Military Technology

Chapter 2503 Conditions correspond to requirements

Military Science and Technology Chapter 2503 Conditions and Requirements

Our sauced beef chef is also a senior chef we hired from the hotel. This sauced beef is his unique skill. If you like it, I'll ask him to bring you a few kilograms of it later.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Chang Shengjun shook his head and said: "No, just give it a try. Now that I am getting older, my belly will bloate after eating something. Although this beef with soy sauce is good, it is not suitable to eat too much."

After speaking, Chang Shengjun looked at Wu Hao and asked, changing the subject: "Xiao Wu, can all the equipment you showed us today be mass-produced?"

Hearing Chang Shengjun's question, Zeng Kecheng and Feng Kun also stopped and looked at Wu Hao, waiting for his answer.

Facing the gazes of the three people, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and said: "Except for the mosquito and flea drones that you will see later, all other products are ready for mass production. If necessary, they can be made at any time. Transferred to mass production.

But what I want to say is that the investment in the research and development of these equipment technologies is relatively high, so the cost must be high evenly. If you want to reduce costs, you naturally need to increase product sales. "

Wu Hao's words were very tactful, but Chang Shengjun and the others naturally heard the implication of Wu Hao's words. That is because these things are not cheap and they want to give money.

Ha ha ha ha……

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Chang Shengjun and the others laughed.

Don't worry, I won't get it for nothing.

Feng Kun wiped his mouth and said to Wu Hao: "The characteristics of these equipment technologies also limit its use, which naturally limits their sales.

Therefore, it may not be possible to reduce costs through order volume. If the price is too high, then we may have to choose a backup product.

Although your technology is indeed advanced in this field, sometimes the more advanced the technology, the better. Other factors must be combined. We are not weapons theorists. "

You are right, but in my opinion, a piece of advanced weapons and equipment can make you more relaxed and calm when performing tasks, and can also avoid more risks. So I think it's totally worth spending some money on these.

Xiao Wu, our funds are very limited. If you want to make a lot of money from us, you have chosen the wrong person. Chang Shengjun teased him with a faint smile.

How can it be? Wu Hao smiled and said calmly: "The military customers we receive are all very tight on funds, but this is also a department. Some departments and units are indeed very tight on funds, but some units are completely complaining about our poverty and lowering prices.

For example, you, I don’t believe that anyone above you will lose money to you. "


Hearing Wu Hao's words, Chang Shengjun and the others chuckled. Chang Shengjun smiled at him and joked: "Look, just now I looked like a young scientist, and now I have become a capitalist." Yes, this status changes really quickly."

Haha, everyone smiled, and Zeng Kecheng said to Wu Hao: "I am very interested in the unmanned weapons and equipment you introduced, but whether they are really as good as you said, this is still an unknown number.

After all, we need to hold them to fight and face life and death, so their excellent performance and reliability are crucial to us. We cannot pin all our hopes and lives on these things just because of your few words. This is obviously unrealistic.

Therefore, I hope you can provide us with such a batch of weapons and equipment for us to actually try out and see if they are as good as you said.

If it is as easy to use as you said, then we will definitely place a large order with you. But if it is just the excellence you say and these things are just superficial, then I'm sorry, we are not a scrap collection station, don't Rubbish. "

Haha, Zeng Kecheng's words made the atmosphere a little awkward. Chang Shengjun then smiled and smoothed things over and said, "Xiao Wu, don't mind what Captain Zeng said. He really likes the weapons and equipment you showed today, so he That’s what he would say. After all, these weapons and equipment will accompany them to perform tasks, so he pays attention to them after all.”

No, I like Captain Zeng’s straightforwardness and sincerity. Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "No problem, I can provide you with a batch of weapons and equipment for half a year.

You can actually use them and feel whether these weapons, equipment and technologies are as good as I said.

As the saying goes, real gold is not afraid of fire. I also hope that these weapons, equipment and technologies can shine in your hands, and their uses and potentials can be unleashed. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused and looked at the excited people, then said: "However, I also have conditions.

First of all, these weapons and equipment are for your use only and cannot be loaned out, disassembled, or related technology disclosed. If the equipment is lost, you must compensate according to the original price of these items.

Secondly, we have digital locks on these weapons and equipment, which can only be used for half a year. Once it expires, it will be automatically locked. Unless we unlock it, the system will be locked and cannot be used anymore. Find Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. If com is forcibly cracked, the system's defense cleaning mode will be activated to automatically clean up the data and information in the system, including the system.

Finally, these weapons, equipment and technologies cannot be left to you to use in vain. We need you to provide a detailed usage experience and relevant suggestions. Allow us to download the operating data information of these weapons and equipment for our subsequent related research. "

After hearing Wu Hao's conditions, the faces of Chang Shengjun Zeng Kecheng, Feng Kun and others also became serious. After thinking carefully and exchanging a few words in a low voice, Chang Shengjun nodded.

"In principle we agree, but we also have two demands."

"Please speak." Wu Hao said.

First, Chang Shengjun stretched out his finger and said: "We need you to send a specialized technical support team to teach us the correct and proficient use of these weapons, equipment and technologies, and to improve the related maintenance and support of these weapons, equipment and technologies."

Wu Hao thought for a while and then nodded and said, "Okay, what about the second one?"

Second, Chang Shengjun said to Wu Hao: "Because our work and mission are special, no matter what data information you need, you must obtain our approval. And there may be some sensitive data information on these weapons and equipment. It may need to be cleaned up in the end, and it is impossible to provide it to you. I hope you can understand this."

"No problem. We can guarantee that this will be done under your supervision. We will not extract relevant data and information on these weapons and equipment without permission, let alone disseminate it to the outside world. If necessary, we can sign a relevant confidentiality agreement. "Wu Hao immediately said that this was a rule and he was not allowed to refute it, so naturally there was no need to discuss it, so he naturally agreed.

"Okay, then it's settled." Chang Shengjun responded with a kind smile.

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