As soon as Xiao Hei's words were finished, it didn't take long for his eyes to slowly turn back to purple.

Then he said to the villagers.

"Nest... Womb you... Switchback.

After hearing Xiao Hei's words, the villager king did not refuse.

After all, it is indeed much faster and safer to have a little black delivery than walking by yourself.

"Good. "

After Xiao Hei sent the villager king to the villager kingdom, he did not forget to tell the villager king that if he wanted to go to the end in the future, it would be good to find him directly.

After telling this, Xiao Hei said hello and left.

When the villager king came to the palace, he took out the purple eye of ender and began to play with it in his hand.

Seeing the purple ender eye in his hand, the villager king gradually began to recall the words of the existence in the void to him.

"The stronger the life form that fuses with it, the greater the strength it can exert itself...", the

villager king reasoned his thoughts.

At present, the strongest combat power in the entire kingdom belongs to the villager army.

But they were easily annihilated by HIM's little brother.

After all, the villagers are all mortal fetuses, and no matter how much training they have, their upper limit will be like that.

And, though, those beings in the void boast of the power of the purple eye of ender.

But this thing, after all, needs to be fused with living beings.

What will happen during this period, the villager king does not know.

He was also reluctant to experiment with the villagers, after all, those villagers were the children he had worked so hard to cultivate.

"It seems

that the most suitable lifeform should be the iron puppet..."For the villager king, the iron puppet is undoubtedly the most powerful lifeform that he can contact and control at present.

But at present, the iron golem has not developed consciousness.

They can now only follow a few simple commands.

However, there is one thing about the iron golem that no villager can match.

That is, they are not afraid of death.

After all, they don't have a breeding consciousness, so naturally they won't spare their lives.

In addition, the iron golem has strong attack power and physique, and can be repaired with iron ingots after being damaged.

These qualities are something that the villagers and soldiers will never be able to achieve.

Therefore, at present, the most suitable lifeform for fusion is only the iron golem.

Thinking of this, the villager king took out four pieces of iron and a pumpkin head from the supply box.

Once they were arranged, an iron golem was summoned.

The villager king hesitated for a moment, but finally used the purple eye of ender on the iron golem.

The moment it was used, the purple eye of ender entered the iron golem's body and began to merge with the iron golem.

It didn't take long for the iron golem to change.

It seemed to be enchanted, and a purple halo emanated from its body.

Its eyes also turned purple.

It also looks much taller than a normal iron golem.

Seeing this, the villager king couldn't help but get a little excited.

He immediately summoned some of the villagers' soldiers and began to practice with the iron golems.

He was recording the battle information on the sidelines.

The villager soldiers practiced with the iron golem for about five minutes.

The villager king finally roughly recorded some of the abilities of the fused iron golem.

The first is that it is more resistant to beating.

The villagers and soldiers were just scraping it with diamond swords in their hands.

And then there's the fact that it's more flexible.

Will dodge attacks on their own.

The most important thing is that it has the ability to learn.

It reacts by observing the actions of the villagers' soldiers.

These evolutions of the iron puppet undoubtedly made the villager king happy.

Although the villager king is not yet able to test its attack ability.

But having these abilities by his side is undoubtedly a huge improvement for the iron golem.

And, most importantly.

It learns to learn and observe though.

But it still retains the characteristics of the iron golem itself, and is not afraid of death.

It was precisely because of this point that the villager king made up his mind and decided to start this deal with the Void.

If the iron golem fused with the eye of ender, it became very strong, but it lost its original quality of not fearing death.

That's not a big boost for the Iron Golem.

What the villager king wants is a dead soldier, a war machine.

They have to think, but they can't spare their lives.

Only in this way can there be a possibility of a war in the face of a strong enemy.

The villager king didn't think much about it, and immediately began to use his ability to exchange dirt for diamonds and began to hoard diamonds.

Lay the groundwork for future transactions.


Not long after Xiao Hei left with the villager king, there was a strong fluctuation in the void.

Two clouds of red smoke were faintly felt in the void.

Sometimes they gather and sometimes they disperse, as if they were talking.

"Why don't you just parasitize on ?......him?"

"We haven't got enough power for us to have the ability to parasitize, and besides, he's too weak to be a proper body, besides, what's the use of parasitic a person? It's better to use him and let him help us find a better and more body." "


"Those consciousnesses sealed in the eye of ender have to absorb a lot of power to gain independent consciousness, only when they gain independent consciousness can they provide us with power, does he have the strength to help them complete their evolution?"

"The Dreadlord has rebelled and will no longer absorb power for us, now there is only one entity left303, he is also an uncertain factor, how long will it take for us to gain parasitic abilities on his own? We can't just think of a way out!"


"What you gave him was only a sealed purple level consciousness body, even if it was activated by the villager king, they would not be HIM's opponents! he couldn't stop HIM, what's the point?"

"The Dreaddemon King is very capable, isn't it still a loss?I don't expect them to be able to deal with HIM at all, but if they are activated, we can gain more power!" Besides, even if it doesn't work for those purple-level consciousness bodies, but the villager king can provide us with diamonds, just that, this transaction can't be lost!"

"Well, after the Dreadlord rebelled, the ender dragon is probably hard to find, and Entity 303 is still observing, so we still have to find other ways to open the teleportation channel!"

"Isn't there still an ender queen

?" "Her memory has been erased, and she can still remember how to activate the teleportation channel?" besides, she has never surrendered to us.

"You also know that her memory has been rewritten, so naturally she can't remember who her enemy is, and now who her enemy is, only we have the final say.

"Plotting against her? "

Hurry up and find a way to wake her up, and then let her be used by us, remember, don't startle her, take it slowly!"

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