Military Technology

Chapter 2495 Weapons controlled by thoughts

Military Technology Chapter 2495: Weapons Controlled by Thoughts

After hearing what he said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and pointed to the metal suitcase on the iron table over there.

Everyone looked along his fingers and saw that the tails of the man-eating fly micro attack drones on the four partitions inside the suitcase turned green like fireflies.

Wu Hao led everyone to the iron table, and everyone finally saw clearly that the tails of these man-eating fly micro-attack drones were flashing green lights worriedly.

Amidst everyone's puzzled looks, Wu Hao stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.


I saw that all the man-eating fly micro-attack drones with green lights flashing on the four compartments of the suitcase changed one after another. From the previous expansion mode, they began to shrink, forming black beans as big as soybeans. son.


Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but be surprised, and looked more puzzled. They looked at Wu Hao, wanting to hear his answer.

As for Wu Hao, under the gaze of everyone, he reached out and took all the black beans formed by the nineteen man-eating fly micro-attack drones on the top partition into his hands, weighed them, and then Show it to everyone.

What everyone sees is exactly what this man-eating fly micro-attack drone looks like after it is folded. It is about the size of a soybean and has a round shape, which is very convenient to carry and does not easily attract the attention of others.

When using it, you just need to throw it like this!

As he spoke, Wu Hao threw all the black beans in his hand into the air in front of everyone.

Amid everyone's exclamations, these black beans that were scattered casually spread out in the air, and then started flying buzzingly.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Hao stared intently, and saw that these man-eating fly micro-attack drones that were still hovering disorderly in the air actually formed a long line, and then formed a circle and began to hover in the air.

Is this mind control? Seeing this scene, Feng Kun looked thoughtfully at the headband and smart VR glasses worn by Wu Hao, and asked him

Thought control!

After hearing Feng Kun's words, everyone present couldn't help but commotion. Mind control is a technology only found in science fiction novels and movies and TV dramas. Is this what Wu Hao wears on his head?

This doesn't look like it. Originally, everyone thought this was just an ordinary headband. Why is this a mind control device? It's too small.

But it makes sense when you think about it. Otherwise, how could the operation just now be carried out? Wu Hao didn't have any control over it.

Facing the direct gazes of everyone, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and replied: "Yes, it is thought control. The headband I wear on my head is actually our brain-computer control system. It The connection is directly connected to our smart ar glasses host, so that the two can be used in combination, so that you can control these man-eating fly micro attack drones as you like.

Let me give you a little demonstration. "

After saying that, he stretched out his fingers and hooked his fingers towards the cluster of man-eating fly micro-attack drones that were circling in the air. He saw one of the man-eating fly micro-attack drones break away from the group and then fly towards him. , slowly stopped on his fingertips.

Wu Hao moved his fingers, and the man-eating fly micro-attack drone also began to flap its wings high and low to maintain balance, and then Wu Hao said softly.


Immediately, the man-eating fly micro attack drone parked on his fingertips took off and returned to the man-eating fly micro attack drone cluster array flying around him.

Looking at the cluster of man-eating fly micro-attack drones circling in the air, Wu Hao turned his head and hooked his hand at the metal suitcase over there.

I saw those little black beans re-expanded one by one into man-eating fly micro-attack drones, then flapped their wings and flew out, one layer after another, and soon all the man-eating fly micro-attack drones on the three floors were flying. came out, and under the guidance of Wu Hao's fingers, they all joined the cluster in the air, and the entire team continued to circle in the air.


As Wu Hao issued the command, these man-eating fly micro-attack drones that were still circling stopped one after another. Then Wu Hao stretched out his finger and clicked in the air. These man-eating fly micro-attack drones that were still hovering in the air quickly formed a rhombus.

Looking at everyone with surprised faces, Wu Hao smiled slightly, then stepped forward and walked out.

Danger, Xiao Wu!

Seeing his dangerous move, Chang Shengjun and Zeng Kecheng couldn't help but open their mouths and stop him.

Don't worry. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, then walked towards the entire man-eating fly micro-attack drone array.

And these man-eating fly micro-attack drones did not hit him as everyone imagined. No matter how he walked in the entire array, these man-eating fly micro-attack drones were able to avoid him very freely. .

This made Chang Shengjun and the others look surprised. Looking for Shuyuan This is so fun. However, I am afraid that only someone as bold as Wu Hao, who has enough confidence in his own technology, dares to walk freely among these powerful man-eating fly micro-attack drones, so take it calmly.

Wu Hao walked out of the entire array, and then he waved his hand towards the entire rhombus. The entire rhombus-shaped man-eating fly micro-attack drone cluster actually began to rotate, and the speed was getting faster and faster. What about the drone cluster? It also instantly turned into a spherical array shape, suspended in the air.

Seeing this scene, Wu Hao raised his index and middle fingers in front of everyone, making a Taoist seal gesture, and shouted: "Change!"

The man-eating fly micro-attack drones hovering in the air began to move again. As these drones merged and arranged, they finally turned into a goshawk-shaped cluster in the sky. The goshawk's wings were still there. The constant waving is very lifelike.


The thought came from the heart, and the goshawk waving its wings in the air immediately turned into a long snake. The long snake swam slowly in the air, looking very lifelike and even a little scary.


The long snake directly turned into a mighty lion head, just like the interpretation of the movie studio's title logo. The lion head was still opening its mouth and roaring, looking very fierce.


As Wu Hao shouted, the lion-headed drone cluster quickly transformed into a cube cluster array, hovering in mid-air.


Wu Hao stretched out his hand and clicked a few times on the entire cube cluster, then waved his hand, and saw a dozen man-eating fly micro attack drones separated from the cube cluster, flying towards the mannequin five or six meters away. go.

Peng, Peng, Peng...

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