In fact, for Xu Yuan, what kind of artifact or something like that doesn't mean much to him.

Xu Yuan already has a domain, and the domain is actually the best artifact.

Previously, Xu Yuan wanted to compete for this final artifact, mainly because he was afraid of what kind of supermodel weapons would be produced in the Divine Domain Competition.

But when I think about it, it is absolutely impossible for the Divine Domain Competition to produce those god-level weapons in the mods that Xu Yuan imagined.

If you have those weapons, the game doesn't make much sense.

Although these mods are officially opened to strengthen players, the game official will never dig their own grave and make that kind of weapon to affect the balance of the game.

Therefore, this artifact will not threaten Xu Yuan's safety with a high probability.

Thinking about it from this aspect, Xu Yuan also instantly put his mind at ease.

Therefore, Xu Yuan did not attach much importance to the result of the game.

If Black Knife wins the game, it's naturally the best.

If he didn't win, Xu Yuan wouldn't blame Black Dao and Peng Peng.

Xu Yuan is now completely a melon-eating mentality about the final artifact, and he is more curious about what it is.

If this artifact is beneficial to Xu Yuan, then Xu Yuan will definitely go to see Steve as soon as possible.

Xu Yuan thought as he continued to watch the picture in the live broadcast room.

When Steve came to his senses, his face finally showed excitement.

At this moment, he is also looking forward to what the final artifact is.

Steve was thinking about it, only to notice that the ground beneath his feet began to tremble violently.

With a strong tremor, the blocks on the island were rapidly disintegrating and collapsing!

"Isn't it over yet?!"

Steve ran quickly, trying not to fall off the island.

The speed at which you can run is not as fast as the collapse of an island.

In less than 5 seconds, the entire island completely collapsed.

Steve also fell straight down, falling quickly in the air.

At that moment, a huge salted fish with wise eyes swam through the clouds and towards this direction.

Rescued Steve, who had been on the go.

This salted fish was the same salted fish that served as a reception envoy after entering the Divine Domain Competition at that time.

Steve was about to say something, only to find that it was a salted fish.

Tossed Steve up.

Then it opened its huge mouth and ate

Steve into its stomach!"WTF?!!!"

Even Steve burst into a foul mouth, enough to imagine how speechless he was.

After Steve was eaten, the players in the live broadcast room were all confused.


"What do you mean? Don't tell me that the final winner is this

salted fish?!" "Could this salted fish be the ultimate artifact?" "

For 303, it is indeed an artifact..."

The live broadcast is not over, so everyone has not dispersed yet.

Players are also waiting for Steve to appear again.


After Steve's being eaten, he discovers that he is not dead.

At this moment, he was in the belly of the salted fish, and it was gray everywhere.

Only a faint light in the distance.

Following the light source, Steve slowly groped his way forward.

Gradually, the light is getting closer and closer.

When Steve saw the picture in front of him, he was stunned.

I saw several handsome weapons suspended in the air in the darkness not far away.

The shapes of these weapons are beautiful compared to the ones that are currently in the game.

There are weapons that look like chains, diamond machetes, diamond double knives, knight axes, chain blades, etc., and even various shields with unique shapes!

But the only weapon Steve can name and never be mistaken for is one weapon.

It's a salted fish that doesn't fit in and hangs among the many weapons...

These weapons all exude a variety of lusters.

Some emit purple light, some emit green light, and some emit blue light.

Among these weapons, four weapons instantly caught Steve's eyeballs.

A blue blade that looks like it is made of diamonds.

One is purple and black, and it looks like a long-handled axe made of obsidian.

There is also a long blade that is also purple and black, and looks like it has been shattered.

The other is a shield with a unique shape that exudes blue Sekizawa.

The other weapons are also unique in shape and shine.

But in front of these four weapons, it was suddenly a little overshadowed.

"Could it be that these are the so-called artifacts?......"

With so many uniquely shaped weapons appearing in front of him, Steve probably guessed that these might be powerful weapons.

But what he didn't understand was why there were so many,

"Is it for me to choose my own ?......?"

at the moment it seems that only this explanation is more reasonable.

Thinking of this, Steve slowly approached the weapons.

At this moment, many different voices appeared in my ears.

"Choose me, young man, I will lead you to conquer this world

!" "I am the sharpest weapon!" "

Choose me, I will not disappoint you."

Hearing these voices, Steve was startled.

"These weapons can talk?!"

was a little surprised, but on second thought, this should be the official design.

After thinking about this, Steve didn't think much about it anymore.

His eyes fell on the four weapons he had just taken a fancy to.

Compared with other weapons, these four weapons that Steve favored are much more "calm".

When Steve came to them, none of them made any sound.

Silence is a testament to their strength.

Steve's gaze wandered among the four weapons for a long time.

In the end, I finally made a choice.

He came to the long, chicly blade that glowed blue.

"That's you!" Steve

raised his hand and took the long blade in his hand.

The moment the blade touched Steve, Steve suddenly felt a magical force burrow into his body.

It was a subtle feeling, and Steve couldn't tell what it was like.

As if the weapon was destined to be his, there seemed to be some link between him and the weapon.

Seeing this, Steve glanced at the weapon's attributes.

【God of War Blade】

Sharpness: 10Undead Slayer

: 10Protection: 10Knockback: 10Indestructible: 10Speed

Pump: 10Binding Curse: 10Unknown: ###

Error: 785A

God's Blessing:


Experience: 3230

Seeing this series of attributes, Steve was instantly a little confused.

The chain below the weapon should be the enchantment of this weapon.

What sharpness, undead killer, protection, knockback, and so on, these are all common attributes.

The unknowns, mistakes, God's blessings, experiences, etc., Steve has never encountered such an enchantment, and he is really a little incomprehensible.

"What are these ?......?"

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