Seeing this endless void, I think of Notch's state.

Brother Jiang suddenly felt that Notch's mental state was inappropriate.

It is clear that Notch's current mental state is not normal.

But Brother Jiang didn't know the cause of Notch's mental disorder.

Brother Jiang immediately took Notch to the hospital.

After some examination, the result was that he was mentally impaired.

The diagnosis given by the doctor is that it is caused by insufficient sleep time and excessive stress.

Seeing the doctor's diagnosis, Brother Jiang thought that Notch might be too stressed to cause a mental disorder.

Seeing Notch's appearance, Brother Jiang couldn't bear it.

Notch definitely needs someone to take care of him now, and Notch's parents also work outside the home all year round.

Even the Chinese New Year doesn't necessarily come back.

Brother Jiang will definitely not leave Notch alone.

Brother Jiang also gritted his teeth and resigned directly from his job abroad.

Moved to Notch's house and began to take care of him.

With Brother Jiang's care, Notch looked much better after recuperating for a while.

These days, Notch has to go into the game warehouse every day to make games, but he is blocked by Brother Jiang.

After not touching the game warehouse for a while, Notch's mouth gradually became less and less about the void.

After about half a year of recuperation, Notch finally fully recovered.

It wasn't until he fully recovered that Notch realized how terrible his mental state had been during the first two years.

When he came to the game warehouse again and saw the void, he was stunned.

He didn't expect that it would take him two years to make a void with nothing.

Notch was also ready to start working on the game right away.

Let's start with the Overworld.

He silently recited the dirt code in his mind, but when it was written, no dirt appeared.

That code is still the code where the void is.

Notch was also frightened when he saw this.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, and immediately left the game warehouse.

After telling Brother Jiang what had just happened, Brother Jiang also suggested that he continue to rest for a while.

Brother Jiang had also proposed to Notch to help make the game.

But Notch refused.

He didn't know if he was too neurotic or what, he always felt that the void was not quite right.

The reason why I have been in a daze for two years seems to be because of that void.

Notch had also talked to Brother Jiang about this before, but Brother Jiang told him not to think about it.

The doctor said it was caused by too much stress.

Notch didn't know whether to trust himself or the doctor.

Although he was not sure, Notch did not want Brother Jiang to get involved in this matter.

One of the two of them had to be absolutely sober.

Brother Jiang saw that Notch was so persistent, and he couldn't say anything.

Then I found some work to do on the Internet, and then took care of Notch every day.

Notch probably recuperated for about a year or so.

Re-enter the game warehouse and start coding the Overworld Dirt.

Fortunately, this time he finally succeeded.

However, he can not write much code at a time, and his mind can only concentrate for about 1 hour at a time.

After an hour of work every day, you have to take a break of one or two days to take a break.

But oddly enough, this only happened during the production of Minecraft.

After Notch's spirit recovered, he also began to take on some private jobs like Brother Jiang, or do some small games or sell them, after all, he had to live a life.

Notch had never encountered this situation when working on other games.

Notch also went to the doctor because of this strange phenomenon.

The reason given by the psychiatrist is due to excessive psychological stress.

Notch thought it was strange, but he didn't give up on the game Minecraft.

It was precisely because of what happened during the production of this game that Notch had the idea of making this game.

Although the production progress of Notch is slow, it is steadily progressing every day.

As his mental strength became stronger, Notch's entire state also changed.

Gradually, he seemed to be able to control his neurons.

The game warehouse is connected to neurons, and as long as Notch can disconnect his own neurons, he will be able to extend the time it takes to make his own games.

This state is also the kind that rookies are currently in, sleepwalking.

When Notch noticed this, he began to practice slowly.

In the production of the post-game, Notch basically carried out all of it in this state.

It was precisely because of this state that he no longer received the interference of the void.

Time flies, and five years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Notch has finally completed the production of the Overworld and the Nether.

Regarding the Void, it was a place he had never dared to set foot in again.

He was also preparing to delete the Void and then think about it for another world.

But he found that there was no way to delete this void.

There is no data in this void.

Notch had long had doubts about the Void, and now that there was no way to delete it, it was even more suspicious.

When Notch set foot in the Void and wanted to study it further.

But I found that it couldn't have any effect on itself.

Notch spent the whole day in the Void.

He also didn't use the state of disconnecting neurons.

But the Void had no effect on him, and he didn't have the same condition as before.

Because of this, Notch gradually began to feel.

None of this is the problem of this void.

Maybe it's really like the doctor said, it's caused by too much stress due to lack of sleep.

Seeing the Void no longer has any effect on you.

Notch wasn't ready to remove it either.

This void does have some special meaning for Notch.

Notch spent some more time crafting the End and End City in the Void.

The game is finally finished.

The next thing is to carry out various testing optimizations and sign contracts after being acquired by Zero.

That's why it took a decade for the game to develop.

Specifically, the R&D time is about eight to nine years.

Notch's thick hair was also destroyed by this game.

Although Notch gradually convinced himself that the pressure was too much at the beginning, and it had nothing to do with the void.

But in his subconscious, he has been deeply buried that doubt.

When he saw the folder sent by the company's top management.

This doubt buried deep in my heart was opened again.

This game world is really not that simple.

Notch doesn't know much about HIM and the monsters that pop up.

But he knew about the villagers, animals, and other creatures he had made.

At this point, these creatures seem to have become conscious.

This proves that the world is not simple.

In other words, this world is alive.

It's not code, it's alive.

Just like the Earth, it is capable of giving birth to a variety of different life forms.

Thinking of this, Notch couldn't help but start thinking about a question.

"If that's the case..."

, "What kind of role do I play in this game world?......


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