Military Technology

Chapter 2502 Competition and Checks and Balances

Military Technology Chapter 2502 Competition and Checks and Balances

“In other words, as long as there are interfering devices, the signal transmission of these tiny devices will be blocked.

In addition, some sound-collecting equipment can play ultrasonic high-frequency background sounds to affect the audio monitoring of these sound-collecting microphone arrays.

In addition, the battery life of these tiny devices is very limited, so blocking the venue in advance or delaying the meeting will effectively prevent these tiny devices from monitoring and stealing information. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said with a smile: "As the saying goes, the truth is as high as the devil, drones and anti-drone technologies have actually been restricting each other, promoting each other, and growing with each other. Maybe the countermeasures I proposed The control method will not take long to be overcome and applied to new drone equipment.

At that time, there will also be more advanced countermeasures. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone agreed. Indeed, both drone technology and countermeasures are advancing rapidly. It is difficult to say whether these current countermeasures can cope with future drone technology. Therefore, relevant countermeasures and technologies must be implemented quickly.

“In addition to the drone technologies and product equipment shown today, we also have a series of other related drone products. These products, equipment and technologies have also been unveiled and demonstrated at various domestic exhibitions. I won’t take up your time to introduce too much here.

If you want to know more, you can consult our staff later and they will give you more detailed answers. "Wu Hao said while looking at everyone.

Chang Shengjun and the others also smiled and nodded after hearing Wu Hao's words. Indeed, they all knew about those products and equipment technologies, so there was no need for Wu Hao to waste time introducing them again.

After looking at the time, Wu Hao said to Chang Shengjun and the others: "Director Chang, it's already past dinner time without realizing it. If you don't mind, let's go to the company restaurant for a casual meal together.

Chang Shengjun and the others also laughed after hearing this. Chang Shengjun smiled at Wu Hao and said, "I've heard for a long time that the food standard in your company's restaurant is comparable to that of pilots. We have to try it this time."

In addition to basic etiquette, Wu Hao also gave Chang Shengjun and the others a digestion time and a private communication time in arranging this meal.

After all, after reading so many things, everyone must have a lot of words hidden in their hearts. There are some things that Wu Hao may not be able to say in front of so many people, so Wu Hao plans to invite everyone to have a casual meal, take a rest, and talk about the next thing in the afternoon.

Leading Chang Shengjun and the others to the restaurant, everyone immediately ordered something to eat. Wu Hao was naturally accompanying him. He shared a table with Chang Shengjun, Zeng Kecheng and Feng Kun, so he could chat while eating.

In fact, sometimes, a lot of cooperation is achieved in this kind of private chat.

"This beef with sauce tastes good, very authentic." Chang Shengjun couldn't help but praise after eating a piece of beef with sauce.

"I remember the last time I had such authentic soy sauce beef was in 1993. At that time, I just started working and went on a business trip to northern Hebei. A local comrade took us there. It was a small shop. , the shop is not big, only about ten square meters, and it is on the old street.

At that time, the material conditions were poor, and this soy sauce beef was considered a rare commodity, but even so, this small shop was still overcrowded. It only sold it in the morning every day, and it was basically sold out around ten in the morning.

When we were led by local comrades, they had already sold out. In the end, it was the coordination of local comrades who evened out two kilograms for us.

Needless to say, the sauced beef was really authentic and left a deep impression on us. So from then on, basically every time we passed by, we would go to this store to buy a few kilograms of soy sauce beef.

The sauced beef from this restaurant has also become very popular in our system, and it has become a souvenir for everyone to take with them when visiting friends. For this reason, we also thought about inviting the owner of the shop to our agency canteen to specialize in making soy beef. However, the owner was already over sixty at that time and he refused to move the place.

We also thought about asking the boss for the recipe, but he was unwilling to disclose it, saying that he wanted to leave it to his grandson. "

What happened next? Wu Hao took a bite of the food and asked immediately.

Hearing his inquiry, Chang Shengjun sighed and said: "After the new millennium, the boss got older, and his son was laid off from the factory, so he came to the store to take over.

The business was good at the beginning, but later on, the old man's other sons and daughters were jealous and wanted to get involved, so the store went into decline.

Later, the old man suffered a stroke due to anger from his sons, and finally passed away. Due to the competition between several sons and daughters, the business of this store became worse and worse, and eventually it closed down. "

I didn't expect that such a thing would happen. This is also in line with the saying, everything will be prosperous when the family is harmonious. Feng Kun said with emotion.

After hearing Feng Kun's words, everyone nodded.

Chang Shengjun, on the other hand, sighed and said: "Actually, even if they manage it well, this store can't continue to operate. Because the old man braised the beef in soy sauce by dismantling the hot pot, cooking it slowly and soaking it in one pot. Buying for one day. This is too time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the cost is high. After the new millennium, people began to pursue high-quality and low-priced fast-moving consumer goods, and these stores that adhere to traditional craftsmanship will naturally have no market."

Chang Shengjun's words immediately resonated with everyone, and that was indeed the case. There were indeed many good things in the past, but because they were hand-made, time-consuming, labor-intensive, and costly, they were eventually replaced by new technology and machines, and the old things died out.

It’s not that old things are bad, old things are very good, but they just don’t adapt to the rules of market development, so they are eliminated.

This is just like the sweet potato vermicelli that many people like to eat. In the past, all sweet potato vermicelli were handmade, so they were stronger and more delicious. In order to increase sales, the current sweet potato vermicelli is produced by machines. Machine-made vermicelli has a large output and is easy to produce, so it has gradually become the mainstream of the market. Handmade sweet potato vermicelli has gradually disappeared, and only some rural areas still retain it.

But as people's demands for material quality of life continue to improve, this kind of handmade sweet potato vermicelli has begun to become popular among consumers again. However, because the output is too low, the price is several times that of machine-made sweet potato vermicelli. This has also led to many machine-made sweet potato vermicelli being sold as fake handmade vermicelli. This has led to the phenomenon that most of the handmade vermicelli on the market are fake and genuine products are hard to find.

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