Mind Cultivation Record

Chapter 1,207 Scapegoat

Xiao Mian went to Tongbao Pavilion this time with the intention of collecting the corpses of the eighth-level snake-shaped monster. He did not want to participate in an auction, but found nothing.

Because of this, the refining of the Soaring Snake Talisman had to be put on hold temporarily.

After returning to the Four Treasures Hall, Xiao Mian had nothing to do and began to refine the eighth-level poisons that were inhaled by the poison relics.

By comparing it with the "Poison Sutra", Xiao Mian understood the details of this eighth-level poison.

Red letter kiss!

The poison of the red letter kiss is not outstanding among eighth-level poisons. It can be seen that either the female cultivator is merciful, or the other party is unable to control it.

It is naturally impossible to be merciful, so the only possible explanation is the latter.

Obviously, even if the female cultivator is really a disciple of the ancestor of Wan Du, her attainments in poison are on par with Xiao Mian today.

Even if it catches up a little, it won't exceed it by much...

I'm afraid that's why the other party is so interested in that ball of five-color tobacco.

Five-color tobacco, ninth level poison!

To ordinary monks, five-color tobacco is just a deadly poison, but to poison cultivators, five-color tobacco is equivalent to a sharp weapon for attacking difficult situations.

After coming to this conclusion, Xiao Mian calmed down.

The grade of five-color cigarettes is as high as the ninth level. Now Xiao Mian does not even dare to be careless with eighth-level poisons, and naturally he does not dare to be contaminated by five-color cigarettes easily.

On the other hand, although this red letter hook kiss is ranked eighth level, its appearance is not outstanding, and because the weight of it entering the body is not large, it is just suitable for Xiao Mian's use.

Because of this, Xiao Mian stayed behind closed doors for the next few days.

Seven days passed in a flash, and Xiao Mian's merits and deeds were completed.

After refining the red letter into his body, Xiao Mian could clearly feel that the strength of his body had increased.

Obviously, after practicing the "Ten Thousand Poison Curse" to this day, ordinary poisons below the seventh level can no longer effectively stimulate Xiao Mian's progress.

Only poisons above the eighth level can have magical effects.

It's just an eighth-level poison that's worth a lot of money, and what's even more rare is that it's hard to find.

Even with the help of Xie Ying and the Xiangfu Chamber of Commerce, it was not easy for Xiao Mian to purchase suitable eighth-level poisons, and it would cost a large amount of spiritual stones.

Even though Xiao Mian's current wealth is enough to defeat most of the first-level ancestors of Nascent Soul, Xiao Mian's daily expenses are actually not trivial.

Just as he was sighing, Xiao Mian frowned and took out the Beidou Sinan Pan.

The person who took the initiative to contact Xiao Mian was not Moyin or anyone else, but Heisha Ji.

Putting away the Beidou Division Nanpan, Xiao Mian thought about the news delivered by Heisha Ji - the previous collegial meeting of the four states will be held in the near future.

In the Qiankun Tower, the monks from the four states will finalize the final step!

Hei Sha Ji sent a message this time to ask Xiao Mian to gather at the Qiankun Tower to participate in the grand event.

After thinking about it silently, it was already August 23rd, and September was only seven days away. If those people wanted to take action, they really didn't have much time...

After making this calculation, Xiao Mian walked out of the Four Treasures Hall and went to the Qiankun Tower.

In the Qiankun Tower, Xiao Mian met the seven Nascent Soul Ancestors as expected.

They just said that they had important matters to discuss, but everyone at the table had little conversation.

Heisha Ji was taciturn, the spiritual monk only closed his eyes and chanted sutras, Yelusha didn't even look at Xiao Mian, and the three Nascent Soul Ancestors from Soochow Province stayed out of the matter.

Only the ancestor of Shengyin from the Holy Harem smiled brightly at Xiao Mianqiao.

"Xiao Mian! At such a young age, you can be on an equal footing with us and other Yuan Ying ancestors. It's really commendable!"

"My ancestor has been praised too much! How can I be so virtuous and capable as a kid? It's all the seniors who are looking up to me!"

"Xiao Mian! Since you are here tonight, there is no need to be restrained! If you have something to say, you might as well speak up. Of course, if you want to talk to my sister about something else..."

While speaking, the ancestor of Shengyin twisted his waist and walked towards Xiao Mian step by step.

Every time he took a step, the appearance of the ancestor of Shengyin changed. When he was three steps away from Xiao Mian, the appearance of the ancestor of Shengyin actually changed into the appearance of Hemerocallis!

At this time, Xiao Mian seemed to have been subjected to a restraining technique, staring at the ancestor of Shengyin motionlessly.

The depths of the eyes are full of the face of day lilies...

The corner of his lips curled up, and the ancestor of Shengyin sneered in his heart.

What people say about Nanyue Xiao Mian, isn't he fascinated by his own thousand faces of Ruyi, or is he captured by his own hands?

The Thousand Faces of Ruyi is both a magic weapon and a magical power.

Just like Huijing's "Sacred Law of Fighting", after practicing to the Mahayana, you can condense the golden stick of fighting.

This Thousand Faces of Ruyi, as the name suggests, can change the appearance of the Holy Yin Patriarch into what the enemy imagines, thereby confusing the enemy, and even killing the enemy.

Besides, it's three steps away and within arm's reach.

Seeing Xiao Mian being controlled by his Thousand Faces of Ruyi, the ancestor of Shengyin sneered, and slowly stretched out his snow-white plain hands, with sharp blades like sharp edges, and brought them together to form a blade, and stabbed Xiao Mian.

If the thorn was strong this time, Xiao Mian would definitely be splashed with blood for five steps.

Seeing this, Heisha Ji, who was already a little unhappy, wanted to move. Unexpectedly, the Buddha's light disappeared in a flash, and Benchu, the spiritual monk with his eyes tightly closed, stood in front of Heisha Ji.

Before Heisha Ji's expression changed, there was a pop and blood suddenly appeared!

Immediately afterwards, there was a scream and an explosion, bringing out a golden light that shot into the sky.

With one move, it was not Xiao Mian who was injured, but the Shengyin Ancestor.

"Ancestor Shengyin! No matter how much you say that you are a senior, why would you make such a joke with a junior? But this joke of yours is not funny at all! Mr. Xiao hates things that harm his family the most in his life. Shengyin Ancestor, you’d better give me a reason!”

Xiao Mian, who said this, stood there with a serious expression.

Besides, at this time, Patriarch Shengyin attacked Xiao Mian's right hand, and the fingertips were shattered one after another. Even the five white onion-like jade fingers also showed traces of blood.

In one move, instead of hurting Xiao Mian, she was injured by Xiao Mian.

The only reason is that the ancestor of Shengyin was too confident in her Ruyi Thousand Faces. Although she found out that Hemerocallis was Xiao Mian's sweetheart, she forgot that Xiao Mian was proficient in body refining.

If Xiao Mian was really deceived by the Thousand Ruyi Faces, it would naturally be harmless. The problem is that Xiao Mian had a heartfelt conflict with Patriarch Shengyin from the moment they met. Therefore, when Patriarch Shengyin activated Thousand Ruyi Faces, Xiao Mian Mian felt something in his heart. With the help of the Royal Divine Mirror, the Ruyi Thousand Faces of Patriarch Shengyin could not confuse Xiao Mian at all.

Three steps away, within reach of a punch!

"Reason? Huh! Xiao Mian! Just wait to collect the body of your sweetheart!"

"Master Shengyin's words are wrong! His little lover is certainly doomed, but do you think he can escape tonight?"

Sui Miyun's words clearly had bad intentions.

At the same time, the space trembled, and the elegant room where everyone was located actually activated the function of hiding the universe, bringing everyone into an alien space.

Seeing this, Xiao Mian was unmoved.

"You! How dare you plan to harm me!?" But it was Heisha Ji who suddenly became angry and asked angrily - obviously, even she was kept in the dark!

"Benchu! What did you say?"

"Amitabha!" Benchu, the spiritual monk, clasped his hands and said calmly to Xiao Mian: "The poor monk has nothing to do with Donor Xiao! However, Donor Xiao did not discriminate, so he committed murder and plotted against Sheng Yin @Fellow Taoist, it really harms the harmonious atmosphere of our four states participating in this grand event. It is impossible to say that this poor monk can only embarrass the benefactor!"

"Oh? I wonder how Senior Benchu ​​plans to embarrass this kid?"

"If Almsgiver Xiao agrees to stay here tonight and wait for our major events in the three states to be settled, I, the poor monk, can keep you safe and sound!"

"Tonight? That's it! What is the last step to discuss this important matter? It turns out that you have already decided everything internally. Presumably at this moment, the monks belonging to Sanzhou are escaping from Tiandu City? The so-called The last step is just to find a scapegoat. How lucky is Xiao that he can help you take the blame!" Looking at the Nascent Soul Ancestors at the scene, Xiao Mian changed the topic: "But you are plotting against me. I have nothing to say, but you shouldn’t plot against Sibaotang!”

"Hmph! Sibao Hall! People always think that it is the property under the name of Tongbao Pavilion, but according to the information we have found out, it is clearly your private property, Xiao Mian!"

"That's just the past! After tonight, there will be no more Four Treasures Hall in Tiandu City!"

"And you, Nanyue Xiao Mian, I have to wait and see whether you can see the sun tomorrow..."

"If you are obedient, for the sake of that old monster Wan Zongsheng, we might not make things difficult for you."

"But if you continue to behave like this, don't blame us for crushing you to ashes!"

"Hmph! Although Wan Zongsheng is a powerful person in the Tianzun realm, our sects also have strong people in the Tianzun realm. As long as the reasons are sufficient, why should we be afraid of him?"

Ancestor Shengyin and Sui Miyun, you speak to me.

Heisha Ji, furious, stared at Ben Chu in front of her.

Ben Chu did not dodge, blocking the sight between Hei Shaji and Xiao Mian.

The ancestors of Shengyin and Sui Miyun looked at Xiao Mian with increasingly unkind expressions. As for the other two ancestors of Nascent Soul in Soochow Province, they looked like they were watching from the wall.

Yelusha never looked at Xiao Mian from the beginning to the end...

"Huh!" Slowly exhaling a breath, Xiao Mian suddenly smiled: "Ha! I already knew that you old ghosts didn't hold anything back, so you were here waiting for me? Did you expose this? A layer of window paper is also good, it saves me from worrying about it!"

"Xiao Mian! You don't have to be pretentious! I've long heard that you can cross levels to challenge and ignore the Nascent Soul Ancestor, but don't even look at it: there are several Nascent Soul Ancestors on the scene!"

"Ancestor Shengyin! You don't have to scare me!" Xiao Mian glanced at Ancestor Shengyin lightly, and his eyes stopped passing by Ancestor Shengyin and Lingseng Benchu, and instead focused on the three people in Soochow Prefecture. Ancestor named Nascent Soul smiled calmly: "I can't say, if I dare to be bold tonight, I will try to learn the special skills of the three seniors from Soochow Province!"

As soon as Xiao Mian said this, Sui Miyun's face changed slightly, and even the ancestor of Shengyin also looked unhappy.

Xiao Mian's words made it clear that he didn't take her seriously?

But at the next moment, before Ancestor Shengyin could attack again, Yelusha, who had been staying out of the situation, took a step away and cut off the sight of Ancestor Shengyin and Xiao Mian.

Just as the spiritual monk initially restrained Heisha Ji, Yelusha actually followed suit and restrained the ancestor of Shengyin.

At this moment, the expression of Patriarch Shengyin changed drastically.

"Yelusha! Do you dare to ignore the orders of my Holy Harem?"

"I, Yelusha, live as a member of the Heavenly Demon Palace and die as a demon in the Heavenly Demon Palace. When will the orders of your Holy Empress be able to restrain me, Yelusha?"

Lightly, Yelusha looked directly at the ancestor of Shengyin, calmly.

"Heisha Ji! Yelusha! Do you think that with the two of you helping him, this kid can escape? Huh!" With a cold snort, Sui Miyun gave a sinister smile: "That's good! Originally, I thought It's a big fuss, and now it's time for Sui to go back and forth to this boy from Nanyue Prefecture, to let him know: There are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the world! "

"Senior Sui said it well! I just wonder, does Senior Sui dare to challenge me to a duel?"

"This..." Sui Miyun, who was originally so heroic, was choked up by Xiao Mian's words, but soon he exclaimed: "How brave!"

But it turned out that just when Sui Miyun's momentum was stagnant, a gray sword light had already broken through the air and shot directly towards Sui Miyun's face.

Immediately afterwards, a humanoid puppet rose into the sky and glared at Sui Miyun.

After releasing Guitou to fight against Sui Miyun, Xiao Mian had to fight against the other two Nascent Soul Ancestors in Soochow State alone.

These two people, who looked the same, were twins from the same mother.

The eldest brother's name is Zhan Ying, and the second brother's name is Zhan Peng. Although they follow Sui Miyun's orders, they are both considered to be powerful among the first-level Nascent Soul monks.

What's even more rare is that the two brothers have a spiritual connection in heaven, and have refined a set of joint attack tactics. The two brothers are of the same mind, and they are strong enough to rival the mid-level monks of Nascent Soul.

Now that their faces have been broken, everyone will naturally not just talk without practicing.

Therefore, while Guitou and Sui Miyun were fighting, the two brothers of the Zhan family had already launched their own offensives towards Xiao Mian.

At this time, Xiao Mian naturally would not sit still and wait for death.

The Sun and Moon swords plus the Five Spirit Swords formed the Seven-Yam Sword Formation, which was pushed to the front by Xiao Mian to withstand the advance attack of the two brothers of the Zhan family.

The Star Magnetic Divine Sword is like a venomous snake spitting out its message, holding it in its mouth but not speaking out, hiding it but not showing it, pressing behind it, always looking for the best opportunity to defeat the enemy.

Seventy-seven forty-nine pieces of the Five Spiritual Bi were flying around, completely defending Xiao Mian's body.

Among the five colors of light, the imperial mirror hung above Xiao Mian's head, rotating slowly.

The red and blue colors are brilliant, with a hint of golden light flickering...

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