Military Technology

Chapter 2496 Clumsy Experiencer

The continuous explosions shocked everyone. They did not expect Wu Hao to come directly like this. This also proved that these man-eating fly micro-attack drones were live ammunition and were not models specially prepared for performances.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but admire Wu Hao's courage despite being frightened.

If it were them, with Wu Hao's current status and wealth, I'm afraid they wouldn't take this risk.


As Wu Hao said this word, the man-eating fly micro-attack drones still hovering in the air quickly began to line up and fly towards the metal suitcase over there, and neatly flew to the compartment of the metal suitcase and landed.

Wu Hao also took off the brain-computer control system headband and smart AR glasses on his head.

Chang Shengjun and the others who were watching on the side saw this, and immediately came over, and then looked at the legendary brain-computer control device in Wu Hao's hands with some curiosity.

When Wu Hao saw this, he immediately handed the brain-computer control system to everyone with a smile. Chang Shengjun immediately took it over and began to read it carefully.

I found that this appearance looks like a sports headband, but there is something inside. There are many round black contacts of the same size on the entire inside. They seem to be sensors of the brain-computer system, and on both sides of the headband You can find some cables and integrated circuits inside, but because they are inside the headband, you can't see them clearly.

After looking around carefully, Zeng Kecheng said eagerly, "Mr. Wu, can we try it out?"

After hearing Zeng Kecheng's words, Feng Kun and others' eyes lit up. Indeed, this is what everyone expects. Think about how many times they can experience such a brain-computer control system in their lifetime. It's natural for everyone to miss such a rare opportunity.

Hearing Zeng Kecheng's words, Wu Hao smiled and nodded and responded: "Of course, but not here. Because these things are live ammunition and very dangerous, we have to go out and experience it through the glass. "

Chang Shengjun and the others also nodded when they heard this. Indeed, these man-eating fly micro-attack drones are all live ammunition, so they must be cautious and pay attention to safety. Wu Hao's move just now was too risky. Maybe it's because he is a developer and researcher, so it makes sense that he is familiar with these things. And if they want to experience it, they must ensure that it is safe enough.

Under the guidance of Wu Hao, everyone walked out of the testing room again, and the iron door was closed again.

When everyone arrived in front of the glass curtain wall, Wu Hao handed over the transparent AR glasses and the headband of the brain-computer control system to everyone.

After everyone tried their best, Zeng Kecheng, who was the first to ask for the experience, took the two items and prepared to be the first to experience them.

Wu Hao introduced it to Zeng Kecheng who was preparing.

"First of all, you must wear this brain-computer control system headband in a standardized way. Don't wear it backwards. Pay attention. There is a white strip on each side. The two sides are aimed at your ears. The one with our Haoyu Technology logo is the front. , and vice versa.

After putting on the brain-computer control system headband, you will feel some tightness and buzzing in your head. These are normal reactions and there is no need to worry.

Then please put on the smart AR glasses, which are convenient for you to control. Of course, once you master this system, you don’t need to wear smart AR glasses at all.

After wearing it, a connection pop-up window will be displayed on the smart AR glasses, which can be controlled by selecting and blinking your eyeballs, or extending your finger to click to confirm. "

After hearing what Wu Hao said, Zeng Kecheng tried to control it by turning his eyes, but after controlling it for a while, he immediately switched to using gestures to control it.

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said: "It's okay. It was indeed a little uncomfortable at first. There needs to be an adaptation process. You can use gestures the same way."

Zeng Kecheng nodded after hearing Wu Hao's words, and then used his hands to control the volley clumsily. Those who didn't know thought he was doing something and danced with joy.

Wu Hao took the transparent folding tablet from the technical expert next to him. While sliding it on the screen, he smiled at Zeng Kecheng and everyone and said, "I am now using this transparent folding tablet with your brain-computer control system. Make the connection so that everything you see will be displayed on the transparent folding tablet simultaneously, click Confirm over there!"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zeng Kecheng reached out and clicked to agree, and then a brand new control window was displayed on the transparent folding tablet.

Wu Hao nodded upon seeing this, and then said to Chang Shengjun and the others: "Now, I will project the entire interface information to the big screen, so that we can all share Captain Zeng's visual picture."

As he spoke, Wu Hao slid the screen, and soon the same interface as smart AR glasses appeared on the big screen.

Please see, there are little fly icons like cars on the screen, which represent how many man-eating fly micro-attack drones there are now. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com There is a power display on each little fly icon. We can click on any icon at will to view relevant information about the corresponding man-eating fly micro-attack drone, such as how much power is left, how long it can last, etc. .

Then as our wearer turns his head, the field of view image will also change, and the multiple sets of compound eye lenses on the smart AR glasses can process Captain Zeng’s career information in real time and display it on the screen in real time.

Please see, in the picture, we people have been marked by this system, and each person's number has been marked and processed simultaneously.

In addition, the system will compare it with the information in the database in real time to identify us. Of course, there is no identity information for everyone in the database, so it is difficult to identify, but our data information system has already identified it.

"Everyone, please look!"

As he spoke, Wu Hao controlled the transparent folding tablet in his hand and clicked on himself in the picture. Then an information box popped up. In the information box, his information had been excerpted and sorted out, including photos, names, backgrounds, etc.

“In addition to connecting to the database, it can also connect to the Internet. Through its huge intelligent search function, it can quickly search for relevant information on the Internet and match it.

As long as the person in front of you appears on the Internet, or has left traces on the Internet, it can quickly search for it.

Because this system is still in the experimental stage, we have implemented a security lock on it to prohibit it from attacking humans. So everyone, please see, the boxes on us in the picture are all green, which means that we are all friendly security personnel, so we cannot launch attacks.

If you don’t believe it, please take a look. "


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