The ender queen's arrogant expression seemed to say, "Have you seen the old lady's fighting style?".

Seeing the expression of the Ender Queen, Entity 303, Zero NULL, and the Dreadlord all responded with a smirk at the Ender Queen.

"Damn, she pretended

to be...""This belongs to hitting the muzzle of the gun, what is she so proud of!" "

You're just muttering a few words here, do you have the ability to say it in front of her?"

Entity 303, Zero NULL, and the Dreadlord smirked at the ender queen, and after muttering a few words, they joined up with the ender queen.

Fun and trouble, they still haven't forgotten the business.

Although the four wither storms have been resolved, it is estimated that there are still many withers doing evil outside.

Everyone must still plan to quickly wipe out the remnants of the party.

Although the Queen of Ender is already full of self-confidence at the moment, after all, this is her first victory.

And the whole process is a withering storm that is defeated by its own strength.

The Queen of Ender wanted to show off, but she also knew that their mission was not yet complete, so she had to suppress her joy for the time being and celebrate when it was done.


Seeing that the four hidden dangers that are relatively large in the main world have finally been solved, not only are everyone not injured, but they have also grown a lot, and Entity 303 is also very relieved.

Entity 303 took over the burden left by Xu Yuan unsuspectingly, and the pressure in his heart was still quite high.

He was also afraid that he would disappoint Xu Yuan's trust.

Although there have been some twists and turns, it seems that the matter is almost resolved so far.

However, there is one more thing that Entity 303 is more worried about at the moment, and that is the rookie.

Entity 303 was in his thoughts, but was interrupted by the Queen of Ender's question.

"By the way, what are you all doing here?Isn't there another

withering storm?" "Did you solve it too?" The

ender queen remembered that there was another withering storm that no one cared about.

But Entity 303 and they all rushed here, so they thought that Entity 303 had been dealt with before they came.

Entity 303 shook his head.

"That withering storm, the rookie stepped in to solve it..."

Hearing Entity 303's words, the Queen of Ender was also a little surprised.

"It's the rookie who took a huge salted fish and slapped your head with a rat?!" After

all, the ender queen is a woman, how can a woman not like to listen to gossip?

After getting along with everyone for so long, the ender queen has already touched everyone's black history.

Hearing the Queen of Ender's words, Entity 303 nearly choked on his own saliva.

The scarlet eyes immediately turned dark red with rage, and he glanced around the crowd present.

Trying to find out the person who leaked his black history.

Seeing this, everyone forced a smile while avoiding the "warm" gaze of Entity 303.

Judging by the reactions of the crowd, it is clear that this matter is no longer a secret.

At this moment, the atmosphere of the scene instantly became a little awkward.

Seeing this, the Queen of Ender hurriedly diverted the subject.


, "So the official has also stepped in this time?" Although

it seems awkward to hear the word "official" from the mouths of the natives such as the Ender Queen and the Dreadlord.

But they themselves are used to these terms, but they may not be able to understand the more nuanced meanings.

For them, "official" means having part of the authority in this world and standing behind the "players".

Seeing that the Queen of Ender had diverted the subject, Entity 303 was also relieved, and then nodded.


"The power of the authorities cannot be underestimated, and their relationship with us is a bit awkward.

"Although they are also involved in the fight against us this time, we are not sure where they stand.

"So it's better for us to avoid them as much as possible. Hearing

Entity 303's words, everyone nodded cautiously.

"Then the next step is to ?......,"

Entity 303 said after a moment's thought.

"I've just gotten some news that things are going well on the Necro Knight, Wither King, and Execution Dragons.

"The three of them have already killed about 10 of them.

"There are a lot of people in the player camp who are fighting back, and they are doing well.

"There's no need for us to meddle anymore. After

this battle, the consciousness of Entity 303 gradually moved closer to Xu Yuan.

He knew very well that as long as the Void Consciousness Body existed for one day, there would be all kinds of battles waiting for them in the future.

This is only the first battle, and there is already a shortage of manpower.

Xu Yuan's goal had been stated before he left, to protect the world.

And it's not just their people's responsibility to protect the world.

It is also the responsibility of the players, and indeed of every conscious life in this world.

To achieve this, everyone must be involved in the fight against the Void.

This is also the reason why Entity 303 does not let everyone interfere anymore.

If they did, the withering would be clear immediately.

But in this case, players will definitely form a sense of dependence, and they will feel that the sky is falling and there is HIM to support it.

But in fact, the players are also a very strong fighting force.

Therefore, it is necessary for the players to also actively participate in the joy of victory.

In this way, we can better face the future battles.

Anyway, wither is not like wither storm, and the destructive power is not very strong.

It's time for players to practice their hands.

It doesn't make sense for Entity 303 to command the crowd, as the four biggest threats have been eliminated.

Even if they don't make a move, the Necro Knight, the Blight King, and the Dragon of Execution can easily solve it.

"Where shall we go next?"

"Go back to the shallows, perhaps my king has returned."

At this moment, everyone completed the task, and the first thing that came to mind was Xu Yuan.

Xu Yuan has not heard from him for so long, and everyone is naturally worried.

Hearing everyone's words, Entity 303 shook his head and said.

"If he comes back, he'll be the first to find us..."

, Entity 303 pondered for a moment before saying.

"NULL, you and the Dreadlord will go to the Nether and search carefully again to see if any fish have slipped through the net.

"Queen of Ender, Prophet, Dancer, go back to the shallows. "

I'll go to the Divine Domain Competition to find out the news..."Xu

Yuan's traces have always been the most worrying thing for all his subordinates, and Entity 303 is no exception.

Although Entity 303 is very clear, if Xu Yuan encounters something tricky, there is a high probability that he will not be able to help with his own strength.

Naturally, he would not take risks and drag Xu Yuan down when the time came.

However, Entity 303 has the ability to search for data, and at least it can search for some clues.

Either way, it's better than waiting to do nothing.

After Entity 303 made the arrangements, everyone obeyed the arrangement and left.

The battle of these fierce generals of the Demon King Regiment can be regarded as over.

And Steve's highlight moment as the "light of the gamer" has just arrived...

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