Even before Zero NULL and Dreadlord found the trick, it took a lot of effort to do a lot of useless work for a long time.

But after figuring out the position of their own mage, everything went relatively well.

In fact, according to the strength of the zero NULL and the Dreadlord of the Demon King, if you face just an ordinary blue level monster, you should be able to end the battle quickly.

But after all, it's a withering storm, and it's a boss with cards, so there will be some setbacks during the battle.

However, this battle with the withering storm can be seen that Xu Yuan's reward-based training of Zero NULL and Dreaddemon King is still very effective.

In fact, if Xu Yuan wanted to enhance the strength of the two, he could directly give them the power of fear.

But Xu Yuan did not do this, and instead adopted a reward system.

The purpose is to develop their ability to use their brains.

The strength of the two is not much different, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser in terms of hard power, and if you want to win, you can only use your brain.

Judging from the battle situation of this zero-value NULL against withering storm, Xu Yuan's method is indeed useful.

At the very least, it can be proved that the zero-value NULL is improving.

The words of the Dreadlord... It also plays a very key role in backup supply.

After the end of NULL and Dreadlord's side, both of them learned from the players who followed them that the rookie had joined the battle to destroy the withering storm.

The two of them also didn't want to have too much contact with the rookie, and they both rushed to the ender queen's side.

After the battle between NULL and Dreadlord ended, the battle on the rookie's side had just begun.

The rookie was already late when he went online, and after he went online, he forgot the location of the withering storm.

I wanted to search with instructions, but I found that I couldn't find it.

After all, the withering storm of this world, like Xu Yuan, is not a product of code.

So you can't search for its location.

The rookie also had to rummage through the forums to find the location of the withering storm that no one had to deal with.

After such a long delay, I found the withering storm.

Although the rookie forgot the location of the withering storm, he didn't forget what Notch told him to start the live stream.

So as soon as he entered the game, he turned on the live broadcast.

As a result, his bewildering behavior was all seen by netizens.

"Is it the first time

he's been a GM, and he has to look at the forum to know the monster position?......" "Is the GM rookie a replacement?He was so domineering when he used to shoot the god of fire with salted fish, why is he so stunned today..."

"Wow, the official has also intervened in this matter?Will the monster GM go to HIM's subordinates after cleaning up?......

" "It shouldn't be, right?" Since the official has come forward,It means that the official and those monsters are opposites.,HIM, they're also the opposite of monsters.,If the official finds fault with HIM, it is estimated that the complaint mailbox will be full again.。


the rookie finally found the withering storm, he was not in a hurry to sanction the withering storm.

Instead, it took a long time to pick a good angle and take a few photos with the withering storm.

In the speechless voices of the players in the live broadcast room, the rookie finally began the crusade against the withering storm.

The rookie is also smart, and after entering the game to search for the location of the withering storm and not finding it.

The rookie also realizes that Wither Storm is a product of this game world, not the original code of the game.

So there is no way to use the Kill command on him.

But this is not difficult for the rookie, withering storm is not the original source code of the game, but the blocks that make up his body are.

The rookie also directly staged a one-second block disappearance technique.

Directly stripped the withering storm away.

Then a blue eye of ender was seen hanging alone in the air.

The rookie also directly incorporated it into the backpack.

It took less than 5 seconds from the rookie to the time he got the blue eye of ender.

And it took him a full five minutes from entering the game to finding the withering storm and then taking a group photo...

The players in the live broadcast room who have experienced all this are speechless at the moment.

"Is it started?

It's over...""This GM has been looking for monsters for a long time, and I thought it would take a while to fight this monster, but TMD was instantaneous?!!

"I just blinked, and the big monster suddenly disappeared???"

"GM is open, it's boring, it's boring.


this moment, the battle is over, but the players in the live broadcast room have not left.

The reason why they stayed here was to see if the rookie would make his next move, and if he would go to HIM's men.

The players didn't have to wait long for the answers they wanted.

After dealing with the withering storm, the rookie sowed at the speed of light.

"Looks like you're not ready to deal with him?"

"GM is off work at the speed of light, let's disperse." "

Let's go, let's go and watch the beautiful sister fight monsters~"


After the rookie was broadcast at the speed of light, at this moment, there was only one withering storm still alive in the overworld.

That's the one the Queen of Ender dealt with.

At this moment, the players also poured into the live broadcast room where the ender queen was.

When the players arrived in the live broadcast room, they saw the Queen of Enders holding the obsidian and bedrock greatsword, frantically slashing at the brain of the withering storm.

The Queen of Ender looks petite though.

But her petite body burst with terrifying power.

With each swing, you can smash a large area of blocks.

When the players saw this, they couldn't help but be stunned.

"Shhh I didn't expect the

beautiful sister to be so fierce...""Is the beautiful sister actually a melee fighter?!! in love!!"

"Sister beauty, is this going to scrape the bones of monsters to heal, hahahahaha!"

"Anyway... How can Vulcan, NULL

, and Dreadlord watch the play next to them?......""..."Many

players who had just come in immediately discovered the three entities 303, Zero NULL, and Dreadlord who were watching the play.

Entity 303 was the first to arrive, and it didn't take long for Zero NULL and Dreadlord to arrive.

The players who just came were also a little puzzled, since they had all arrived, why they were all standing stupidly.

The questions of these new players were immediately answered by the players who have been in the live broadcast room.

"When the god of fire first came, he was raising his hand to prepare for the rain of fire, and then every time his sister glared at him, the fire went out..."

Vulcan, Zero NULL and the Dreadlord look so spoiled, shouldn't the beautiful sister be a group pet?......"

"How do you know how to see the spoiling with your eyes?...... They obviously don't

dare to mess with her!!" "What about calling Sister Beauty?, if you think about it, the Vulcan God, NULL, and the Dreadlord must be above her, they don't dare to mess with her, and you don't want to think about why..."

This beautiful sister... Your Majesty the Queen!!! It doesn't look like it's easy to mess with..."

, "So the Queen, is this going to single-handedly pick up a brain tumor?!!

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