Military Technology

Chapter 2005 Codename

Xiao Wu, since this technology can control mosquitoes, can it control other insects, animals, and even people? In the end, this question was asked by Chang Shengjun. Compared to insects and animals, Chang Shengjun and everyone present focused on the last option. If this technology could control people, it would be really scary.

Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "I know what you want to ask, but so far, our technology can also intelligently control some insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, fleas, cockroaches, etc. It is impossible to control mammals."

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Chang Shengjun and the others also nodded, feeling relieved. Although they were looking forward to it, they were actually afraid that if Wu Hao said it, they really didn't know what to do.

In other words, as long as we have this device, we can install it on these insects and control them freely, right? Compared with other people who were sighing, Feng Kun immediately grasped the key point of Wu Hao's words, and then asked Wu Hao.

Sure enough, Feng Kun's question brought everyone back to reality, and then they all started to look at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Wu Hao still shook his head: "Currently, we are not able to put this system on insects and control their levels immediately.

Different insects have different brain structures, and even similar insects may have slight differences in brain structure. Therefore, after wearing this system on these insects, it needs to be tested first before it can be used.

However, we are improving and optimizing this technology so that this biological control system can adapt independently according to the different types of insects and objects it is worn, so as to achieve the goal of "wearing and controlling". "

After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, Chang Shengjun and the others nodded. Indeed, it is remarkable that this technology can reach this level. They really should not demand anything more from the other party. Moreover, the other party has promised to continue research on this technology, which makes everyone very satisfied.

As far as this technology is concerned, there are still some application scenarios, but not many. After all, there are still too few tasks that use this kind of mosquito, so this thing can only be used as special equipment. Moreover, this stuff is very harmful and cannot be leaked out. It must be strictly controlled.

"This technology is good, but its application scope is too narrow. After all, there are too few scenarios where it can be used to perform tasks." Zeng Kecheng expressed his own opinions and everyone's opinions.

Zeng Kecheng's words naturally caused everyone to nod in agreement, and Wu Hao also smiled and nodded, and then answered to Zeng Kecheng and everyone.

“Captain Zeng is right, this technology or this biological drone has a relatively narrow application range, but I think its application prospects are still very broad.

You must know that the insects that this technology can control are not only mosquitoes, but also large insects such as flies, bees, cockroaches, and beetles. In addition to flying insects, there are also reptiles that burrow in the soil and swim in the water. . This means that we can control a four-dimensional biological army of sea, land, air and ground, and use them to complete a series of tasks.

In addition to conventional reconnaissance and surveillance, eavesdropping and assassination, we can also use them to conduct intelligence espionage, data collection and other tasks on the enemy's heavily defended intelligence centers, information centers and other important facilities and equipment. They can even be used to invade these facilities and equipment, or directly destroy them.

Going further, once this technology makes a breakthrough, we can use it to control some mammals, such as mice, flies, dolphins, sharks, etc. Its application scenarios will be wirelessly broad. "

Everyone present was immediately immersed in the wireless imagination by his words. Indeed, if this technology can really make a breakthrough, then they will have an animal army, which will be really awesome. .

After thinking for a while, everyone finally woke up. They also asked about some details of this technology, and everyone seemed to be a little unsatisfied.

Xiao Wu, there is also a drone. Isn’t it also a kind of insect? The excitement on Chang Shengjun's face still lingered, and he asked Wu Hao.

Sure enough, after hearing Chang Shengjun's question, everyone couldn't help but look at Wu Hao, their eyes full of expectation.

Everyone, please come here. Facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao led everyone to another glass test box, and then said to everyone: "Another drone is inside."

There aren't really any mosquitoes or insects here. Everyone subconsciously made the connection, but still gathered in front of the glass test box and observed it carefully.


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Look carefully, everyone.

Is it that one?


There, it's a bit like a flea.

It's a flea!

Facing everyone's discussion, Zeng Kecheng couldn't help but ask Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, isn't it the flea you want us to see this time?"

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then controlled the transparent folding tablet in his hand, and then extended the intelligent mechanical telescopic lens in the glass experimental cabin toward the flea.

Subsequently, this lens also appeared on the large screen hanging above the glass test box. As the camera progressed, everyone finally saw the details of the flea clearly, and then they exclaimed.



This is machine.

Faced with the various reactions from everyone, Wu Hao, who was somewhat dumbfounded, immediately answered: "This is another drone we have developed, or an unmanned robot, codenamed Flea."


After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, everyone couldn't help but be surprised. This was really a flea.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Wu Hao said with a smile: "But don't worry, this flea is not real, but a flea developed by us. Its overall shape is similar to that of fleas in nature, so it can It has a very good concealment and cover-up effect, allowing it to carry out a series of secret infiltration missions.

The inside of this flea robot is actually very complex. Not only does it integrate a series of energy supplies from drones and robots, but we also added a high-definition compound-eye pinhole lens to it, which is right on the head of the flea, so it can detect it. Objects within a radius of three to four meters. In addition, we also integrated a micro-radio array so that small sounds from more than ten meters away can be heard. "


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