Hala's careful thinking had already been discovered by Hadoth, and he wouldn't let that happen.

The previous rebellion of Nava had already given Hades a warning.

Nava, who possessed the Naga bloodline, not only did not become the help of Hades, but also gave him a potential enemy.

Stydos looked at Hala with a look in his eyes, and he didn't know if he should give him the Elixir of the Blood Returning Herb.

On the one hand, if he gave it to him, he would be able to use Hala to find the traces of those three people, as long as he found the traces of those three people, these people would be able to take action and remove Fang Qingyan and the others.

On the other hand, Hados was also worried that once he gave the potion to Hara, it would increase Hara's strength and make it out of his control.

After thinking about it inwardly, Hades didn't intend to take this risk.

Hala heard Hados's words and knew that her inner thoughts had been exposed, but it didn't panic at all, and she still looked like she was grinning on the surface.

Hala smiled and said, "I didn't force it, I just discussed it with you, and if you don't want to, I'll just not mention it." "

Listening to Hara's words, Meditate's face suddenly darkened.

From these words alone, Hados sensed that Hala had betrayed him.

But Hara's ability is too important to him, they have been looking here for so long, if they really want to find Fang Qingyan and the others, they must rely on Hara's help.

Thinking of this, Stydos's face instantly turned from gloomy to smiling.

Hados smiled and said, "Halo, look, we are all working for that evil star, and I have sworn that as long as you can catch those three people, I will definitely give you the Bloodshed Returning Grass." "

"Besides, it's not like you don't know how much impact Nava's strength has caused on us by taking so many people away before. "

As he spoke, Stydos pretended to be sad, and with the few tears squeezing from his eyes, it really gave people the idea of wanting sympathy.

If Hala hadn't spent so much time with him, she would have been deceived by his appearance.

Hala sneered and said, "You don't have to give me this expression, you've lived for so many years, what kind of things haven't you experienced? "

Hara's taunt made Hades instantly shatter, and the sad expression on his face was instantly retracted, as if it had never happened.

I can add one more to the original agreement, as long as you can find any trace of those three people, I will give you a drop of the medicinal liquid of the Molting Blood Returning Ancestral Grass, and I will do what I say." "

In order to get Hala to help him sincerely, Hados tried his best, and finally decided to use the Molting Atavistic Grass to tempt it.

And it was just like these words that Hala's attention was instantly attracted.

"What you said is true, as long as I can find the whereabouts of those three people, are you willing to give me the medicinal liquid of the Blood Shedding Ancestral Herb?"

Hala's eyes widened, quietly waiting for Stydos' reply, and when he saw Stydos nodding at him, the stone in his heart instantly sank.

Hala said excitedly: "Don't worry, give me half a day, I will definitely find the whereabouts of those three people." "

I saw Hala suddenly close her eyes, and in addition to her nose, the other five senses of the six senses were directly blocked.

Hala's nose moved slightly, sniffing the smell in the air, looking for the breath of Fang Qingyan and the others.


And at this moment, Fang Qingyan and the three of them also encountered the phantom mantis that had been reconnoitred back.

According to the Golden Dragon Instrument Spirit's answer, Fang Qingyan got the specific information of those people from the mouth of this phantom mantis.

When Fang Qingyan heard what Hala said, the pupils in his eyes slowly contracted, his momentum slowly expanded, and the killing intent around his body turned into substance.

Fang Qingyan said angrily: "I want to see what kind of skills that guy has, and when I meet them, I must make them pay." "

Bidding farewell to the phantom mantis, Fang Qingyan's speed instantly accelerated.

At the same time that Fang Qingyan arrived, Hala also relied on his sense of smell to find the approximate location of Fang Qingyan and the others.

Hala opened her eyes, her eyes bloodshot, the tip of her nose radiating heat, and her momentum had dropped from before.

Hala smiled and said, "Living up to expectations, I probably already know where those three people are going, and if I move in this direction, I should be able to find more breath about those three people." "

"As long as I capture enough breath, I'll be able to know where those three people are?"

When Haldus heard Hara's words, his breathing immediately became short.

"Now that we have found the approximate whereabouts of those three people, let's hurry up, as long as we see those three people, I will immediately give you the medicinal liquid of the Blood Returning Herb. "

"Rest assured, the other brothers, when I find those three people, I will also give them the rewards they deserve. "

When the others heard the words of Stydos, their hearts also became motivated.

Hados led the others and sped away in that direction.

Fang Qingyan and the three of them, who were rushing over, suddenly felt the vibration of the ground under their feet, and their eyes instantly looked in the direction where the vibration came from.

Fang Qingyan said quickly: "It seems that that the group of people should have found our location, let's make some traps and wait for that group of people to arrive." "

When Qin and Great Elder Colin heard Fang Qingyan's words, they inexplicably mourned for a few seconds in their hearts.

After getting along for so long, the two knew that Fang Qingyan's bad ideas were completely different from usual, and even the two of them didn't know where Fang Qingyan's bad water was hidden.

Fang Qingyan took out the Nine Treasures toolbox and quickly made a lot of formations around.

After the formation was completed, Fang Qingyan put some of the artifacts made during this time into the formation.

He connected the tipping points of these artifacts with the formation, and as long as those people entered the formation, these artifacts would detonate along with the formation.

Great Elder Colin assisted from the side, and Fang Qingyan covered the formation at a very fast speed before those people came.

"Let's see who is the first to rush to the front?"

Fang Qingyan subconsciously imagined the scene when those people stepped into the formation, and the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly came out.

Soon, as soon as Fang Qingyan hid, Hala had already led Stydos and the others to appear in this area.

Hala landed on all fours, her nose twitching, sniffing the air around her.

"Hey, there's something strange about this place. "

Hala stood up from the ground and said with some confusion.

Hados watched as Hala stood still, unaware of what was happening.

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