Military Technology

Chapter 2834 Our technology is the best in the world

Latest website: Wu Hao also smiled and said: "As you know, I am not willing to report those data parameters in detail. I don't think it is of much significance, at least it is not of much significance to our people's daily life and experience. .

I don’t quite know when the parameters were announced at the popular press conference, and I don’t quite know whether these parameters are really felt by each consumer, or are they just a comfort in the heart.

Of course, in order to show everyone our technology and to facilitate everyone's understanding of our technology, we will publish the relevant data parameters. If you are interested, you can intercept the image, or go to our official website and social media Download from the account, we are making these public. "

Wu Hao's words once again made the boss of a certain manufacturer who was watching the press conference blush. Although Wu Hao did not directly name him, everyone knew who started this phenomenon.

We cannot say that this method is wrong, but marketing in this way is somewhat unethical. But what does it matter? For these manufacturers, as long as they make money. As for morality, it has long been thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

Wu Hao looked at the audience and said with a smile: "In fact, I can't say much about L4 high-end autonomous driving technology, because these have been explained thoroughly by our friends and businessmen a few days ago. , I won’t repeat it here.

Now let me introduce some of our own characteristics or unique understanding and technology specifically for the L4-level high-end autonomous driving technology we released this time.

First of all, like other manufacturers, our L4 high-end autonomous driving technology is divided into two parts: hardware system and software system.

Let’s first introduce the hardware system. In order to allow the vehicle to better perceive the surrounding environment, our system this time is equipped with a powerful hardware system, including industry-leading lidar, millimeter wave radar, and our unique compound eye lens. Through special grouping, our hardware system can sense tiny objects with a diameter of millimeters around the vehicle. Even a fly can be sensed by our hardware system.

Its ultra-long detection distance allows the front detection distance of the vehicle to reach about 200 to 250 meters, the sensing distance on both sides can reach about 50 to 80 meters, and the rear sensing distance is about 100 meters. .

Therefore, even at the limit speed of 180 kilometers per hour, this car can still accurately perceive the surrounding small dynamic information and process it in real time.

It is precisely because of such a pair of powerful eyes that our system can achieve such excellent performance. This is the foundation. Without a good hardware foundation, everything else is useless no matter how powerful it is.

In terms of current advanced lidar, millimeter wave radar and visual lenses, we have always been at the international leading level. It should be said that so far, in the international market, our products and our technology are the most advanced and the best. "


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone in the audience laughed.

Wu Hao also smiled and said: "I know that when I say this, some people may say that I have violated the advertising law, but what I want to say is that I am telling the truth. If you don't believe it, you can look it up yourself and see if there is any The company's products and technologies are ahead of ours.

Of course, what I am referring to here is technology that can be put into commercial use, not technology in the laboratory, because technology in the laboratory does not have much practical significance. "

"In fact, you don't need to check it, because I said this today. If that manufacturer feels that their hardware technology is more advanced than ours, they will definitely be the first to jump out and refute us.

We warmly welcome this. It is hoped that this method can promote technological research and innovation within the entire industry, thereby promoting the development of the entire industry, instead of investing more money in endless advertising and marketing to compete with whose advertising is better.

It is true that advertising and marketing is also a part of business, but it does not have much practical significance to our consumers. At most, it only adds a little more fame.

However, products without strength and technical support, no matter how famous they are, are just castles in the air and cannot withstand the slightest disturbance. "

Having said this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then said with a smile: "Technology is always the first competitiveness for enterprise development. As a technology enterprise, we must put technology research and development first.

Therefore, I advise some colleagues to play less tricks and do a good job in research and development seriously, so that they can achieve long-term success. "


After Wu Hao finished speaking, the entire scene exploded again.

Wu Hao's words are tantamount to criticizing the chaos in the entire industry. Although the specific person is not stated clearly, everyone basically knows who it is because this kind of direction is too strong.

In fact, the reason why Wu Hao said this was because he was forced to do so. Because someone provoked them first. In this case, they would naturally not be polite and fight back at a distance.

After giving everyone a little time to react and digest, Wu Hao continued: "The products and technologies I mentioned above can all be put into commercial mass production, and they are not castles in the air.

Of course, as a technology company that serves the majority of car companies, we are also willing to share these technology products with those partners who are willing to cooperate with us. Let us work together to promote the development and progress of the entire industry. "

Bang bang bang...

Wu Hao's words caused a round of applause, but after the applause, everyone realized that Wu Hao's words were meant for some people. That is, if you cooperate with them, you will have meat to eat. If you are not willing to cooperate with them, you will have no meat to eat.

As for those who angered them, let them go wherever they came from.

Such a powerful sensor system naturally requires a powerful brain for processing. For this reason, we have also equipped this system with our latest generation core processor, which can increase the computing power of the entire system by several orders of magnitude, thereby greatly Improved the performance of the entire system.

Moreover, the safety and reliability of this core system are very high. In order to ensure that it can operate stably for a long time and with high load in high-temperature environments, we have equipped it with a complete set of air-cooling heat dissipation systems to ensure The entire system operates without any downtime while the vehicle is driving, leading to accidents.

In order to reduce risks as much as possible, we designed a dual-core redundant design for this system. Dual-core computing can not only improve the computing speed of the entire system, but also increase its reliability and security. When one system has problems and goes down, another system will provide support to ensure the safety and reliability of the vehicle while driving.

After introducing the hardware system, the next step is the software system, which is also one of our strengths. In order to bring out the powerful performance of this hardware system, we equipped it with our latest generation intelligent system.

This system has powerful computing power, and it also has powerful learning capabilities. More importantly, it is smarter and smarter.

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