Military Technology

Chapter 2501: Only when you understand can you counterattack

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2501 Only those who understand can counterattack

Of course, its biggest feature is that, like fleas in nature, it also has extraordinary jumping ability.

A flea in nature, which is generally 0.5 mm long and weighs 200 mg, can jump to an astonishing height of 1.5 meters and a distance of 3 meters. But in terms of jumping ability, it is definitely among the best on the planet.

As for our robot, it also has the same skill as a flea and can jump more than one meter high and two meters away. Although it is not as good as fleas in nature, its jumping ability is also very powerful.

At this point, Wu Hao suddenly asked a question: "Then why did we choose to develop a bionic flea robot, or why did we develop a robot that is the same as a flea."

After raising this question, Wu Hao did not answer it, but looked at everyone.

After everyone listened to Wu Hao's question, they couldn't help but frown and think. Indeed, compared to the mosquitoes, flies, and dragonfly drones they looked at before, the advantages of this flea robot do not seem to be obvious, and it may even be weaker than the previous drones. The only advantage is that it can jump, but this seems to be no advantage in front of flying drones.

Everyone discussed for a while, but no one had a clue. Finally, they looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer.

Wu Hao smiled when he saw this, and then uttered two words: "Battery renewal!"

Battery life?

Hearing these two words, everyone at the scene had different reactions. Some suddenly realized it, while others were puzzled.

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In this regard, Wu Hao explained with a smile: "Whether it is a dragonfly or a fly drone, it requires a lot of energy to consume when flying and moving, so its endurance is very limited.

As for this flea, it relies on the power provided by jumping. After completing a jump, it can wait for a long time, which means that it can have a longer working life.

Think of a flea robot that works continuously for ten hours. And we have coated a layer of monocrystalline silicon coating on the scales on its back, so as long as there is light, we can continuously provide it with electrical energy through this layer of monocrystalline silicon coating. Although it is small, it can still extend its working time and achieve long-term work.

If we plan the time we work every day, we can achieve this flea's long-term dormant work.

Its placement is actually very simple and can be carried out in various ways, such as on clothes, flowers, soles, pets, etc., into the target object we need to enter. "

After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, everyone nodded and understood the advantages of this flea. Looking at it this way, the advantages of this flea are really not comparable to those of drones.

Compared to mosquitoes, this flea is obviously more stealthy. Even if it is discovered by someone, they will think that some animal or someone brought it in.

It is definitely unreasonable for mosquitoes and flies to appear in winter, but it is reasonable for fleas to appear in winter, because the spread of this thing is too secretive, so its appearance is not uncommon.

Everyone will only complain about whose pet is not dewormed, and will not care whether the flea is real or fake.

It’s really an eye-opener. I didn’t know it until I saw it. I was shocked when I saw it. You have already mastered drone technology to the extreme.

Chang Shengjun admired, and then said to Zeng Kecheng, Feng Kun and others: "It's fortunate that we came for such a trip, otherwise we wouldn't even know how we died.

A bite from a mosquito or a fly hitting our forehead will take away our name. It is very possible that just one flea in our daily life can expose all our secrets to the enemy without us even knowing it. "

Yes, I have experienced a lot this time. I didn’t expect that technology has developed to such an extent. We really shouldn’t judge new things and technologies with the old eyes. As technology advances, our combat ideas and tactics should also be improved accordingly. Zeng Kecheng also said with emotion.

Feng Kun nodded and looked at the robot flea in the glass test box, which was not much bigger than the tip of a needle. He said with a serious expression: "Maybe these technologies and products have been applied to our lives and work, and we don't even know it. "

After hearing Feng Kun's words, everyone present could not help but change their expressions. Indeed, if these technologies have been developed and applied by others before them, but they don’t know it, that would be simply terrifying.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look at Wu Hao.

In response, Wu Hao shook his head slightly, then faced everyone's gaze and said: "Don't worry, everyone, our technologies have not been leaked, so these technologies are safe for now.

As for whether it will be leaked in the future, please contact Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com This depends on the usage of each unit and the protection of these technologies.

certainly. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused and then said: "As for whether other countries and companies have mastered these technologies, we don't know. These technologies are said to be difficult but are actually very difficult, and said to be simple are actually very simple. For a country This is not impossible to achieve.


Wu Hao didn't finish what he said, but everyone understood what he meant. That is, he cannot guarantee whether other countries and companies have these technologies and have implemented them in practice.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but look worried.

Xiao Wu, since you have developed these drones and have a good understanding of their performance, you will naturally know how to counter them. Chang Shengjun immediately asked Wu Hao.

After hearing Chang Shengjun's words, everyone's eyes lit up and they all looked at Wu Hao.

Yes, it seems that Wu Hao and the others know the drones best, so they naturally understand the shortcomings of these drones and know how to counter them.

The so-called it is not too late to remedy the situation. As long as you know the weaknesses of these drones, you can take countermeasures soon.

Hearing this question and facing everyone's gaze, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Actually, Mr. Hu said that the weaknesses of these drones are very clear. As long as everyone pays attention, they can be completely prevented.

First of all, no matter how small these drones are, they are still entities and cannot escape. So paying attention to any tiny objects that come in will go a long way in preventing the incoming of these tiny drones.

In addition, the transmission of these drones requires signals, and the signals in the relevant areas are shielded. Even if these drones steal information, it is impossible to transmit it. "

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