Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,206: Unfavorable Years

After reading "Five Elements of Divine Thunder" in his mind, Xiao Mian laughed sarcastically.

"Tch! This fierce girl is also from the Third Realm Ya Sheng Lei Zhen Palace, and she is a dignified ancestor of Yuanying. How can she speak so tastelessly?"

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"I vaguely remember: Back then, in the Wanbao Pavilion in Xianyang City, Qin County, the supreme secret code "The Shadowless Way of the Vacuum", which was also one of the three realms of sub-sages, appeared briefly! I remember that the transaction of "The Shadowless Way of the Vacuum" that day The price is only three million souls, right?"

"I understand! Are you saying that Thor is too greedy? You don't need to provoke me! Fatty, I don't believe it: You don't know about the auction of "The Shadowless Way of Vacuum" that day? To be honest, I, Wanbao Pavilion, prepared it that day I was prepared for the rejection because after all, the origin of "The Shadowless Way in a Vacuum" is unknown, and in the end it was just a favor..."

"A favor from three million spirits?"

"Let's not talk about these old things!" Xie Ying obviously didn't want to dwell on the past and said instead: "As you said, Lei Zhen Palace is the Third Realm Yasheng after all, and the Thunder God is the ancestor of Nascent Soul after all, so she is now The "Five Elements Divine Thunder" that was brought out is definitely of innocent origin. If not, our Xiangfu Chamber of Commerce will not agree! Besides, this is Tiandu City Tongbao Pavilion, not Xianyang City Wanbao Pavilion! Things change and people change."

"Brother thinks: How much is "Five Elements Divine Thunder" worth?"

"Thirty million is not too high, and ten million is not too low!"

"How about I let my little brother invest 10 million in the spirit to help that fierce girl become my wife?"

"This...brother, did you intercept Hu and come to my brother's place?"

"Brother! "Five Elements Divine Thunder" is of great use to me!"

"It's safe! It's safe! Fatty knows it!"

At that moment, Xie Ying came forward to negotiate with the God of Thunder.

Speaking of the God of Thunder, since she even took out the "Five Elements Divine Thunder", it shows that she is determined to win the thunder-eating cloud snake.

Although the price of 10 million Zhongling given by Xie Ying was not satisfactory, after careful consideration, Thor accepted Xie Ying's almost harsh deal.

After that, there was almost no need for Xiao Mian to come forward. Xie Ying directly withdrew ten million spirits from the account Xiao Mian had opened before, and the "Five Elements Divine Thunder" fell into Xiao Mian's hands.

At that moment, Xiao Mian's heart surged.

The Five Elements Sect is named after the Five Elements, and has always been unique in South Vietnam based on the Five Elements Taoism.

However, Xiao Mian knew very well: Although the Five Elements Sect has the cultivation method of the Five Elements Divine Light, it does not have the inheritance method of the Five Elements Divine Thunder.

Maybe there is, or maybe it's lost.

Now, with the "Five Elements Divine Thunder" in his hand, Xiao Mian has helped the sect recover its lost inheritance, which is a great honor for the sect's disciples.

After that, the auction ended successfully.

Before leaving, Xiao Mian asked Xie Ying to pay attention to the corpses of some high-level monsters - snake-shaped monsters above the eighth level or other suitable objects!

Although Xie Ying agreed wholeheartedly, he also told the truth: the bones of eighth-level monsters are already something that can only be found but cannot be sought. We can only wait and wait, and we cannot act too hastily.

In order to deceive others, Xiao Mian wanted to return to Fumanju through the teleportation array, and then return to Sibaotang from Fumanju, but was told that there was a malfunction in the teleportation array.

In desperation, Xiao Mian had to follow the crowd and leave Tongbao Pavilion.

Fortunately, Xiao Mian was quite confident in his breath-containing skills. As soon as he left Tongbao Pavilion, Xiao Mian found out that he was being watched...

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Mian stopped in an alley.

"Huh! Miss Lei! Let's go back to our homes if we are more exposed!"


In the silence, a pale white lightning fell from the sky.

The lightning shattered, revealing the God of Thunder wearing a ghost-headed mask. The two pupils hidden behind the ghost-headed mask were flashing with thunder and lightning.

"Thor! How are you doing?"

"Let me ask you: Did you get the "Five Elements Divine Thunder"?"

"So what if it is? So what if it is not? Our Nanyue Five Elements Sect is already proficient in the Five Elements Taoism, and thunder method is also one of the Taoism. The Five Elements Sect has no shortage of "Five Elements Divine Thunder"!"

Xiao Mian's words were a bit like trying to make someone look fat.

"Hmph! The matter of "Five Elements Divine Thunder" was caused by my God of Thunder's negligence, no one else is to blame. But Xiao Mian, I'm warning you: you'd better be calm in front of me in the future!"

After saying this, the God of Thunder transformed into a bolt of lightning and disappeared.

It's as if the God of Thunder came here just to warn Xiao Mian...

Shaking his head fiercely, Xiao Mian wanted to get the God of Thunder out of his mind, but his expression suddenly changed slightly and he smiled bitterly in his heart.

The next moment, a traceless haze rushed towards the face.

Poisonous smoke!

Xiao Mian didn't think so at first. With his current knowledge of the "Ten Thousand Poison Curse", ordinary seventh-level poisons were not enough to poison Xiao Mian.

Not wanting the poisonous smoke to enter his body, Xiao Mian was shocked.

This inconspicuous poisonous smoke is not a seventh-level poison, but an eighth-level poison!

The eighth-level poison is enough to poison the first-level ancestor of Nascent Soul without even realizing it!

As soon as this thought occurred, the poisonous relics in Xiao Mian's body began to circulate crazily, blood circulated rapidly, and powerful vitality circulated throughout Xiao Mian's body.

Even so, Xiao Mian could still feel the eighth-level poison corroding his body - the poison relic could not completely shield the eighth-level poison after all!

The next moment, a ray of sword light stabbed directly into Xiao Mian's vest.

With all his strength, Xiao Mian moved an inch laterally and forcefully moved his heart away. The sword light passed through his body and brought out a pool of blood.

"Giggle! Not bad! He was poisoned by an eighth-level strange poison, but he still controlled his body to avoid the flying sword in a moment. Xiao Mian of Nanyue is really extraordinary!"

"You...who are you!?"

"Hmph! Originally I thought I had to wait until the Tiandu Martial Arts Tournament before I could compete with you, but I didn't expect that God would send you to the slave family so soon!"

Completely ignoring Xiao Mian's questioning, the man only heard his voice but not his person.

"It's you! You're the one who bid for the five-color tobacco..."

"Brother Xiao is indeed an exquisite and clear person. It's a pity that such an interesting and wonderful person may die here tonight!"

While speaking, the female cultivator used the flying sword to shuttle back and forth.

Although Xiao Mian tried his best to avoid the vital parts of his heart, but under the suppression of the weird eighth-level poison, Xiao Mian was still completely injured by the flying sword.

"Brother Xiao! The slave family and you have no grudges in the past and no grudges in recent times. It is really out of necessity that we take this step. If you can hand over the five-color tobacco..."

"Cough! Cough...cough! It's easy to say! It's easy to say! Since fellow Taoist came here for the five-color tobacco and used eighth-level strange poison to restrain Xiao, he must be an expert in using poison! Let me guess Guess: Fellow Taoist, could it be that he is a disciple of the ancestor of the Five Poisons in Jizhou Realm?"

"..., Master once said: People who are too smart never live long!"

As he spoke, a looming figure appeared in the alley.

The beautiful shadow suddenly exploded, turning into waves of real and illusory peach-colored smoke, covering the motionless Xiao Mian, and completely burying him.

At the same time, the sword light flashed, and the flying sword stained with Xiao Mian's blood plunged into the smoke like a life-threatening sword...

A crisp sound resounded through the night sky.

Immediately afterwards, a burst of golden light shot into the sky and pierced the smoke.

With an exclamation, the smoke dissipated, and Xiao Mian appeared intact.

As for the flying sword that once caused Xiao Mian so much pain, Xiao Mian clamped it on his fingertips. With a little force between his two fingers, the flying sword was broken into pieces by Xiao Mian!

"My master once said: If you often walk at night, you will inevitably see ghosts! Fellow Taoist, be careful!"

"Hmph! Xiao Mian! Nanyue Xiao Mian! I remember you! Just wait for me!"

With a roar, the female cultivator turned into a poisonous mist and drifted away.

Xiao Mian was too lazy to catch up. If the female cultivator was really a descendant of the ancestor of the Five Poisons of Jizhou Realm, he and she would definitely meet again.

Besides, judging from the other party's last words, even if Xiao Mian didn't want to see the other party, the other party probably wouldn't let him do so!

If soldiers come to block you and water comes to cover you, what should you be afraid of?

As long as Xiao Mian's "Ten Thousand Poison Curses" can be advanced, even the eighth level of strange poisons may not have any impact on him.

At that time, the female cultivator would look like a tigress with her teeth pulled out in front of Xiao Mian!

The only thing that made Xiao Mian suspicious was how the female cultivator found him.

But after thinking about it again, Xiao Mian felt relieved - at the auction before, the female cultivator had used the excuse to observe the group of five-color cigarettes at close range.

If that female cultivator is the proud disciple of the Five Poison Patriarch, then it is not surprising that she followed Xiao Mian from Wu Color Yanluo...

The "Poison Sutra" that Bai Caiwei gave to Xiao Mian recorded the wonderful method of using poison as a lure to track the enemy, but Xiao Mian didn't think of it for a while.

As for the previous tragic situation, it was just a trick designed by Xiao Mian to paralyze the other party and then obtain the other party's background and intentions.

It is true that Xiao Mian cannot crack the eighth-level poison.

But being unable to crack it does not mean that Xiao Mian will be eaten to death. After all, Xiao Mian is a fellow practitioner of the Three Meridians, and he is protected by the divine light of the Three Purities.

As long as Xiao Mian is willing, he can collect the toxins that invade his body into the poison relic at any time - the poison relic today is no longer the original decoration!

It's rare for high-end goods like eighth-level poison to be delivered to your door. How can Xiao Mian waste it?

In the past, Xiao Mian had forced all the eighth-level poisons that had invaded his body into the poison relics, and would slowly refine them when he had time in the future.

As for the flying sword of the female cultivator, every time it passed through Xiao Mian's body, not only was it unable to cause much damage to Xiao Mian's abnormal body, but it was corroded by all kinds of assimilated poisons contained in Xiao Mian's blood, and was finally destroyed by Xiao Mian. Breaks easily.

It's also to blame that the female cultivator was too immersed in the poison path, so she fell behind when it came to flying swords. Not only was the quality of the flying swords poor, but her sword handling skills were also a bit clumsy.

After frightening the female cultivator away, Xiao Mian shook his head and left the place of right and wrong.

I don’t think tonight is destined to be a bad year!

Seeing the Four Treasures Hall in sight, Xiao Mian had to stop again.

Looking around, I saw a person standing upright in front of the Four Treasures Hall with his hands behind his back.

It looked like he was waiting for Xiao Mian to come back.


Exhaling a breath of turbid air, Xiao Mian strode forward to meet him.

People have already come to the door. It would be unsatisfactory to push and block her further. Besides, if you can hide from the first grade of junior high school, you can't hide from the fifteenth grade. There must be an end to it.

In front of the Four Treasures Hall, Xiao Mian faced the man face to face.

"Are you Xiao Mian of Nanyue?"

"Yes! I am Xiao Mian of Nanyue! Who are you? Although Mr. Xiao is an unknown person, his subordinates do not kill unknown people!"

When Xiao Mian said this, he felt quite angry inside.

I wonder who this young master has provoked?

I had to go out to attend an auction, but on my way back I encountered such troubles and troubles again and again.

Do you treat me, Xiao Mian of South Vietnam, as a human sandbag?

"People say that Xiao Mian of South Vietnam has a ravine in his chest and a world hidden in his belly. He is not only cunning and cunning, but he is also far-sighted. Now it seems that it is difficult to live up to his reputation!"


Facing the other party's ridicule, Xiao Mian remained silent.

The next moment, there was a faint smile, and a ray of dawn shone through the world.

The dawn starts at one point and ends at one point, all focused on that person.

The brilliance suddenly appeared, and Xiao Mian saw that there was a gorgeous bicycle frame behind the man.

You can see that the carriage is all white, with white horses, white carriages, white reins, and white seats. Then look at the man, who is wearing a white scarf, white robe, white shoes, and even waving a white fan.

The appearance of the brilliant avenue is approaching.

For a moment, Xiao Mian even suspected that the other party was a Buddhist sect.

But soon, Xiao Mian knew that his suspicion was wrong - just because that man had black hair, flowing in the wind.

Of course, the more important thing is: Xiao Mian did not sense the slightest bit of Buddha nature in that person!

As his cultivation level improved, although Xiao Mian's Buddha nature showed no signs of growing, his ability to sense Buddha nature was increasing day by day.

Ordinary Buddhist practitioners have no way to hide in front of Xiao Mian.

"South Vietnam Xiao Mian! The Tiandu Martial Arts Tournament is approaching, and there will always be a time for you and me to fight!" The man in white waved the white folding fan in his hand and smiled calmly at Xiao Mian: "I just hope that before that, you don't die. Ah! Otherwise, I, Wei Beiyuan, will be very disappointed!"

"Wei Beiyuan!?"

Xiao Miancai's expression suddenly changed. The white-clothed monk who called himself Wei Beiyuan had already turned over and jumped onto the white carriage, stepping through the night and drifting away.

Xiao Mian was left alone, dazed in front of the Four Treasures Hall.

Wei Beiyuan?

This person's surname is Wei?

I just don’t know what the relationship between this man and the Demon Emperor of Northern Wei State, Wei Changtian, is...

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