Military Technology

Chapter 2623 Large long-range attack drone

Yes, Zhang Xiaolei’s introduction was a bit surprising. But she did not talk about how individual soldiers launch this submarine-launched attack drone, how to transport it, and how to control it. So this also made everyone at the scene question, is this thing really as good as she said?

Hearing this question, Zhang Xiaolei smiled and answered calmly: "Of course we have considered this issue, and we don't think it is a problem.

Using underwater thrusters, we can transport this submarine-launched attack drone underwater for long distances. In addition to using underwater propellers for transportation, we can also use exoskeletons to assist with protective armor for transportation. "

After listening to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, everyone present nodded. Indeed, if a mechanical exoskeleton is used for transportation, there will definitely be no problem for me. In addition, it is also very suitable to transport this submarine-launched attack drone through underwater propellers, so this is not a problem.

And according to Zhang Xiaolei's introduction, this submarine-launched attack drone is indeed very suitable for special operations.

You must know that in many special operations, it is not the special forces who directly complete the attack mission, because doing so is very risky and it is difficult to break through the enemy's heavy defenses, let alone retreat after completing the mission.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, many special operations teams choose to fight at long distances, using missiles, drones, rockets, and even calling for rear support to carry out precise strikes and destroy targets.

And this submarine-launched attack drone has to be said to be a cutting-edge weapon in underwater combat.

After saying this and giving everyone a little time to react and digest, Zhang Xiaolei did not stay too long in front of this submarine-launched attack drone, but immediately came to the booth next to it.

What is placed on this booth is a larger drone, which is more than seven meters tall. There is a large flying wing on the missile body, and a propeller and tail fin at the tail.

Moreover, the body shape is designed to have strong stealth performance, and the irregular cut shape can reflect radar waves to a great extent and reduce the probability of being discovered.

In front of this drone, there are several groups of miniaturized models of this drone, showing its different configurations.

Everyone present had been very interested in this behemoth for a long time. Now it was finally its turn, and everyone present could not help but look at it curiously.

Zhang Xiaolei faced the people who were looking at each other and communicating in low voices, and said with a smile.

"The one you have in front of you is a large long-range attack drone we developed. It is very large in size and has a large wingspan. If you don't distinguish it, you would think it is some kind of cruise missile or surveillance and attack drone. An all-in-one drone.

But in fact, it is a long-range suicide attack drone. Compared with ordinary attack drones, it has the characteristics of high power, long range, long stay in the air, and low cost.

The huge missile body also means that it can carry more ammunition, so it is very powerful, and its power is comparable to that of ordinary cruise missiles. In addition to accurately attacking large enemy ground targets, it can also attack some of the enemy's high-value equipment, vehicles, ships, infrastructure, buildings and other targets.

Secondly, it has a longer range. Its range can reach 2,500 to 3,000 kilometers. This distance is enough to exceed the range of most cruise missiles in the world. It should be said that within the range of 3,000 kilometers, In addition to ballistic missiles, its range is even longer.

In addition to its long range, it also has a long airborne time and can stay in the air for about twenty-five to thirty hours.

This also means that owning it is equivalent to owning a cruise missile with a longer range, an aerial reconnaissance and surveillance drone, and a long-range suicide attack aircraft.

Apart from that, its biggest advantage is that it is cheap. The price of a Tomahawk cruise missile in the international arms market is about one million to two million U.S. dollars, while the price of our drone is only a few hundred thousand U.S. dollars, which is only one-tenth of the price of a Tomahawk cruise missile. One cost.

Such low cost also means that we can use more of these long-range attack drones to consume the enemy's air defense power and attack any high-value targets of the enemy.

Reduce the number of missions of combat aircraft, thereby minimizing casualties. It can also reduce the number of cruise missiles and ballistic missiles used, thereby reducing the cost of war. "

At this point, Zhang Xiaolei pointed at the missile models in front and continued to preach to everyone.

"These small missile models are various improved models of this large long-range attack drone. For example, we can add a rocket thruster to its tail to give it a longer range, and its range can reach four More than a thousand kilometers.

In addition, this large-scale long-range attack drone can not only be installed on the launch vehicle for launch, but also can be installed directly in the launch pit of the ship as a ship for land attack and sea attack and reconnaissance. Remote attack reconnaissance weapon.

Using multiple such large long-range attack drones, the ship can establish a detection network within a radius of 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers, so that it can more accurately understand the situation within a radius of 2,000 to 3,000 kilometers. If there is any disturbance, you can even attack the discovered targets first.

In addition to ships, it can also be mounted under fighter jets and launched from a safe distance on the battlefield or even outside the war zone. In this way, this large-scale long-range attack drone can cross the enemy's front line and penetrate deep into the enemy's hinterland to launch attacks. .

Compared with cruise missiles, it is less noisy and has certain stealth performance, so it also has strong defense penetration capabilities. Especially at night when the field of vision is poor, this drone relies on its powerful stealth performance to penetrate deep into the enemy's hinterland and carry out precise attacks without anyone noticing. "

"In addition to conventional strike missions, it can also be used as a support weapon to support ground combat operations. Using the ultra-long airtime of this large long-range attack drone, we can launch several, or even dozens, of these into the theater airspace at one time. Large long-range attack drones, which hover in the sky and are on standby, can monitor the battlefield in real time.

If the ground forces need it, they only need to input relevant instructions to mobilize large long-range attack drones in nearby airspace to carry out precise strikes on marked targets.

It also has the swarm combat capabilities of our general attack drones. According to mission requirements, it can form multiple sorties of swarm attack arrays to launch swarm attacks on high-value targets on the ground. "

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