In the game, as long as the message is torn open, it can no longer be contained.

After Xiaoqing came to this conclusion, the news spread quickly.

At this time, the world channel was also full of discussions about this matter.

"Did you hear that! The lair of those two zombies is !! in that Black Forest


"Damn, no wonder it attracted so many monsters before, it seems that they came out of the nest?!".

"Where's the news? Why haven't I heard of it?".

"This Nima has gone crazy, and many guilds have already sent people to investigate over there!".

"Damn, I'll take a look too! I just got an iron sword recently!".

"Don't startle the snakes, these two zombies are conscious, if they are discovered, it will be in vain. "


After Xiaoqing saw that the news leaked out so quickly, she was naturally angry.

You know, this news was analyzed and pondered for a long time.

But Xiaoqing is not all for nothing.

After all, she found out the news first-hand, and she also sent the players in the guild to investigate it for the first time.

While the players knew the news.

The elite players on Xiaoqing's side also searched for the approximate location of One-Eye and Broken Arm.

After Xiaoqing got the approximate location of the one-eyed and severed arm, she didn't hide it.

Instead, it was posted directly on the forum.

[The Favor Guild has locked down the exact location of the two Zombie Demon Kings, and we will round them up tomorrow at noon!].

[We will round up the whole process in the form of live broadcast, and after the roundup, we will bring them to death in public!].

[Players are invited to watch in the Black Forest!].

The reason why Xiaoqing did this is also equivalent to occupying sovereignty first.

After all, the news has leaked out, so the two zombies have definitely become the target of public criticism.

So many guilds have coveted it for so long, and naturally they all want a piece of the pie.

And at this time, it is impossible for the Favor Guild to monopolize these two zombies.

In order to expand the interests of their own guild, they can only take the initiative to announce the news and invite the majority of players to participate.

In this way, sovereignty is sworn out.

If the other guilds wanted to, they couldn't rob it.

As soon as the news of favoring the guild was released, it immediately received a flock from the majority of players.

Although many players know that two zombies are in the Black Forest.

However, the entire Black Forest covers a huge area, and the terrain is also very complex, and there are many monsters in it, and it is easy to get lost.

It's not that easy to find the nest of two zombies.

This also leads to many players wanting to go but not daring to go.

But this move of favoring the guild is equivalent to directly testing the waters by yourself, catching the zombies and then telling everyone the specific location, so that everyone can watch the execution.

Although there is no way to slash the monsters, it is a shame to be able to see them executed with your own eyes.

And also to be able to see what these two zombies exploded.

For the average player, this is enough.

So as soon as the news was released, many players were ready to go to the Black Forest when the time came.

And after Xiaoqing's news was released, there were also many guilds who wanted a piece of the pie, and immediately contacted Xiaoqing and wanted to cooperate with her.

After all, the strength of the favored guild is not very strong, and it is uncertain whether it can be successfully rounded up.

If the favor guild doesn't succeed at that time, other guilds can take advantage of it.

And Xiaoqing is naturally not stupid, and happily accepts the help of these guilds.

After all, these are free labor.

Xiaoqing naturally knew what other guilds were thinking, so he naturally wouldn't give them a chance.

Just when the guilds were making their own calculations, Li Yuan's side also began to plan.

Although Li Yuan has not been able to see the news in the forum yet.

But from the World Channel, I still got a lot of consultations.

"It seems that everything is going well as planned. "

Ever since Xiaoqing discovered that the intersection of the movements of the one-eyed and the severed arm was the Black Forest, they had already been tricked.

This was also designed by Li Yuan in advance.

If it is said that the one-eyed and severed arm appear directly in the Black Forest, it is a little too obvious.

In this way, no one may believe it, and some players may even think that this is a trap.

So Li Yuan deliberately set up this set and let the players figure it out by themselves.

The results that the players have figured out for themselves will be believed.

However, what Li Yuan didn't expect was that this favored guild actually made a bird and wanted to carry out a round-up activity.

But that's a good thing, once the favor guild is successfully rounded up, players will naturally happily go to the Black Forest.

There will be no defense.

In this way, Li Yuan will be able to score two goals, but it will save a lot of worry.

Li Yuan was thinking about how to arrange the troops before, but now it seems that it is saved.

At present, it is only necessary to accompany this favored guild to act.

Li Yuan looked at the one-eyed and severed arm and said with a smile.

"Actors, please take their seats!

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