Although Zero NULL borrowed the power of the Dreadlord from him, his strength at this moment must be above the blue level.

But it is estimated that the strength of the support will increase by one level.

The blue consciousness body is able to perceive power, and NULL at zero also guessed that he would definitely doubt himself.

However, at this time, we must not fall into the trap of self-proof, nor can we panic.

Although NULL is a little weak, it is necessary to stabilize the momentum.

At this time, in fact, once it weakens, the blue level will immediately see through the illusion.

I have to say that zero value NULL has been following Xu Yuan for a long time, and he is becoming more and more able to figure out people's hearts.

NULL's words fell, and the blue light in the center of the blue eye of ender in front of him trembled.

At this moment, his suspicion seemed to be slowly beginning to be replaced by fear.

"Please... Please forgive me..."

Seeing the reaction of the blue level, the zero NULL can be regarded as having a rough understanding of some of the power distribution of the Void Red Consciousness.

Just a few sentences of zero-value NULL have actually set out some key information.

It seems that he had guessed in the right direction.

It is estimated that this already embodied back in one's own disguise is the key to the creation of these consciousnesses.

The most feared of these created consciousnesses should be the people who created them.

Because that's the source of their strength.

This zero value NULL used to be deeply experienced.

At that time, when the zero value NULL was just Xu Yuan's shadow, he also had the idea of snatching control of Xu Yuan's body.

Later, Xu Yuan stopped killing, and he felt that his strength began to drain.

If Xu Yuan completely gave up killing, then the zero NULL might disappear from this world.

Therefore, the zero value NULL at that time was very afraid of Xu Yuan.

After all, his life is equivalent to being controlled by Xu Yuan.

The same is true of the current Blue Level, whose life is controlled by his Creator, and his heart is naturally the most fearful of him, and at the same time the most loyal to him.

Thinking of this, NULL thought for a moment, and then didn't say anything more.

Instead, he raised his hand and spread out his palm.

When the blue consciousness saw the movements of the "master's" back, it was suddenly a little stunned.

"The Lord ... The master ?......

" He didn't seem to understand what "master" meant.

He looked at the back of the "master", but he couldn't wait for the "master's" reply.

And the hands of the "master" are still spread.

At this moment, the blue consciousness body suddenly panicked.

"What does this mean?"

Seeing that the "master" did not reply, the blue consciousness immediately began to recall the previous details.

"This gesture... It seems that I want to give him something..."

"What does the master want from me?......"


"The master seems to be angry just now

...""It's because I questioned the master's power

...""Could it be that the master is trying to punish me?!"


blue consciousness body trembled after thinking of this.

Just now he did question the power of the "master", and the "master" was indeed angry because of his words.

If you have done something wrong, you will be punished.

An existence of the level of "master" will definitely not punish him personally.

Therefore, the meaning of the "master" to spread his hands should be to take back the power given to him.

When the blue consciousness thought of this, it was suddenly a little overwhelmed.

If the "master" wants to reclaim his power, he is undoubtedly announcing his death.

He obviously didn't want to die.

But even if you don't take the initiative to hand over your strength, the "master" will do the same.

So both horizontal and vertical are a death.

When the blue consciousness body was hesitating, he only saw the back of the "master" and let out a long sigh.

The heart of the blue consciousness body that sighed with a sigh chuckled, and it almost jumped out.

It is clear that the "master" is already somewhat impatient.

Seeing this, the blue consciousness body gritted its teeth and finally made up its mind.


NULL is actually fighting psychological warfare against blue consciousnesses.

If the zero-value NULL directly asks the blue consciousness to hand over its core, the blue consciousness will definitely be suspicious.

So the zero NULL didn't hit a straight ball.

Instead, he deliberately didn't say anything, and stretched out a hand to test the blue consciousness.

It's the same as between a boyfriend and a girlfriend, where the girlfriend suddenly reaches out to the man, but doesn't say anything.

In fact, sometimes the woman does not have any actual intentions, just to see how the man will react.

Some boys may hand out everyday items such as combs, tissues, or hairpins.

Some will directly hold their girlfriend's hand.

There are also those who go directly to the ticket.

Obviously, no matter what the woman's intentions are, the practice of getting a ticket is a sure profit for the woman.

This is the strategy currently used by NULL.

If the blue consciousness can make up for it on its own and transfer its core to the zero-value NULL, then the zero-value NULL is blood earning.

If not, NULL will have to find another way.

NULL stretched out his hand for a long time, thinking that this method was ineffective, and was about to put his hand down.

only to find that the blue eye of ender had fallen into his hand.

"Hooked!" The

blue consciousness body came to the palm of the zero-value NULL hand, and instantly realized that something was too right.

It stands to reason that from this angle, he should be able to see the face of the "master".

But he found that the face of the "master" he thought was actually a back!"

This... What's going on?!!"

The blue consciousness realized that something was wrong, and NULL grasped the blue ender eye tightly.

The moment NULL grasped the blue eye of ender, the entire illusion quickly began to collapse.

I saw the zero-value NULL holding my life core in front of me.

Only then did the blue consciousness realize that it had been deceived.

Just now, he has been in a fantasy realm, and the "master" has never been here at all.

It's all an illusion created by a zero-value NULL.

Although he knew the truth, it was too late, because his life core was already in the hands of the zero-value NULL.

At this moment, the withering storm that had lost its life core quickly began to disintegrate and collapse.

Seeing this, the zero-value NULL finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's done!" At

this moment, the players in the live broadcast room saw the scene in front of them, and they were all blindfolded.

They can't see what's in the zero-value NULL illusion.

In their field of vision, they only saw the Dreaddemon King's hand on the chest of the Zero NULL, and a black aura poured into the chest of the Zero NULL.

Then I saw NULL at zero come to the withering storm and seemed to say something.

Blightstorm didn't attack him either.

Then NULL reaches out to the withering storm.

It didn't take long for a blue eye of ender to fly out of the withering storm and fall into the hands of NULL at zero.

Then the withering storm disintegrated.

This series of operations is also stunned by the players.

"It's... What's going on???

" "Is this a trick? The plot twisted too quickly, didn't it?It was quite difficult for the two of them to fight before, but now it's a direct second?!"

"This is the power of love, hahahaha, didn't the Dreadlord transfer his power to the zero-value NULL at that time?"

"Fuck? just came from the Vulcan side, and this side is over?!!!

" "HIM's subordinates are really perverted... Now it's not over yet, it's not over yet, ?......


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