Military Technology

Chapter 2844 Technology Double Insurance

“As we all know, the placement of vehicle sensors is very particular. In order to be able to see further, to avoid damage and to avoid obstruction of the field of view, many cars place lidar and vision lenses on the roof of the car.

This is why we see horns, ears, or a bulge growing out of the roofs of many cars, which contain lidar and vision lenses. "

"There is a reason why it is placed like this. Because of the characteristics of lidar, it must be kept perpendicular to the ground so that its detection can be more accurate.

This is why it is not installed inside the windshield, because the glass will block and weaken the lidar detection and affect the accuracy of the detection data.

Therefore, these major car companies have no choice but to add a horn to their vehicles.

This can solve the problem, but it also adds a lot of problems. For example, this corner will destroy the integrity of the vehicle, thus affecting the appearance of the vehicle. This corner of the car will greatly increase the wind resistance coefficient of the vehicle during driving, which will have an impact on the vehicle's acceleration and the vehicle's fuel and electricity consumption. "

"As for us, in order to solve this problem, we have also made a lot of efforts in this area. We have applied for more than 200 related patents in this area alone. In the end, we made the entire sensor module like this A narrow strip of only thirteen millimeters.

The entire sensor module is thirteen millimeters wide, 210 millimeters long and seventy-five millimeters thick. We have integrated lidar, compound eye lens, telephoto lens and other sensors in it, and the performance is very powerful.

In order not to affect the appearance of the vehicle and to reduce the vehicle's wind resistance coefficient, we embedded the entire sensor module into the front cross member of the entire vehicle. "

"Of course, in order to allow the vehicle's front cross member to accommodate the entire sensor module without having any impact on the strength, thickness, and width of the front cross member itself, we have put a lot of effort into this aspect and finally developed a complete set of Technical solutions.

We will add this set of technical solutions and related patent licenses to our L4-level high-end autonomous driving technology solutions, and each car company can choose according to their actual needs.

Anyway, this is just a set of installation solutions. Perhaps the major car companies have their own better and proactive solutions, which we are also looking forward to. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present couldn't help laughing, and many people secretly complained. In the face of such a perfect solution, it is difficult to imagine other car companies having better solutions.

And the ready-made solutions are already here, so why would these car companies bother to come up with their own solutions, unless they want to do something different.

Such sensor modules are independent. Each car company can choose to place several modules according to its own needs. Normally, we recommend that a car put three sensor modules like this, two in the front and one in the back.

As you can see, there are such sensor modules on the left and right sides of the windshield of this vehicle, and there is another one at the rear of the vehicle.

In fact, it is enough to put one high-performance sensor module like this in a car, so why do we put three of them? This is mainly for safety.

First, the front two sensor modules are placed on both sides of the vehicle's front crossmember. The purpose of this design is, on the one hand, to more accurately detect objects and obstacles ahead through mutual folding verification of the left and right sensor module images.

For example, if there is a vertical steel piece or a steel wire in front of you, if it is a single sensor module, it may be difficult to find it because of the angle. And if two sensor modules verify each other, they can detect the upright steel piece or steel wire.

In addition, because there are two sensor modules on the left and right, its detection angle is wider. The traditional detection angle may only be 90 degrees, but the detection angle of our two sensors can reach 160 degrees.

In this way, the detected area is wider and the blind area will be smaller, which is more conducive to the vehicle's accurate detection of the front side road conditions and provides data support for the vehicle's autonomous driving.

Finally, these two sensor modules can back up each other. After a single sensor module fails, the other sensor module can still work normally and will not affect the normal driving of the vehicle. It will not immediately exit the autonomous driving mode, which can effectively ensure that the vehicle driving safety.

If it is a single sensor module or a single lidar, once a fault occurs while the vehicle is driving, the driver will not have time to react and take over the vehicle in time, which may cause the vehicle to be in danger.

As we all know, L3 level is assisted autonomous driving technology, so the driver will take over the vehicle in time. But with L4 high-end autonomous driving technology, car owners will enable this technology after meeting the requirements, and then no longer care about the vehicle, and the vehicle will drive completely autonomously.

If the sensor fails at this time, it is very dangerous.

And we use two sensor modules on the front side, which is equivalent to installing double insurance on the vehicle. This can greatly avoid the failure of a single sensor, resulting in a dangerous emergency situation in the vehicle.

As a product owner, we need to know where we can save and where we cannot. As a vehicle manufacturer, we must always put the safety of vehicles and passengers first, instead of just focusing on cost savings and increasing profits.

We also added a sensor module to the back of the vehicle. Usually, car manufacturers are reluctant to install lidar at the back because the cost is too high and because it is unnecessary.

So why do we insist on installation? This is mainly for safety. For the safety of the vehicle when reversing, and also for the safety of avoiding possible dangers from behind.

In recent years, a considerable number of assisted driving vehicle accidents are caused by rear-end collisions.

Because they abide by traffic laws and drive accordingly, self-driving vehicles are often rear-ended by vehicles driving illegally behind them. This is of course the responsibility of the other party, but it can also seriously affect the safety of the occupants in the vehicle.

So we installed a sensor module behind the car so that it can detect the road conditions behind it in real time. Avoid some fast vehicles behind you in time.

In addition, it can also identify special vehicles coming from behind, such as police cars, ambulances, fire trucks, etc., and avoid them in time, which other autonomous driving systems cannot do.

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