Seeing the video content sent by the company's top management, Notch also opened the dusty memory again.

It's been ten years since he had the idea to make the game Minecraft.

I had the idea of making a game because I always saw various scenes of the game in my dreams.

More than a decade later, Notch doesn't remember that dream anymore, and he hasn't had it since he started making the game.

He couldn't remember some of the details of ten years ago.

That's why he wondered what kind of role he was playing in this game, and what kind of world he

had created spontaneously.

Or was it the world that beckoned to make it itself?

In fact, when Notch began to think about it, the answer in his mind was already in favor of the latter.

Because in the process of making the game, he was not dominant for at least five of the ten years.

It was indeed Notch's original intention to make this game, but it was like being guided during the production process.

Notch couldn't tell what it was like.

If you think of this game as a child of Notch.

That's pretty much what Notch feels at this point.

I originally intended to have this child.

But in the process of having a child, there are many behaviors that are not spontaneous.

In the end, Notch finally gave birth to the child by his own efforts.

This child is the equivalent of a combination of Notch's passive and active behaviors.

Notch just doesn't quite understand whether this child wants to come out and borrows Notch's hand, or whether Notch wants this child himself.

Notch was also a little confused when he thought about this.

The only thing he knows for sure now is that he still has control over the game world.

No matter how many sentient beings the game has created, Notch just needs to shut them down if he wants to destroy them.

Anyway, they are all products of the game world, the game world doesn't exist anymore, and they don't exist either.

Notch certainly wouldn't do that, though.

This game was bought by his own thick hair, how could he just shut it down so casually?

Thinking about it, Notch didn't bother with those questions anymore.

At this moment, his thinking is also a lot clearer, and it is useless to dwell on those who have and don't have it now.

The most important thing at the moment is to protect the interests of the players.

After all, there are players to make sense in this game world.

The feedback given by the players is nothing more than that the players are too weak after the world situation changes.

Although Notch doesn't really want to strengthen the players.

He originally designed the game with the goal of giving players the joy of discovery.

But now that the game has progressed so much, players have no time to explore.

It's time for players to step up this matter.

The next thing is to see how the bottom is strengthened, and from what aspect it is better to strengthen.

Thinking of this, Notch called the company's top management.

"Tell me to go down and start a video conference in an hour.

After receiving the news, the company's senior management immediately notified it.

An hour later, the video conference unfolded.

Notch glanced at the content of the previous game update sent by the executives, and was immediately a little displeased.

He also didn't expect that the company's senior management had updated the game content and added a free battle mode to him before.

However, after seeing that the high-level officials deliberately noted that this matter was the result of discussions with Brother Jiang, Notch couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"This group of people is really good at learning, and they use Lao Jiang to block the gun..."

It stands to reason that for such a big thing as a game update, the high-level people must have to ask Notch.

But Notch had also said before that there was nothing particularly important not to bother him.

The higher-ups couldn't tell if it was particularly important.

Moreover, Brother Jiang has already made a move, and the high-level people will definitely tell Notch about the relationship between Brother Jiang and Notch.

But I didn't expect Brother Jiang to say anything.

However, Brother Jiang can really handle this matter, after all, there have been many accidents in the game.

Players can't go the way Notch imagined.

Updating the free-for-all mode is all about retaining players, and for the sake of the bigger picture of the game, this decision is really optimal.

Thinking of this, Notch stopped pursuing it and then said.

"The main purpose of this meeting is to explain to you about strengthening the players.

"I looked through the game forums and the most talked about by players right now is the living environment.

"The outside environment is harsh, and it is difficult for them to get supplies, and it is difficult for them to improve their operations.

"Then the players' weapons and equipment are too weak, and even if they have operations in the face of those conscious monsters, the weapons will pull their hips. "

Notch does have something, and a casual look at the game forums summed up the pain points of the players.

Notch said this and continued.

"There are two solutions to these problems. "

One, join the Wake Up War mod.

""There are some changes in the mod, and the materials are slightly richer.

"The victorious player was then able to take some of the supplies from their backpack with them.

"You can make a detailed plan for this specific reward ratio and give it to me." "

2. Add a..."Divine Domain Race" mod. "

It's equivalent to a dungeon, with a random opening time and random location.

"When I get back, I'll make some powerful weapons. "

Those who can fight to the end in the "God's Domain" competition will receive special weapons. "

I have to say that these two solutions of Notch are indeed the best solutions at present.

The Wake Up War mod was originally a mod of a PVP nature.

The players who like to play this mod are basically technical players.

The Wake Up War mod originally designed by Notch is also the same as the original MC, pure PVP.

But now that there has been an accident in the development of the game, these mods must no longer be copied.

Wake up war, this mod can still be used as usual.

It's just that you can increase the bonus items for players.

There are a lot of supplies in the wake up war, and as long as you win the game, you can get some of the supplies in your backpack.

Just one MOD directly solves the two major problems that are now big for players, difficult to collect materials, and difficult to improve technology.

Mods only need to exist in the form of dungeons, and only players can access them.

This way, players will be able to practice their skills and gather supplies in a safe environment.

The second solution, Notch, is actually for dealing with conscious monsters.

As for those powerful weapons.

Notch already has a plan here.

He opened a folder he had set up ten years earlier.

There are several documents in it, as well as a picture.

The name of the picture is called, God of War Blade.

The picture shows a weapon that looks like a broadsword.

There is a dent in the middle of the blade, which looks like a pattern.

The entire knife is aqua blue, with a faint purple sheen on it.

This weapon was designed into the game by Notch ten years ago.

But it didn't work, but now it's finally available...

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