The group of players in the Canglan Guild who were infected with zombies soon found out.

He has lost control of this body.

They weren't stupid either, and they reacted right away, and it was supposed to be HIM's doing.

HIM is capable of controlling monsters.

Now that they've become zombies, HIM is naturally able to control them.

Although they knew that HIM was controlling them, they did not understand what HIM was doing it for.

"What is he trying to do controlling us?!"

"Shouldn't he have taken a fancy

to us and want to take us in?!!" "What do you mean by wanting to take us in, haven't we already been co-opted?......"


players were puzzled, only to see their bodies involuntarily and slowly come to the group of players who were bound by spider silk.

At this moment, the players who were bound by the spider silk suddenly felt a hint of foreboding.

"You... What are you doing?!!

"Don't come here!!Stay away from us!!

"Hey!!Wake up!!Don't do anything excessive!!"


zombie players seemed to understand something after hearing the words of the trapped players.

"Damn?!! he's not trying to control us and kill them?!!"

"Shhh This is let's kill each other?!!




this group of zombie players, although many of them are dissatisfied with the act of killing players in the same guild.

But there are also many players who want to take advantage of this time to become zombies and clean up those they don't like.

The zombie players, under the control of HIM, soon came to the bound players.

Then, under the control of HIM, their first massacre began.

During the whole process, many zombie players are extremely reluctant.

After all, among these trapped players, there are also their own good friends, good brothers, and good teammates.

But after the massacre was completed, a scene of a real incense slap in the face was staged.

"It's... Do you guys suddenly see an abrupt thing on the screen to

?......""You're talking about the number of kills?...... right

?"Damn?!Is there such a thing?!"

"I'll go, no wonder someone is willing to become a zombie, it turns out that you can use the number of kills to increase your stats?!!"

This... It's a bit strong!I can wear equipment, I can operate, I can kill people and improve my attributes!""

It's over... I don't want to change back


the game is very diverse, the players are divided into various genres.

There are those who are keen on adventure, those who are keen on becoming stronger, those who are passionate about the beauty of various places, those who are passionate about architecture...

But these players who join the guild must belong to the type that is keen to become stronger.

They must be hungry for their own strength.

And just now, they have also experienced the benefits of being zombies.

You must know that even if a player kills millions of zombies, it is impossible to get an increase in attributes.

As a zombie, killing 100 players can increase the attribute value by 0.5!

Obviously, in the current environment.

Zombies have a much higher survivability and growth rate than the player.

After this group of zombie players figured this out, it was really fragrant in an instant.

"It's decided, I'm going back!"

"Although zombies only have one life, if they can improve their attributes, in fact, if you are more cautious, it doesn't seem to be so easy

to die?" "I'll give you a trick, make a two-handed plan, and continue to accumulate materials when the zombie is a zombie, find a place to bury it, and if you die unexpectedly, you won't lose anywhere to become a player again!"


""Thank you HIM for reducing the difficulty of my game!!Let me not have to work in the game every day!!"


have to say that Xu Yuan's method has indeed improved the conversion rate a lot.

There are probably more than 3,000 people infected in the Canglan Guild.

After learning that zombies can improve their stats by killing players, they all turned against each other.

Even the guild leader Lan Yu has defected.

The main thing is this game world, it's too hard to be a player.

Defend against monsters, players, and HIM.

You have to upgrade the operation and equipment, otherwise you will be eliminated soon.

It's much easier to be a monster.

At least for the players, the biggest threat to HIM is no longer their enemy.

Monsters can now live in harmony with them.

Their only enemy is the player.

Anyway, when you're a player, other players are enemies too.

It's better to throw yourself into the arms of HIM and become a zombie.


At this moment, the station of the Yunshui Guild, which is tens of thousands of miles away from the Canglan Guild.

Under Xu Yuan's double-line operation, the Yunli Guild Station is also in the same situation as the Canglan Guild Station.

Of the more than 4,000 players infected, more than 3,700 chose to become infected.

The conversion rate of this infected person is still quite high.

At the same time that Xu Yuan was implementing his plan.

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles away, the Yonghui Guild residence was under attack.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this TM?!!

"Couldn't it be HIM's new little brother?!Isn't HIM recruiting?!"

"It's really possible, this monster uses fire, and the necromantic knight before seems to be able to control magma."

At this moment, I only saw a man in a white hoodie standing at the gate of the station.

Because he was so far away, players couldn't see what he looked like clearly.

There is a name on the top of his head.

But the color of the name on the top of the head is bright red.

He raised his hands slightly.

I saw two fireballs slowly gathering on my hands.

The fireball gathered and grew larger, and finally coalesced into a fireball about the size of a human head before it finally stopped growing.

I saw him raise his hand, and the fireball flew towards the wall of the garrison.

The fireball melted the stones the moment it touched the walls of the wall.

He only needed two fireballs to penetrate the five-block-thick wall,

and the fireballs continued to burn for a long time after they touched the wall.

Just two fireballs burned through a large hole in the five-story wall.

Seeing this, the players standing guard in the Yonghui Guild immediately told Yonghui the news.

"President, there's a monster out there!!"

Hearing the player's words, Yonghui stood up violently, and his heart was about to jump to his throat.

"Is it HIM?!"

After all this time, he still hasn't forgotten the fear that HIM brought him.

The player shook his head and said.

"It's not HIM, it looks a lot like a player, but the name above the head is red. "

What does it seem called?"


After Yonghui heard the words of the players, he sat down with peace of mind.

"Damn!I've been in trouble with monsters all my life?!"

"Why are there always monsters finding fault!!"

Yonghui couldn't help but complain.


, "Why is this name so familiar?......


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