The move of favoring the guild undoubtedly saved Li Yuan a lot of effort.

After all, it's easy to trick players in, but it's hard to get them to let their guard down.

If the player is vigilant, it will be a lot more difficult to slaughter, and it will also cause a lot of casualties.

Although after the last incident, the strength of the players has improved a lot, and this big battle will inevitably cause casualties, Li Yuan still wants to find a way to minimize this casualty.

Although these monsters can be refreshed infinitely, Li Yuan will really feel empathy after being on the monster side now.

Although except for these monsters around Li Yuan, the other monsters are not yet conscious.

But they are Li Yuan's soldiers, and it is because of them that Li Yuan is even stronger.

Therefore, Li Yuan cherishes every monster that serves him, and he doesn't want them to die innocently.

Therefore, Li Yuan has to thank this favored guild.

At present, what Li Yuan has to do is to fully cooperate with the Guild to act.

Li Yuan only needs to let the favor guild catch the one-eyed and broken arm easily and not so easily.

After all, it's too easy, and it will inevitably make them suspicious.

And in this way, Li Yuan doesn't have to worry about the safety of one-eyed and broken arms at all.

If there is no such thing as favoring the guild, Li Yuan is still very worried about one-eyed and broken arms.

After all, the players know that they are in the Black Forest, and if One-Eye and Broken Arm are surrounded by the players, then they will definitely choose to kill them without hesitation.

After all, One-Eyed and Severed Arms were big fat pieces in front of them.

But now, Li Yuan doesn't have to worry about it at all.

The Favor Guild will not do anything to One-Eye and Severed Arm after it has been caught.

They wait until the players are all gathered before they do it.

Therefore, Li Yuan put the one-eyed and broken arm in the hands of the Favor Guild, and he could put a hundred hearts.

They will definitely take good care of the one-eyed and broken arm for Li Yuan.

At present, there is still more than a day left before the live roundup of the favored guild.

Li Yuan also started preparations non-stop.

As for the favor guild, naturally the major guilds have already gathered and begun to plan this roundup.

"Now that we know the exact location, let's go straight to the lair and kill them by surprise!"

"No, those two zombies are so smart, there will definitely be someone near the lair!".

"yes, if we were to rush over in droves, that would be too obvious. "

"I think it's better for us to move at night, it's the time for the monsters to be active, and they'll let their guard down. "

"We're going to be dangerous at night, right?!".

"Then what should I do? President Xiaoqing said that he would broadcast the encirclement and suppression live, if he can't think of a countermeasure, he will make a fool of himself in front of players around the world. "

"So many of us don't have as many brains as two zombies?!think about it, there must be a way!!".


Although everyone already knew the approximate location of One-Eye and Severed Arm, they felt that it was not so simple to encircle and suppress the two zombies with consciousness and good minds.

Visibility is low due to the foliage of the Black Forest, and they are extremely unfamiliar with the terrain.

If you act rashly, you will either be wiped out by the group, or you will be run away by these two zombies.

So you have to plan carefully.

Xiaoqing couldn't help but be a little impatient when he saw that everyone had been discussing for a long time without a result.

She naturally understands that these people are ostensibly here to agree on ideas, but in fact, they all want her to make a fool of themselves.

After all, if the encirclement plan is successful, then the players will only feel that it is the credit of the favored guild.

Naturally, they don't do such thankless work.

After careful consideration, Xiaoqing came up with a plan.

"If it doesn't work under the jungle, we can try and attack from above. "

As soon as Xiaoqing's proposal came out, everyone suddenly realized.

"Oh, President Xiaoqing really has a vision, this is a good idea!!".

"Yes, the Black Forest is covered in leaves, and the movement above and below is not noticeable at all!"

"What a good idea!!! This way you don't have to say anything, and you won't startle the snake!"

"Yes!!!This will definitely catch them off guard!".


I have to say that Xiaoqing's proposal is still very good.

The reason why the encirclement is difficult to carry out is that the terrain in the Black Forest is difficult and visibility is low.

So it's hard to line up, and it's also easy to spot by monsters.

But if you attack from above, it's different!

The Black Forest is covered with foliage, making it easy to walk and has a clear view.

As long as an ambush is set up above, it is equivalent to catching a turtle in an urn.

No matter how high the IQ of these two zombies is, they can't escape the ambush from the sky, right?

"Yes, then we'll take them by surprise from above!"

And just when Xiaoqing and the others planned a round-up plan.

Li Yuan also thought of a way to deal with it.

During this time, he used stealth and teleportation skills to slaughter many players along the way.

And he has only one purpose, and that is to unlock the forum!

"Favor the guild live broadcast room.... Not turned on..."

"Well, pay attention first!".

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