Military Technology

Chapter 2816 Standards are the key to enterprise development

“Any enterprise should have its own set of execution standards, no matter what kind of enterprise it is, whether it is a multinational company, a large factory, or a cafe or a noodle shop, it should be the same.

Without standards, companies and stores that cannot be standardized will not last long. This is also the reason why many stores did very well in the beginning but gradually failed because they did not have their own standards and did not strictly standardize all product and service details.

Many things may seem unnecessary to you, but in fact they are very important because they are the key to ensuring the normal and healthy operation of a business.

Rather than saying that you tried your best and put your heart into it, this is good. Individuals' professional skill levels are different, and their efforts will naturally be different. Even for the word "intention", different people have different understandings.

In my opinion, you now belong to this kind of grass-roots team that has no standards and performs according to your own wishes. The fact that you are able to run this cafe is largely due to luck.

Another point is that the student group has limited spending power and limited requirements for services, so they care more about cost-effectiveness. Students can get plates and pour water themselves, but consumers in society are different. They value service more. With a certain economic foundation, they not only require better product quality, but also better services.

Some problems that are not problems in the eyes of the student group are problems in the eyes of these social consumer groups and are unacceptable. So you can recall for yourself, how many social consumers your cafe receives, and how many repeat customers are among these social consumers? "

But we are a cafe that mainly caters to students. Wu Tong retorted somewhat unconvinced.

Hearing Wu Tong's rebuttal, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Of course, there is no problem, but it does not mean that you can relax. You know, the competition in this market is also very fierce.

How to defeat other competitors, how to win more consumers, and how to secure your own customer base all require careful attention to detail.

And these details don't mean that if you pay attention to them today, you won't need to pay attention to them tomorrow. That's not the case. Persistence is the key to maintaining the healthy and stable development of an enterprise.

Only in this way will you have more and more customers and your business will become more and more prosperous. "

"What do you think we relied on to develop from a small studio with a few people to today's internationally renowned technology company?" Wu Hao asked Wu Tong.

Wu Tong thought for a moment, then pointed at Wu Hao and said, "You!"


Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, and then his forehead was covered with black lines, and he pretended to be angry: "Answer well."

Seeing Wu Hao getting angry, Wu Tong didn't dare to be naughty anymore. After thinking about it seriously, he replied: "Word of mouth, I think it is word of mouth. I remember you mentioned this word in several interviews."

Wu Hao then smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's word of mouth. This is the key to our growth. We were very weak at the beginning, a little-known small company. How to make consumers choose our products is also became a question for us to think about.

In addition to advanced technology, we believe that consumer reputation is crucial. One consumer's praise may not have much effect, but ten or a hundred, these consumers will drive other consumers, one to ten, ten to hundreds, hundreds to thousands, thousands to thousands, and so on. Through expansion, we have gained a firm foothold in the consumer digital electronics industry.

It is precisely because of this reputation that we have grown and won the trust of consumers. Now our product launches don’t even require publicity, consumers will help us promote them themselves.

We no longer need to guarantee or promise anything to consumers, because consumers have already established trust in our brand products. Even in the eyes of many people, our products are synonymous with excellent quality.

It is because of this that we have the confidence to stand up to competitors, opponents, and those with ulterior motives in foreign markets.

So how does word of mouth come about? This requires us to come up with excellent products and high-quality services. Only in this way can we win word of mouth.

So what can we do to ensure that every product we develop and produce and every sale is good? This requires standards.

Whether we are in a R\u0026D environment, a manufacturing environment, or a sales environment, we all have a very strict set of execution standards.

For example, I once put forward a standard, that is, the products developed and produced by our Haoyu Technology are flawless, and only such products can be allowed to be sold out of the factory.

It is precisely through such strict standardization of every detail that we can win the trust of consumers. "

After glancing at Wu Tong, Wu Hao continued: "Establishing a good reputation cannot be accomplished overnight, it requires continuous accumulation.

However, bad reputation is easy to establish. For example, if a consumer drinks a hair or a piece of mouse droppings from the coffee in your cafe, then the brand image and good reputation you established in the early stage will be lost. All in vain.

As these bad reputations spread, your business will get worse and worse, and you will eventually go out of business. "

"So how to prevent this from happening? It's not just as simple as telling everyone to pay attention to hygiene. It also requires a very strict set of production process standards.

For example, everyone's clothes must be neat and clean, there must be no fingernails on hands, and the store must be clean and tidy. Some important positions that come into contact with food must wear work clothes, headscarves, etc.

These can be determined through a set of strict standards, so that no matter whether the staff in your store changes, it will not affect the quality of your products and the quality of your services.

In addition, good standards and good systems are also the key to your development and growth. Of course you think it's easy to manage such a small cafe now, but when the cafe's area increases or there are other branches, it will be more difficult for you to manage it alone.

Even these jobs will completely bind you, leaving you without a chance to breathe, completely binding you to this position and unable to do anything else.

And if there are complete standards and systems in place, employees can implement them themselves according to these standards and systems, and your pressure will be reduced a lot.

This is also the reason why large companies use systems and standards to manage personnel and manage and operate the company. Small companies rely on people to manage people and manage and operate the business. Large companies rely on systems and standards to manage people and operate enterprises. "

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