Seeing HIM's contemptuous gesture and playful expression, the anger of the Ender Queen instantly rose up.

Her hands were already on the great sword behind her back, but she was held down by the last dancer behind her.

The final dancer glanced at the Ender Queen and shook her head meaningfully.

Seeing this, the Queen of Enders let out a long sigh and slowly lowered the hand that touched the sword.

After hearing HIM's words, the dragon prophet was not annoyed.

He is well aware that HIM is on the top and they are on the underdog.

HIM's ability to talk to them calmly at the moment is already a face-saving experience.

Just now, the dragon prophet was just trying to probe HIM's temperament.

Now it seems that he should not be a tyrannical person.

The words of the dragon prophet just now can be regarded as a crazy temptation on the verge of death.

Although the exchange of hostages was a little more relaxed, there was still a proposal.

If HIM had been tyrannical, he would have done it a long time ago.

But he didn't, although the words were a little provocative, but the fact that he didn't do it shows that there is still room for salvage in this matter.

Thinking of this, the Dragon Prophet thought for a moment, and then said.

"I can sense that you're strong, and the ender dragon shouldn't matter to you.

"But this ender dragon is really important to us.

"If it can be returned, we in the End will be grateful to Dade. In

order to avoid a war between the two sides, the Dragon Prophet also lowered his identity a lot.

Hearing the words of the dragon prophet, the ender queen and the last dancer on the side were a little aggrieved.

As end-watchers, they had never surrendered themselves like this.

But they also knew in their hearts that only by doing so would they have the slightest chance of reclaiming the ender dragon.

If there was a fight, it would not only be an ender dragon that would be lost, but also the lives of the three of them.

It may even affect the people of the End.

After hearing the words of the Dragon Prophet, Xu Yuan looked at the Dreadful Demon King with a smile.

"Why is this so familiar?"

Hearing Xu Yuan's words, the old man of the Fear Demon King blushed, and he picked the back of his head and said.


the Dreadlord said, looking at the Queen of Enders.

"I am not talented, and I have said similar things to my king.

"But the people of my nether realm are not grateful to my king, but they are sworn to follow him.

"If you really want the ender dragon, why don't you follow my example?"

The Dreadlord naturally knew that HIM would never return the ender dragon.

He is also well aware of the importance of the Queen of Ender.

Since he followed HIM, he naturally stood on the opposite side of the void.

If the Queen of Ender were able to follow HIM, then HIM would be in control of the key to the Void's invasion of the gates of the Overworld.

The initiative fell into the hands of HIM.

That's why the Dreadlord said that.

Anyway, with HIM's strength, it was more than enough for the three of them to deal with the ender queen.

HIM will definitely not kill the Ender Queen, and will definitely find a way to control it.

Maybe the Queen of Ender will also be part of the Undead Legion in the future.

The Dreadlord doesn't mind selling it out and giving them an idea to the Queen of Ender so that they don't suffer a bit of flesh.

The Dreadlord is still quite sleek, much better than the unworldly character of zero NULL.

When the Dragon Prophet heard the words of the Dreaded Demon King, he was stunned.

Although the Dragon Prophet saw that the Dreaddemon King and the Blight King were here, he didn't expect that the entire Nether Realm had already followed HIM.

You know, the Dreadlord and the Withered King are also arrogant masters.

None of them served anyone.

Unexpectedly, they actually entrusted the safety of the entire Nether Realm to HIM.

The Dragon Prophet naturally understood the meaning of the Dreaded Demon King.

It is to let them surrender.

In fact, if there were no words spoken by the consciousness in the void.

Immediate surrender is indeed the optimal solution.

But at present, the dragon prophets and they do not know the truth of the words of the consciousness body of the void.

In addition, the Dragon Prophet also confirmed that the Queen of Ender's memories were erased by HIM.

The HIM in front of them may be an enemy to them.

How could they possibly surrender to a person who might be an enemy without figuring out the truth of the matter?

After seeing that HIM did not refute the words of the Dreaded Demon King, the Dragon Prophet also understood what HIM meant.

HIM: This is a tacit acquiescence to the Dreadlord's words.

This surprised the Dragon Prophet a little.

But it also proves that HIM probably didn't want to take their lives.

But what made the Dragon Prophet strange was that HIM had slaughtered the end people, erased the memories of the Ender Queen, and robbed the Ender Dragon, as the Void Consciousness had said.

So why would he prefer to let them surrender at this moment

? If he hates the End so much, why should he keep the three of them?

and even if HIM thinks the Queen of Enders doesn't remember anything before.

The ender queen came rashly, and if he wanted to return to the ender queen, he had to tentatively ask about the previous events to determine if the ender queen really didn't remember, and then consider the question of surrender.

But HIM, from the time he met the three of them, didn't say a word about the past.

He was so confident in himself? He wasn't curious when someone who had been erased by his memory suddenly came to him?

Although his strength was very strong, such a move was inevitably too big.

After thinking of this, the dragon prophet thought for a moment.

Naturally, he didn't want to fight, and since he had already faced HIM, the situation was very awkward at the moment.

Surrender is a good choice, but the Dragon Prophet must find out if HIM is an enemy of the End.

The Dragon Prophet has the ability to detect authenticity.

It only takes a few words to ask HIM a few words to know the results.

The Dragon Prophet was about to speak.

was pushed away by the ender queen behind him.

She looked at the Dreadlord and snorted.

"Your nether realm tends to be inflammatory, flattering and flattering, and we in the end can't follow suit.

"I won't be loyal to anyone in the Ender!" said

the Queen of Enders, looking at HIM.

"The ender dragon belongs to the End, and we didn't care about you when you took it.

"How do we go about submitting to someone who has taken our things?!"

"Even if I fight for my life today, I will take back the ender dragon!" After

hearing the ender queen's words, the dragon prophet was shocked.

"It shouldn't be, it's too much to breathe?!" The

Dragon Prophet had known the Ender Queen's temper for a long time, but as an End Observer, the Ender Queen's temper had changed a lot.

In this case, the Ender Queen will be impatient, but she will definitely not lose her breath so quickly.

Thinking of this, the Dragon Prophet turned his eyes to the Queen of Ender.

At a glance, he felt that the aura of the ender queen at this moment was completely different from before.

In a trance, the dragon prophet felt that the aura emanating from the ender queen in front of him was very unfamiliar.

Just when the dragon prophet was out of his mind.

I saw the Queen of Ender pull out the blue-glowing eye of ender from her backpack.


!" "Stop!!" The

Dragon Prophet and the last dancer instantly understood what the Ender Queen meant.

Both of them pounced on the Ender Queen to stop her actions.

But it's still a step too slow.

I saw the eye of ender glowing with blue light, and in an instant, it was sucked into the body of the ender queen.

A huge storm instantly erupted around the Queen of Ender.

The hurricane blew the ender queen's bangs up, revealing her previously obscured right eye.

Originally, like the left eye, the purple eyes were like amethyst.

But now it's a dazzling blue...

A powerful power in his eyes is about to come out....

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