Hados walked over to Hala and asked, confused.

"What the hell is going on? Why don't you go forward? According to your reasoning, we should soon be able to find the traces of those three people, and if we find them, we will be able to avenge my brother. "

Hala shook her head, her eyes scanning her surroundings tightly.

"It's a little strange, the smell of the three people along the way is very light, but here, the smell is very strong. Now, in this place, the smell of those three is hundreds of times stronger than before. "

"I reckon that if these three people hadn't been hiding in this area, they might have been in this area for a long time. "

Hearing Hara's analysis, Stydos immediately alerted the surrounding environment in case Fang Qingyan and the three of them suddenly attacked.

But what they didn't know was that Fang Qingyan and the others had already prepared.

Fang Qingyan used the laws of time and space to directly hide the traces of the three of them between reality and the past.

No matter how many people searched, there was no way to find any trace of those three people.

After a delay of three hours here, Stydos still didn't find the location of Fang Qingyan and the others.

"I didn't find any trace of those three people, it is estimated that those three people should have been in this area for a long time, let's hurry up!"

After saying that, Hados began to lead the others forward again.

But Hara didn't think so, he always felt that there was a danger wrapped around him, so he subconsciously walked behind everyone.

Hala said suspiciously: "It's really strange enough, that starry sky giant beast left here with those three people, according to the smell along the way, there should be the smell of those starry sky giant beasts." "

"But in this area, the smell of those starry sky beasts is very faint, and there must be something strange. "

Thinking about it, the wave of people who walked in the front finally stepped into Fang Qingyan's formation.

"Boom. "

Hearing only a loud bang, the three people with the fastest speed turned into a mess of flesh and blood directly under the explosion of the formation and artifact.

Drops of blood fell from the sky, and shattered corpses fell on the bodies of the other survivors.

And because of the self-explosion of the formation and artifact, in addition to the three people who died, there were more than a dozen people who were seriously injured.

Fang Qingyan listened to the roar, and a smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Of the fifty-four, three were dead, eleven were seriously wounded, and forty were left to be dealt with. "

When Qin and Grand Elder Colin heard Fang Qingyan's words, they began to analyze the gap between their two sides, looking for weaknesses to break through against each other.

While Fang Qingyan and the three of them were analyzing, Hadesos and Hala were directly stunned in place because of the roar of the formation's self-detonation.

These two people never thought that Fang Qingyan and the three would actually set a trap in this place.

The roar of the explosion caused a commotion throughout the group, causing some people to subconsciously break away from the group and begin to flee into the distance.

Stydos looked at the fleeing men and hurriedly shouted, trying to call them back.

But these people were frightened, how could they still listen to the words of Hades.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There were three more roars, and some of these fleeing people stepped on the trap set by Fang Qingyan.

The self-detonation of the three traps directly caused Hados to lose ten more of his men.

Stydos listened to the roar in his ears, and immediately encouraged the power in his body to operate in his mouth.

"Don't run, those guys are hiding in the shadows, I don't know how many traps have been set around, and if you run around, you will definitely step on the traps they ambushed. "

"Only when we get together now can we keep everyone safe, everyone listens to me, and converges in my direction. "

Fear and fear forced everyone to act immediately, and in just five seconds, Hades' side had gathered the rest of his men alive.

Even those who were seriously injured moved quickly in the direction of Hades, out of their thirst for life.

Hados's eyes were gloomy, and his eyes quickly counted the surviving people around him.

"It's really careless, these four traps alone have cost me nearly half of my people. Now there are forty-one survivors left, only thirty have full combat strength, and the remaining eleven can guarantee their own life safety. "

"Shouldn't I really chase those three people?"

At this moment, Hades's mind suddenly recalled Nava's words.

At this moment, he also felt the evil sect of Fang Qingyan and the others, and subconsciously didn't want to provoke Fang Qingyan and the others.

It's just that this thought only lasted for a moment, and it was suppressed by anger.

Hados looked at the surrounding environment and immediately asked everyone to set up defenses, some took out precious defensive artifacts, and some carved defensive runes on their bodies.

But even if it was this method, Shen Duosi was not sure, after all, Fang Qingyan and the three of them were in the dark, and they were in the light.

Stydos took a deep breath and shouted loudly into the sky.

"What kind of ability is an ambush trap, if you have the ability to stand up and fight with me, don't hide in the shadows. "

Stydos shouted over and over again, but no matter how he shouted, Fang Qingyan and the three of them always stood still.

Hala stood behind Hades, looking at his crazy appearance, and regretted that she had joined Hades's camp.

Hala looked in the direction behind her and decided to break away from Hades, going it alone.

"The sense of danger is getting stronger and stronger, and if I don't leave, I'm definitely going to die here. "

Relying on that sixth sense in his heart, Hala had sensed that the danger around him was getting stronger and stronger, and this strong sense of danger prompted him to think more and more about running away.

"Whoosh. "

Hala kicked her feet on the ground and ran quickly in the direction she had come from.

But Fang Qingyan had already expected this, and as soon as Hala left this area, the figure of the Great Elder Colin immediately transformed from the encirclement of the laws of time and space.

Grand Elder Colin held two giant axes in his hands, like a warrior in the sky, and smashed straight towards Halra's figure.

"When. "

Hala was defenseless, and her whole body was directly smashed into the earth by the giant axe, and the power contained in the axes was accepted by Hala head-on.

The bones of the whole body were directly shattered at the same time as the giant axe collided.

Hados didn't expect Hala to escape, and he didn't expect Grand Elder Colin to come out of the shadows.

"All of them are attacking in that direction. "

Looking at the location of the Great Elder of Colin, Hades immediately commanded everyone to act.

And Hara, who was lying on the ground, was like an abandonment, and no one paid attention to it at all.

After a powerful attack, Hala was instantly reduced to ashes.

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