Military Technology

Chapter 2494 The weapon at the bottom of the box

Military Technology Chapter 2494 The Weapon at the Bottom of the Box

The power is considerable, but the attack speed is a bit slow. If it is unleashed, people can easily escape. Once the target hides behind some closed rooms and bunkers, these miniature bionic dragonflies will be useless. Feng Kun looked at it and then said to Wu Hao and Chang Shengjun.

After hearing Feng Kun's words, Chang Shengjun and others also nodded in agreement. Indeed, it seems that the power of this miniature bionic dragonfly is still very objective. It is this attack speed that makes it easy for people to escape. Once someone escapes and finds a closed bunker, these miniature bionic dragonflies will be helpless against these bunkers because they are too weak.

Maybe even an ordinary door can avoid the attacks of so many miniature bionic dragonflies.

So from now on, this miniature bionic dragonfly is a bit embarrassing. It is better used for detection and surveillance, but it is a bit reluctant to use it for attack.

Obviously, after calming down, Chang Shengjun's performance on this miniature bionic dragonfly was somewhat unsatisfactory. Obviously, they did not believe that this was the bottom-of-the-box weaponry that Wu Hao showed them.

Looking at the questioning eyes of everyone, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, and then gestured to the technical expert next to him.

Under the arrangement of the technical expert, two technicians were carrying a metal suitcase that was exactly the same as the previous one. Put the original suitcase away and put it on the table.

As another person opened it, the structure inside was exactly the same as before. The four compartments were lifted out of the box. On each compartment were neatly placed twenty very small flies, probably not much bigger than soybeans. .

These flies are overall black with a green light on their surface, really like the blowflies in real life.

Seeing everyone's surprised looks, Wu Hao introduced with a smile.

"The man-eating fly micro attack drone is an ultra-miniature attack drone we developed. It can be said that it has reached the limit of the size of this type of attack drone. Its size is the same as that of flies in nature. Basically the same, but we have integrated the entire visual sensor, flight control system, control system, power supply system, and ammunition system in such a small size. It should be said that in this man-eating fly micro attack drone On the man-eating fly drone, we have pushed technology to its extreme."

With that said, Wu Hao stretched out his hand, and the staff next to him handed Wu Hao a black hairband, or sports headband. Wu Hao took the headband and put it on his head in front of everyone, and then put the smart AR glasses on his head.

Seeing everyone's puzzled looks, Wu Hao smiled at everyone, and then under everyone's gaze, he stretched out his fingers to hook the metal suitcase.


Hearing his words and this kind of cleanup, everyone present was a little confused as to what Wu Hao was performing.

Before everyone had time to think, they saw a fly flying from the compartment of the suitcase very fast.

Buzz buzz...

After two laps in the air, I heard Wu Hao's finger.

Wu Hao stretched out his finger and pointed at the man-eating fly micro-attack drone resting on his finger. He said to everyone: "We designed the entire micro-attack drone with bionic flies. It's real. We have restored the details of the fly's appearance and made it as realistic as possible. In addition, we also imitated the fly and equipped it with a pair of lightweight new material wings. It is very light and equipped with a powerful motor, which can provide it with sufficient power. .

In nature, flies beat their wings approximately 100 to 120 times per second, can fly six to eight kilometers per hour, and can reach three meters per second.

Our powerful drive motor can drive this man-eating fly micro-attack drone to flap its wings about 180 times per second, which is half the number of wing flaps compared to a fly. And the more accurate flight control system can This allowed the fly to reach a speed of seven meters per second.

Because it is smaller in size, has smaller targets, and is quieter, it is more suitable for such precise sniping missions. Of course, it can also be controlled in a cluster, just like the miniature bionic dragonfly just now. "


As Wu Hao flicked his finger, the fly flew away, circled in front of everyone, and then hit the model four or five meters away.


There was a loud noise, like the sound of a big firecracker, which startled many people present.

The only good spot on the model's face was squeezed out to create a large hole, which was no bigger than the hole blasted by the miniature bionic dragonfly before.


Xiao Wu, the fly on your hand just now is real, and there is ammunition in it.

Chang Shengjun then asked Wu Hao belatedly.

Wu Hao nodded with a smile, and then said to everyone: "Don't worry, the technical performance of this man-eating fly micro-attack drone is very reliable. You don't have to worry at all if you look for Shuyuan"

Having said this, Wu Hao waved to everyone and said, "Let's go and see its damage effect."

Hearing Wu Hao's greeting, everyone moved to the models again, and saw that the hole or crater that had just been exploded was still emitting traces of gunpowder smoke, and exuded a strong and pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

Why is this powerful? Its size is much smaller than that of a dragonfly. Zeng Kecheng couldn't help but ask.

Wu Hao explained with a smile: "Actually, the charge is not much smaller, and on this model, we used more powerful ammunition, so the power is naturally greater."

"Did you just throw it over like this? It's too risky." Chang Shengjun said with some fear. There were so many people at the scene, and this was a man-eating fly micro attack drone that was always equipped with ammunition. If it accidentally hit that People, that can cause huge damage.

With such penetrating power, it wouldn't be fatal if it hit that person. After hearing Zeng Kecheng's words, everyone present couldn't help but become afraid.

Wu Hao smiled awkwardly when he saw this, and then comforted him again: "Don't worry, everyone, these are all in our plan. Without an order, it will not take the initiative to attack other targets.

Despite its small size, in fact, we have equipped it with a compound eye lens and image recognition system on its body, where the compound eyes are located on its head. In addition, we also equipped it with a compound eye lens and an image recognition system on its tactile area. Equipped with a miniature lidar and its advanced flight control system, it can avoid any obstacles very easily.

In this regard, we have gone through countless very demanding tests, and there is no problem with reliability. "

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