Regarding the enchantment entries behind the God of War Blade, Steve can be said to have looked confused.

God's blessing is barely understandable.

It should be Notch that gives this weapon some special ability.

But that unknown, and error 754, Steve is really a little confused.

"It seems that I can only study it slowly in the future..."It

is not difficult to see that the enchantment entries that Steve doesn't understand behind should be the real power of this artifact.

After all, all that Steve understands are some common enchantments.

Steve was thinking as he stroked the God of War Blade.

Suddenly, the entire space he was in began to tremble.

Steve hadn't reacted to what was going on.

The whole space exploded!

"Come on?!"

Steve thought he was going to be affected by the explosion, but at this moment, the blue light emitted by the blade of the god of war in his hand instantly enveloped him.

This saved him from the blast.

After the space explosion collapsed, Steve reappeared in the sky of the Floating Island with the God of War Blade in his hand.

The players in the live broadcast room saw the salted fish explode, and Steve appeared in the live broadcast screen again, and when they saw the weapon in Steve's hand, the barrage was full of amazement.

"Damn, the weapon in Steve's hand can't be an artifact?!!"

"Shhh This shape is so

handsome!" "It's really handsome!!, I just don't know if it's really as rumored that this weapon can kill gods." "

Isn't the Black Knife competing, that means HIM is very interested in this weapon, and I feel that we should soon be able to know if this weapon can slaughter gods..."

We don't know what the attributes of this weapon are, and we can't say for sure, so we can only look at it then~"


the players think that the shape of this artifact is very handsome.

But most players don't envy Steve.

The appearance of the Black Knife already shows that HIM is also interested in this artifact.

The Black Knife has lost, and HIM will definitely get back on the field.

When Steve gets the artifact, it means that he will face HIM right away.

Even if this artifact has something that can slaughter gods, it is the only artifact that can hurt HIM.

But players didn't take these rumors seriously.

After all, these rumors are false, and what they see in HIM is true.

Players have a clear understanding of HIM's strengths.

Because of the existence of the domain, HIM can be said to be invincible.

Steve may not have gotten close to HIM before his weapon was looted.

So this artifact in Steve's hand is equivalent to a hot potato.

Although the players said they wanted it, but if they really put it in front of them, it is estimated that no one would dare to take it.

At this moment, Xu Yuan, who was in the live broadcast room, was also surprised when he saw the God of War Blade in Steve's hand.

"It turned out to be the God

of War Blade!" The appearance of the God of War Blade was indeed a bit unexpected by Xu Yuan.

But when I think about it, it seems that it does correspond to the trajectory of fate.

In Annoy, the Blade of the God of War was given to Steve by Notch.

In this world, although Notch did not contact Steve, he designed the God's Domain Competition.

The God of War Blade was also the final artifact he designed.

In the dark, Steve won the game and obtained the God of War Blade.

Notch in this world is equivalent to indirectly giving the God of War Blade to Steve.

This result is equivalent to fate.

However, Xu Yuan was a little curious, what attributes did the God of War Blade in this world have.

Xu Yuan has always felt that in the Annoying Village, the God of War Blade is not a very powerful weapon.

It doesn't feel as powerful as the snake blade in the hand of HIM's doppelganger.

But it's strong when it's strong, and it's not bad in the hands of an angry Steve.

Xu Yuan was thinking about it, and saw that the official released a top barrage in the live broadcast room.

[Congratulations to Steve for getting the final artifact [God of War Blade]!]

Not long after the official release of the barrage, amid the congratulations of the players, the official closed the live broadcast room.

The first Divine Domain Competition has officially come to a successful conclusion.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan exited the live broadcast room, and then searched Steve's location.

Steve's coordinates are not at the entrance to the God's Domain competition.

After thinking about it for a while, Xu Yuan decided to meet Steve for a while.

He also wanted to see if this God of War Blade could hurt himself as everyone said.

Xu Yuan was about to set off, but found that the dragon of execution was flapping its wings and flying from a distance.

There were also a few people on his back.

I don't know when she went out.

After the execution dragon flew to the near side, Xu Yuan saw clearly that on its back were actually the three of Necromantic Knight, Peng Peng and Black Knife.

Seeing this, Xu Yuan also probably guessed what was going on.

The little bug has been getting along well with the dragon of execution before, and after the dragon of execution slowly regained its strength as a god, his perception has also improved a lot.

She can sense the call of a small bug.

She went out on this trip, probably because Peng Peng and Black Knife wanted to see Xu Yuan.

But Necro Knight, Peng Peng, and Black Knife can't fly.

The distance between the shallows and the entrance of the God's Domain Race was too far, so the small bug was commissioned to summon the dragon of execution.

It seems that the relationship between the execution dragon and the small BUG is really good, and it can actually invite the execution dragon.

After the Necromantic Knights came to the shallows, Peng Peng and the Black Knife jumped on their backs and immediately knelt in front of Xu Yuan.

"My king—"

The two of them buried their heads very low, apparently coming to confess their sins.

Before they could speak, Xu Yuan waved his hand.

"All right, you don't have to blame yourselves. "

The black knife has played very well, but it can't change fate, and this is not the problem of the black knife.

They've done enough for this God's Domain competition.

Their loyalty Xu Yuan has also seen it, so naturally he will not blame them.

Hearing Xu Yuan say this, Black Dao and Peng Peng were both relieved.

Seeing this, the black knife glanced at Peng Peng, and after Peng Peng nodded at him, the black knife took a deep breath and said.

"My King..."

, "I will definitely get the final reward in the next Divine Domain Competition! I may not return to the zombie camp

for the time being...""I hope you approve of it..."Black

Knife came this time for two things, one is to ask for sin, and the other is to atone for sin.

According to the official urine nature, there should still be a copy of the Divine Domain Competition, which is clearer than the previous official announcement, this is the first Divine Domain Competition.

So Black Knife wants to start training as a player before the second session comes.

Black Knife has always been in the zombie camp before, and due to the significant improvement in attributes, the players who meet them are basically cutting melons and vegetables, and there is no good opportunity to learn.

That's what he attributed to this failure.

That's why he made this proposal.


" Hearing the words of the black knife, Xu Yuan was not surprised, and immediately approved his proposal.

Although he didn't have much contact, Xu Yuan understood the nature of the black knife.

And the blade of the god of war has appeared, and some other powerful weapons in the annoying village should also appear one after another.

A weapon like a snake blade in the hand of HIM's clone.

Those weapons can just be used for Peng Peng and the others to use for armed forces.

Xu Yuan also believed that the black knife had the strength to obtain those weapons.

If those weapons appear one by one, then the item consciousness and item dimension of this world are estimated to be slowly opened.

After thinking of this, Xu Yuan couldn't help but start thinking.

"Will there be a weapon that belongs to me in this world?......


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