After experiencing the matter of the Dread Demon King, the movement of the void was the same as Xu Yuan.

After the Dreadlord mutinied, the Void could only count on Entity 303 if it wanted to find the ender dragon.

Although the Void has given Entity 303 a powerful Eye of the Domain, the Eye of the Domain still needs to absorb a large amount of power to activate and evolve.

Furthermore, Entity 303 is also an uncertain factor, and the Void cannot completely control him.

Naturally, the Void does not hang itself from a tree.

So they also started a new plan, setting their sights on the Queen of Ender.

Xu Yuan learned about the Ender Queen from the mouth of the Execution Dragon.

It is also the beginning of preparations to find the whereabouts of the Ender Queen.

The Dragon of Execution has said that the Queen of Ender once lived in the end city.

To get to the end city, you'll need to find the gateway.

In vanilla MC, after killing the ender dragon, a gateway will appear in the void around the end island.

When Xu Yuan first set foot in the End, he went with the Dragon of Execution.

At that time, the dragon of execution had not yet evolved consciousness.

At that time, Xu Yuan was trying to figure out the color blocks of fear in the dragon's brain of execution.

I have also searched in the void for a long time.

At that time, Xu Yuan did not find the folding gate.

However, Xu Yuan's purpose at that time was not to look for the gateway, maybe he saw that Xu Yuan ignored it.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan thought for a moment.

"Looks like we'll have to go through

the Void and find the gateway..."The Queen of Enders lives in the End, and the End is in the Void.

Obviously, those beings in the void would have an advantage over Xu Yuan if they wanted to find the ender queen.

Although Xu Yuan has a disadvantage in finding the Ender Queen, he can't sit still.

Xu Yuan still had to look for it with all his might.

Now Xu Yuan can only hope for the void, and he doesn't know the importance of the ender queen.

"In this way, I can't do this matter..."

Although the void is not a threat to Xu Yuan at the moment, they can sense Xu Yuan.

If Xu Yuan went to find it in person, then he would definitely startle the snake.

Even if Xu Yuan found it, the void would know the situation immediately.

So Xu Yuan definitely can't do it himself.

You have to send someone who won't attract the attention of the Void.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

He glanced at the undead legion around him, trying to find a suitable candidate.

But after looking around, he shook his head.

First of all, exclude the Dreaddemon King and the Withered King, they have just rebelled, and they have gone to the Void to not mention scaring the snake.

I'm afraid it's going to be more auspicious.

Naturally, the dragon of execution does not need to say much, she is Xu Yuan's key, and Xu Yuan will never let her appear in the end again.

There is no need to talk about the zero-value NULL, it comes from Xu Yuan, and there is no difference between him and Xu Yuan himself.

At the moment, only 007 remains.

Although 007 did not have Xu Yuan's aura on his body, he suddenly appeared in the end as a werewolf.

It's hard not to be discovered...

When Xu Yuan was worried, he got some unexpected joy from the perspective of the clone.

When confronting the Dreadlord Demon King, Xu Yuan was not idle, and used his clone to continue to find the location of the players and infect more players.

After subduing the Dreaddemon King, Xu Yuan also happened to infect players in two guild stations at the same time.

Coincidentally, one of the guilds called Wuxin that Xu Yuan infected seemed to have a feud with another Sword Rain guild.

Before the players of the Heartless Guild were infected, they also retaliated by providing Xu Yuan with the location of the Sword Rain Guild's location.

The location of the Sword Rain Guild Residence is not far from the location of the Heartless Guild Residence.

The two guilds may have been at war with each other for a long time, possibly over resources.

Bai got the location of a guild station, and Xu Yuan was naturally happy.

After infecting the members of the Heartless Guild, Xu Yuan also came to the Sword Rain Guild station.

Unexpectedly, there is a fierce war going on here.


"Boss, their redstone fort is too powerful! I'm afraid it's going to be difficult to get into

!" "The digging team is also having a problem, they are all obsidian underground!We have too few diamond pickaxes, and the digging speed is too slow!"

"While we are developing, the players are also developing very quickly, and the previous strategy is afraid that it will not be easy to use..."

Somewhere on the high ground outside the Rain of Swords Guild Headquarters, several zombie players are reporting the situation like a zombie player with an enchanted diamond set all over their bodies.

The leader of the zombie players with the enchanted diamond set all over his body is none other than Peng Peng.

As one of the first players to be infected by HIM, he led the group of players to be invincible.

After Peng Peng became a zombie, he seemed to have opened his mind.

When he was a player, he didn't show his talent as a leader, but after becoming a zombie, he was able to stimulate his potential.

Now he and his group of zombie players have grown very strong.

And it seems that the heavens are also on their side.

Their luck was good, and not long ago, they allied themselves with a powerful monster organization.


After hearing the players' words, Peng Peng's face did not show worry.

He looked up at a lewd-looking enderman with a pumpkin-headed grin.

"Lord Add, it's your turn. "


After seeing the enderman with the pumpkin head smile obscenely, he disappeared in place with a teleportation.

In the next second, behind the redstone cannon on the wall of the Sword Rain Guild, there were several more endermen.

Some of them directly picked up the players who were wielding the redstone cannons, and teleported to the zombie players below the walls.

Some simply picked up the blocks that made up the redstone cannons and threw them out.

Others picked up creepers and began to bombard the walls.

And the enderman with the pumpkin head kept teleporting, and couldn't catch his position at all.

But everywhere it passes, it's littered with the corpses of its players.

The naked eye can't even catch how it slaughtered these players.

Without these endermen, the Rain of Swords Guild and this group of zombie players would barely be able to match.

But after these endermen joined, the Sword Rain Guild's defense was directly easily dissolved.

After the city wall fell, zombie players instantly poured into the Sword Rain Guild Residence.

Although they are facing a strong enemy, the players of the Sword Rain Guild have no intention of giving up.

They're all heavily armed and ready to fight to the death.

Inside the square where the Sword Rain Guild is stationed.

Zombie players are approaching step by step.

When the battle was about to break out, I saw a figure suddenly appear in the center of the square, which was familiar to everyone.

When both sides saw this person's appearance, both sides were stunned.

"HIM ?!!!

", "?!! HIM ?!!!!",

"My king!! My king is here!!Does he approve of us!!"

"Welcome my king!!


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