"They need diamonds?"

the villager king was also a little surprised when he heard the endermen's words.

According to the endermen, those beings in the void must be very powerful.

The king of the villagers also didn't expect that they would need such a thing as diamonds.

I saw the enderman nod affirmatively.

"Well, they need to. Hearing

the endermen's answer with such certainty, the villager king was also a little pleased.

He pondered for a moment.

The current situation, although it was an accident to meet the werewolf and the dragon.

But they did annihilate the village army.

Although there does not seem to be a direct conflict of interest between the two sides at the moment.

But the stronger side doesn't have to scruple so much.

After encountering it, regardless of 3721, he will kill it directly.

So it all comes down to the question of strength.

Regardless, HIM's men nearly wiped out the villagers' army.

The two sides can be regarded as feuding.

Naturally, the villager king will not sit idly by.

In this world, it has always been the law of the jungle.

Only if you have enough strength will you not be bullied.

Thinking of this, the villager king finally made up his mind, and then asked the enderman.

"How can I make contact with the Void?"

the endermen nodded as he saw the villager king make his decision.

"I... I can get a companion to bring... Take you there. "

This enderman next to the villager king was born in the Overworld from the beginning.

He hadn't been to the End, and he didn't want to.

He had come into contact with some of his companions who had come to the Overworld from the End.

Listening to their descriptions, the End is not very beautiful.

He prefers the Overworld to the End.

The scenery here is much better than the end of what their companions say.

So he wasn't interested in knowing how to get to the End.

After hearing the enderman's words, the villager king thought for a moment and then said.

"Then let your companion take me there. "

The villager king has also made a decision.

The enemy of the so-called enemy is a friend.

Plus the villager king has what the Void wants in his hands.

Both parties are profitable and should be able to reach a partnership.

Upon hearing the words of the villager king, the endermen nodded.

"Okay, I... I'll go find them..."

, and the enderman disappeared in front of him.

About ten minutes later, two identical endermen appeared in front of the villager king.

"It's... This is my friend, it's called... Little Black. "

It's... It agrees to take you to the end... The

Enderman introduced the villager king to the enderman Black, who looked exactly like him.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei also said hello to the villager king.

"Mud... Howling in the mud!

" "Nest... Wojiao laughed!"

Xiao Hei obviously spoke a little unfavorably.

But it doesn't matter, just be able to communicate normally.

Seeing this, the villager king asked Xiao Heidao.

"Please, take me to the End.

After hearing the words of the villager king, Xiao Hei nodded.


Hearing Xiao Hei's promise, the villager king also asked Xiao Hei to wait for the time being.

He pulled some diamonds out of the box and placed them on his body.

After all, this time we are talking about cooperation, and we still have to bring our own capital.

After everything was ready, Xiao Hei picked up the villager king and teleported out of the villager kingdom.

After about half an hour of teleportation.

The two of them made their way to the end portal inside the end fortress.

Only then did Xiao Hei put the villager king down, and Xiao Hei pointed to the end portal and said to the villager king.

"Kim... "

It's the first time the villager king has seen an end portal.

Seeing the starry sky in the portal, the villager king suddenly felt some subtle discomfort.

Although the starry sky inside the portal is beautiful, it makes people feel that there is a hint of danger hidden inside.

The villager king thought for a moment, then gritted his teeth and stepped into the portal.

I only felt the world spinning for a while, and when I opened my eyes again, I was already on the end island.

After observing the surrounding environment, the villager king was about to ask Xiao Hei how to contact the Void Beings.

But he found that the little black in front of him had some changes.

The eyes that had been purple turned red.

The villager king was about to say something, but was interrupted by Xiao Hei's words.

"Hello, is there anything I can do to help you?"

Seeing the change in Xiao Hei in front of him, and his speech suddenly became fluent.

The villager king also probably guessed that it was possible that the people he was talking to now might be those beings in the void.

The villager king thought for a moment and said.

"I'm here to make a deal. "

Although the endermen have said that those beings in the void are unusually powerful.

But the king of the villagers did not show his timidity, after all, he took what he needed.

The villager king is also neither humble nor arrogant.

After hearing the words of the villager king, Xiao Hei in front of him giggled.

"Interesting. "

What do you want to do with me?" the

villager king said straight when he saw this, and stopped beating around the bush.

"I've heard that your enemy is HIM. "

I was attacked by him recently.

"We're not as strong as him, so I need strength. "

I heard you need diamonds, and I can provide them to you.

"But only if you can give me something in return." The

villager king also didn't hide anything, and told Xiao Hei the reason for the incident.

He said it very clearly, and what he meant was to take what he needed.

When Xiao Hei heard this, he thought for a moment.

Without asking any questions about the details, he directly agreed to the request of the king of the villagers.

"I have exactly what you need here.


After Xiao Hei finished speaking, he pulled out an item that resembled an eye of ender out of nowhere.

But the eyes of this ender eyeball, but the eyes of this ender eye are glowing with purple light.

The villager king took the eye of ender and played with it in his hand.

Although this eye of ender is different from the normal eye of ender.

But the king of the villagers didn't see what it did.

Xiao Hei seemed to see through the thoughts of the villager king, and then smiled.

"That's a good thing.

"Merging it with a living form will cause it to evolve and burst out with power you can't imagine.

After saying this, Xiao Hei thought for a moment, and then continued.

"So, you take it back and experiment first and see the effect. "

If we can, let's talk about this deal again, how about it?"

After hearing Xiao Hei's words, the villager king was undoubtedly a little moved.

Xiao Hei's attitude is obviously a confident look.

He must have decided that the villager king would make a deal with him, so he let him try it first.

Compared to this thing, it does have a good strength.

Thinking of this, the villager king loaded the purple eye of ender into his backpack and nodded.

"Okay, then I'll take it back and try it first. Seeing

that the villager king put away the purple eye of ender, Xiao Hei was also satisfied.

Then he didn't forget to instruct.

"By the way, the stronger the life form that merges with it, the greater the effect it can have. "

Carefully choose the target of fusion~".

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