By the time the Ender Queen uttered those words, the Dragon Prophet had already sensed that something was wrong.

The Void Consciousness gave the Queen's ender Queen's blue-glowing Ender Eye Dragon Prophet had seen it.

The Dragon Prophet also sensed that the blue glowing eye of ender contained a huge amount of energy.

The power sealed inside is on par with the ender queen's strength, and to be precise, even stronger than the ender queen.

Along the way, the Dragon Prophet and the Queen of Ender have been discussing the blue-glowing Eye of Ender.

Although this blue-glowing eye of ender is very powerful, it may be able to help the end capture the ender dragon.

But this power was unknown, and even the Dragon Prophet had no way of predicting the consequences of using it.

The Dragon Prophet and the last dancer were endermen, and naturally they could not use the blue-glowing eye of ender.

The only one who can use it is the Queen of Enders.

It is precisely because of this that the Dragon Prophet has also told him not to use this thing until it is absolutely necessary.

The Ender Queen herself was well aware of this, and she had reached an agreement with the Dragon Prophet earlier.

The Dragon Prophet never imagined that the Queen of Ender would be so reckless.

The moment he felt the breath of the Queen of Ender, he noticed the anomaly.

"It was the eye of ender that affected her!" "

When the ender queen said those words just now, the aura she exuded was completely different from before.

The Ender Queen may be proud, but she's not stupid.

She carries the safety of the end people on her back, and she prioritizes the end in everything she does.

As a last resort, she would never make such a move to put the end in danger.

And the situation just now has not reached the last resort.

There's even a lot of room to spare.

The only possibility at the moment is that the Queen of Ender has been affected by the Eye of Ender and has become unable to control her emotions.

Thinking of this, the dragon prophet glanced at the last dancer on the side.

The last dancer also looked at the Queen of Ender with a nervous expression.

The final dancer is also a grumpy, even more grumpy than the Queen of Ender.

He also didn't expect that he would be able to hold back, and the Queen of Enders would actually lose her proportion.

After the dragon prophet and the last dancer looked at each other, the two of them immediately understood.

The two of them immediately teleported to the ender queen, trying to suppress her and prevent her from making any drastic moves.

As soon as the two of them approached the Queen of Ender, they were shocked by the aura around her.

At this moment, the Queen of Ender is like a madman.

She looked at the Dragon Prophet and the last dancer with a grim expression.

"The one who stands in my way. "


Seeing such an ender queen, both the dragon prophet and the last dancer trembled in their hearts.

Both of them sensed that the Ender Queen's strength had skyrocketed a lot at the moment.

At this moment, her strength is even almost the same as HIM.

In the face of such a strength of the ender queen, even if the dragon prophet and the last dancer fought these two old lives, they couldn't stop her.

"The dancers... Can't stop it. The

dragon prophet glanced at the last dancer, only to see the last dancer sigh and say.

"Then we can only fight..."The

Dragon Prophet and the last dancer were naturally on the side of the Ender Queen.

Now that you can't stop it, you can only go all out.

Although they are not superior in numbers, the strength of the Ender Queen at this moment is already on par with HIM.

The Ender Queen will deal with HIM, and the remaining zero NULL and Dreadlord will have to be dealt with by the two of them.

Although the Dragon Prophet and the Last Dancer know that their strength is not as good as Zero NULL and the Dreadlord.

But at this moment, the arrow is already on the string, and I am afraid that I have to send it.

The Dragon Prophet and the last dancer also immediately entered the battle stance.

At this moment, the sudden change also shocked the hearts of the Zero NULL and the Dreadlord in their hearts.

Both of them are beings who can sense the strength of their opponents.

They were all aware of the powerful aura of the Ender Queen's body, which came from the Void.

The two reminded Xu Yuandao in unison.

"My King, she has the aura of the void on her

!" "She's getting stronger! It's the aura of the blue level!, be careful!" Both

Zero NULL and the Dreadlord sensed it, and the strength of the Queen of Enders in front of her was far superior to the two of them.

But they still subconsciously stood in front of Xu Yuan.

Hearing the words of the two, the withering king at this moment also took a step forward and prepared for battle.

And the executive dragon behind him, who had been ignoring what was going on outside the window, also stood up at this moment.

Panting in his nostrils, ready for war at any moment.

It is said that when you are in danger, you can see people's hearts clearly.

At this moment, the subconscious actions of these subordinates of the Immortal Legion and the Execution Dragon all proved their loyalty to Xu Yuan.

Needless to say, the dragon of execution and the zero-value NULL were of course that Xu Yuan had never doubted their loyalty.

Even a person like the Dreadlord who is cunning and puts his own interests first in everything actually makes the same move as the zero NULL at this moment.

At that time, it was the same with the buy one, get one free, withering king.

Just these knee-jerk actions are enough to prove the weight and status of Xu Yuan in their hearts.

This is also because Xu Yuan is very good to them.

He has never treated them as a high-ranking person, and he will teach them carefully.

This is also the most important reason for all his subordinates to convince Xu Yuan.

Seeing such a move by his subordinates, Xu Yuan was also a little moved.

In MC's fanart, the members of the Undead Legion all follow and pledge allegiance to HIM.

But with the exception of Necromantic Knight, everyone else is more or less gathered for profit, or surrendered to HIM's strength.

But at this moment, the undead legion under his command is a little more favorable.

Thinking of this, Xu Yuan slowly got up and came behind the Zero NULL and the Dreaddemon King.

After slowly pushing the two of them away, he smiled.

"Are you in a hurry to show the results of your training?"

After hearing Xu Yuan's words, both the Zero NULL and the Dread Demon King were also a little embarrassed.

Naturally, they knew that the two of them were no match for the Queen of Ender.

It was all a knee-jerk move just now.

They also knew that with Xu Yuan here, it was not their turn to make a move.

Both of them also understood what Xu Yuan meant, and slowly retreated to the rear.

"My king... That white nai... The white ender man has been handed over to me!" NULL

was about to talk about cataracts, but when he looked back, he and Xu Yuan had the same eyes, so he immediately changed his words.

Hearing the words of the zero NULL, the Dreadlord almost broke out in a cold sweat.

The term cataract is something that the Dreadlord said when he fought Zero NULL before.

He regretted it after saying it, and he didn't expect that NULL would use this title to scold others, but fortunately he shut up in time.

The Dreadlord also wiped his sweat.

"I'll clean up the one with the crown. "

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