Hear your men say the names of the invading monsters outside the station.

Yonghui suddenly felt a little familiar.

But for a while, I couldn't think of where I had seen it.

Since he didn't have any impression, it should be that he made a mistake, and Yonghui didn't think about it anymore.

Anyway, it's not HIM standing outside.

Thinking of this, Yonghui asked the players of the guild.

"What is that monster's ability?" Hearing

Yonghui's words, the player immediately reported.

"He will use fire. "

That fire doesn't feel like an ordinary flame, that flame can melt into fossils!" After

the player finished speaking, Yonghui was still stunned and continued to look at him.

Seeing that the player didn't react for a long time, Yonghui was a little puzzled.

"What do you think I'm doing?"

"Maybe it's because the type of monster that Yonghui came into contact with before was HIM.

That's why he thinks that monsters like HIM have all kinds of skills.

So he has been waiting for the debriefing player to name the other abilities of this monster.

At this moment, the players who reported were also a little confused when they saw this.


?" "What are you talking about?"

After hearing the player's words, Yonghui was also a little confused.


" "He can use fire, it's gone???"

Seeing this, the player couldn't help but buckle the back of his head.

“emmmmm...... Should...... It's gone..."

After hearing the words of the player who reported it, Yonghui was even a little incredulous.


"What kind of teleportation, with obsidian, with cobwebs, clones or whatever, none of these are ?!!"

After hearing Yonghui's words, the player shook his head and said.

"What is certain is that there is definitely no teleportation

...""The players on the sentry harbor saw him come to the station on foot

...""There is a high probability that there are no other skills?......"


hearing the words of the player who reported, Yonghui almost laughed.

"Poof... Hiking ?......"

is no wonder that Yonghui laughs, after all, he is already a little preconceived.

I thought that conscious monsters would be the same as HIM, either teleporting or flying or something.

Suddenly I met a hiker, and the contrast was indeed a bit big.

However, this is undoubtedly good news for Yonghui, and Yonghui is finally relieved.

"That's it??"

"This TM is still afraid of a hair?!"

It was because Yonghui encountered a ceiling-level existence when he confronted a monster for the first time.

This also broadened his horizons a lot.

What kind of 303 is now, in his eyes, it is indeed a little insufficient.

Although he didn't know the origin of this 303.

But since everyone else has hit the door, how can there be any reason not to fight?

After thinking of this, Yonghui also immediately began to mobilize players.

"That monster can only use fire, so use water to defeat him.

"Find a group of people to go to the watchtower, and each person pour a bucket of water from it, and splash it into a curtain of water. "

All of the TNT artillery crew go to the watchtower and stand by!Bomb him for me!" After

figuring out the monster's skills, Yonghui also quickly responded.

Yonghui is not a vegetarian either, he has been managing the guild for so many years, and it is still simple to deal with a monster that can only use fire.

As soon as the players received the order, they sprang into action.

Soon, the walls of the guild station were surrounded by water curtains.

Entity 303 was a little unimpressed when he saw the player's response.

Do you know that your own flames can melt even stones, and you will be afraid of these waters?

Entity 303 raised his hand and saw a fireball quickly attacking the water curtain.

The moment the fireball touched the curtain of water, it emitted a large amount of steam.

Although the water curtain does not extinguish Entity 303's fireball, it acts as a buffer.

After the fireball passed through the curtain of water, it still attacked the city wall.

But only one layer of stone was melted.

Entity 303 was stunned when he saw this.


" "My fireball, so weak?!!!!"

Entity 303 couldn't believe the facts in front of him.

You know, when he programmed it before, he set his flame to melt everything!

Even the bedrock could melt.

And their own flame will not be extinguished by water.

If you can use the flame yourself, it means that the code is valid.

But the power of this flame....

It's like a fake code!,

when Entity 303 was thinking about it.

At this moment, on the watchtower, the players of the TNT cannon crew are already on standby.

Although Yonghui said that he suffered serious losses in the face of HIM last time, after all, it was the first guild, and the guild's foundation was there.

Coupled with the official release of the game guide, the think tanks in the guild brainstormed.

This also made the Yonghui Guild develop rapidly.

The progress of the guild has been much faster than in the previous days.

The development of the Yonghui Guild is also very comprehensive.

Villager trading, player manipulation, and redstone technology are all gone.

The TNT cannon on the city walls is the work of the think tank.

However, this TNT cannon is a TNT-consuming version.

They have yet to find a way to brush TNT with withered corals.

However, their TNT cannon is also quite good, and the range can be adjusted.

Seeing that the players were all on standby, Yonghui also immediately gave the order to attack.

"Attention, gunners!, use him as the center of the circle, and shoot around!!"

"Remember, predict where to fall!!"

Yonghui's words fell, and the players all turned on and off the TNT cannon in unison.

Several TNTs were launched at the same time in different launchers.

Entity 303 was thinking about it, only to see several TNTs in the air rapidly rushing towards him.


Seeing this, Entity 303 quickly fired a flame and threw it at the nearest TNT.

The moment the flames touched the TNT, the TNT exploded in the air.

Although the explosion did not injure Entity 303, the heat wave generated by the explosion pushed Entity 303 back several steps.

Before Entity 303 could gain a foothold, he saw several TNTs approaching from several directions.

"It's over!" Entity

303 instantly regretted it.

Why didn't you give yourself a flying skill or a teleportation skill in the first place!The

oncoming TNT left Entity 303 with no time to evacuate.

Only a few loud "bang-bang" noises were heard.

It's like setting off firecrackers.

Several craters have been blown out of the ground.

Entity 303 lay peacefully in the pit, silent.

"Huh? this is the end

?" "I thought it was a powerful monster?

That's it?" "This 303 is Xun~

" "I thought it was HIM's little brother, but now it seems that it is not, this strength can even infuse him with blood by the Necromantic Knight..."

Speaking of the appearance and name of this monster, why is it so familiar?...... "

President, President, do you want to go down and see if anything has been dropped?".

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