After introducing this large-scale long-range attack drone, Zhang Xiaolei led everyone to a booth next to it. What is displayed on this booth is just the opposite of the booth next to it. They are all small drones, micro drones, and even some ultra-micro drones.

These include some conventional attack drones and reconnaissance drones previously displayed at various air shows, defense exhibitions and exchange exhibitions. For example, the "Smart Bullets" and "Smart Grenade" series of small attack drones, as well as the "Battlefield Cleaner" series of individual small attack drones, etc.

Most of these drones have been successfully equipped with some troops, and have achieved excellent results in the hands of these troops, and have been unanimously recognized and praised by the troops.

These troops have also created many very novel new tactics and tactics based on these drones. They have used these tactics and tactics to achieve very impressive results in large and small exercises organized by the military. This has also made Haoyu Technological drones became famous all of a sudden.

In addition to this kind of micro drone, this time Zhang Xiaolei and the others also displayed the ultra-miniature attack drone and reconnaissance drone that were previously developed by Wu Hao.

For example, the "Dragonfly" drone, the attack drone code-named "Yin Mosquito", and the micro-drone/micro-robot code-named "Flea".

This series of micro-drone families made everyone present express their wonder and strong interest.

Especially when the officers and soldiers of these special forces saw these ultra-miniature attack drones, they looked at them carefully as if they were seeing treasures. And they are still asking about some details of these drones. If it weren't for the confidentiality requirement that didn't allow taking pictures, these people would have picked up their shooting equipment and started taking pictures.

Not being able to take photos or videos made these people a little regretful. After all, they wanted to share such a good thing back and report it to their superiors. Zhang Xiaolei also promised that he would give some detailed information about these drones to various units later, and they would take them back for research.

This is also a way of sales promotion. Only by letting the other party fully understand these products and weapons and equipment can they choose and purchase these equipment. Otherwise, Zhang Xiaolei and the others wouldn't have gone to such trouble to bring these products and equipment to this barren mountain for display, just to get the orders from these people.

"Hey, this drone seems different from the others." Wang Lianggong pointed at a drone with a unique shape and said to everyone.

Everyone present heard the words and immediately looked over and found that this was a micro drone about the size of half a thumb. Its shape is very similar to that of a wasp, with translucent wings and a long abdomen. On its abdomen near the tail, there is a green circle similar to a pattern, surrounding the entire abdomen. This green circle is glowing like breathing.

Hearing Wang Lianggong's question, Zhang Xiaolei smiled and nodded: "That's right, this is our latest development of a micro multi-purpose drone. It can not only detect and monitor enemy targets, but also carry out operations on enemy targets." attack.

The entire miniature multi-purpose drone looks like a wasp, and because the aperture on its tail resembles a firefly, it has strong camouflage properties. Therefore, our researchers will give it a special code name based on its appearance and characteristics, called 'Firefly'.

Unlike ordinary drones that use propellers as power, our miniature multi-purpose drone uses a bionic structure similar to insect wings, allowing it to flap its wings and fly like an insect.

When it stops and doesn't need its wings, its wings can be folded up like a capsule. When you need it, you just need to take it out and throw it up in the air, and its wings will automatically open and start flying.

Of course, you can also put it in the palm of your hand and control it to take off. "

"Due to power limitations, the effective remote control distance of this drone is 500 meters. It can stay in the air for about 20 minutes.

In the resting state, its working time can last for about one and a half hours. And everyone pays attention to its wings. On the surface of its wings, there is a layer of single crystal silicon material. Therefore, its wings act like a miniature solar panel that absorbs sunlight to generate electricity. In this way, we can further extend its working life, allowing for longer reconnaissance and surveillance missions.

Everyone, pay attention to his compound eyes. The compound eyes of the entire drone are the multi-eyed compound eye structure of bionic insects. In addition, it also has its real function. This pair of compound eyes is actually our compound eye lens.

Therefore it has multispectral reconnaissance capabilities. It can perform high-definition reconnaissance during the day, and can also support reconnaissance missions in infrared and night vision low-light environments.

On the tail of this drone, we can also install a certain amount of ammunition as needed. When necessary, this miniature multi-purpose drone can carry out suicide attacks.

Of course, the power of this kind of high-explosive ammunition is limited and it is impossible to cause too much damage to people, but it can indeed play a greater role in some special tasks, especially in some special environments.

So from this aspect, this drone is more focused on the reconnaissance and surveillance tasks of battlefield intelligence. "

"This kind of drone is very small, about the size of a large capsule. Therefore, it can be carried very easily. It does not need to take up too much space, nor does it need to take up too much weight. It only needs such a small It can be equipped with a small box.

By opening and releasing them when necessary, you can conduct real-time reconnaissance and monitoring of battlefield environment information within a radius of several hundred meters, making it easier for our special operations team members to understand the surrounding disturbances in real time.

Even if necessary, we can release multiple or even dozens of micro multi-purpose drones at one time to conduct uninterrupted reconnaissance and surveillance missions within a radius of 500 meters.

Of course, we can also place it in some positions with a relatively wide field of view to perform continuous surveillance missions, which is equivalent to having miniature surveillance probes on these battlefields.

Because of its small size and bionic insect shape, it is highly camouflaged and difficult to detect by enemies. Also because it is cheap, it is suitable for large-scale use.

These drones can be recycled and reused after use. Of course, if it is too late to recover, they can also use the ammunition they carry to self-destruct and destroy traces.

Therefore, this is an ultra-miniature reconnaissance and attack multi-purpose drone that we specially prepared for the needs of special forces. I hope you will like it. "

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