dummy model, including close-ups of the face, etc. .

Then Chang Shengjun clicked on the model again, and saw many red crosses appearing on the dummy model.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and explained: "These red crosses are the fatal points on this dummy model. The redder the color, the more deadly the position is, and the darker the color, the less fatal it is.

You can attack according to your choice. "

Hearing this, Chang Shengjun nodded, then pointed to the red cross on the model's chest, where the heart was, and confirmed.


The miniature bionic dragonfly, which was hovering in the air, swooped towards the seated model's chest and exploded.


With a burst of fire, the model's chest and clothes were blown to pieces, a hole appeared inside, and the clothes actually started to catch fire. The fire seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

To be honest, I have been reading books recently to catch up on updates, switch sources, read aloud with many sounds, and it can be used on both Android and Apple. 】

At this time, a stream of gas sprayed out from the ceiling above the test room, directly extinguishing the fire on the model's clothes. Immediately, the exhaust system started, and soon, the entire test room returned to normal.


Chang Shengjun and the others laughed when they saw the small hole blown out on the model's chest and the burned and torn clothes.

Wu Hao smiled and took the transparent folding tablet from Chang Shengjun's hand, and then said with a smile.

“In addition to the precision attacks launched by this single microbionic dragonfly, we can also achieve swarm attacks.”

As he spoke, Wu Hao slid his finger across the screen in front of everyone. The miniature bionic dragonfly icons he slid past were selected one after another, and then with a wave of his finger, all the drone icons were dragged out.

At the same time, a dozen miniature bionic dragonflies took off from the metal suitcase partition in the test room. These drones flashed blue and began to hover in the sky.

And the pictures of these drones are also transmitted to the transparent folding tablet, forming a panoramic picture.

Wu Hao directly selected the three models in the middle and clicked to confirm the attack.

Immediately, the lights on the tails of these dozen miniature bionic dragonflies turned red, and they attacked the three mannequins from all directions.

Peng Peng Peng...

More than a dozen miniature bionic dragonflies quickly exploded on these models. The scene was very explosive. In addition to leaving a hole the size of an egg, the fire caused by the explosion also caused the models' clothes and hair to burn.

As another burst of gas spurted out, calm returned to the test room. Each of these models appeared in front of everyone with holes in them, looking very dilapidated.

Seeing this scene, Chang Shengjun and the others couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and feel chills on their backs.

If you were stared at by this thing, you would probably die.

Think about it, there are hundreds or thousands of advantages. If tens of thousands of these miniature bionic dragonflies are chasing you, is it possible for you to survive?

Seeing Zeng Kecheng and Feng Kun who were surprised and a little eager to try, Wu Hao smiled and handed the transparent folding tablet to them and said with a smile: "Captain Zeng, Team Leader Feng, you two give it a try."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zeng Kecheng and Feng Kun took over the transparent folding tablet with excitement on their faces, and then tried to control it.

Peng Peng Peng...

Explosions sounded one after another in the test room. Zeng Kecheng, Feng Kun and others were like children playing with firecrackers, having a great time.

Finally, after cleaning all the miniature bionic dragonflies in the metal suitcase, he reluctantly handed the transparent folding tablet to Wu Hao.

Seeing this, Wu Hao didn't care. He put away the transparent folding tablet and handed it to the technical expert next to him. He then asked someone to open the metal door of the testing room.

In order to protect everyone's safety, Wu Hao asked people to distribute protective masks and protective glasses to everyone.

Immediately, under the guidance of Wu Hao, everyone walked into the entire testing room, and what greeted them was the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke. Even though the entire test room has a strong exhaust system, the smell of gunpowder smoke still lingers for a long time.

At this moment, the three models in the middle of the test room have been blown to pieces. Countless fragments are scattered within a radius of three to four meters from them, including those from the models and from these drones.

When everyone came to the three models, they couldn't help but gasped when they saw the miserable state of these three models.


At this moment, the bodies of these three models were scattered with large and small craters and holes. They were completely devastated, with no place intact at all. The clothes on the model had also been blown to pieces, and the rest was burned.

In addition to these holes, everyone was also attracted by the small wounds on the model's body. Wu Hao put on his rubber gloves, then took a pair of tweezers from his assistant, searched for it from a wound, and then picked out a small metal fragment from it, and then showed it to everyone.

Looking at this bright metal fragment, everyone's eyes tightened. Although this thing did not have as much damage and penetration as the fragments of grenades or artillery shells, it was indeed damaging enough.

Who knows how many such tiny fragments such a miniature bionic dragonfly can produce. It is not easy to clean up so many tiny fragments. It's not fatal enough, but it can bring enough pain to these people, which is indeed very sinister.

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