The players of the Nirvana Guild led by Steve are equivalent to the first team in the player camp to quickly form a group to fight against the withering.

Although Steve has an artifact in his hand, and knows the strategy to deal with withering.

But after all, they are facing a withering that merges with the purple consciousness.

In the battle, they soon discovered that their bow and arrow output was the same as that of gua sha.

It took about 10 arrows to shoot a full bow to see the withered health bar drop a little.

Then Wither immediately casts the Head of Wither, blowing up people and sucking blood back.

Seeing such a situation, Steve also felt very powerless.

Players are indeed able to resurrect indefinitely, no matter how thick the monster's blood is, they can rely on crowd tactics to grind monsters to death little by little.

Of course, this is if the monster does not have the ability to regenerate.

And at this moment, the withering they are facing not only has the ability to restore blood, but they have also been in the air before half blood.

The only lowest-cost anti-air tool for players is the bow and arrow.

But the bow and arrow can't hit the blood at all.

After gua sha for a long time, a careless move, or an animal on the ground is blown up by withering, and the withered blood volume is full again.

It's like you're in an endless loop.

And what bothered Steve the most was that he hadn't found anything special about this artifact until now.

At present, the artifact is just a handsome weapon with a lot of strange enchantments for him.

It is precisely because of this that Steve can be described as a lot of pressure.

After all, he was the first to lead the charge, and with the artifact in hand, the players of the guild also started the live broadcast.

If this is wiped out by the withering group, then Steve probably won't have the face to mix in this game.

"Speechless... Can't the official send a description of how to use the God

of War Blade?......" Steve thought as he observed the God of War Blade in his hand.

"Boss, be careful!" Steve

was interrupted by the roar of the guild player.

Steve looked up and saw a black withered head speeding towards his face.

Seeing this, Steve was shocked, there was no reaction time at the moment, almost muscle memory.

Steve immediately raised his knife in front of him.

"It's over..."

Steve thought that the Withered Head would explode after touching the knife, and he was mentally prepared to be killed.

But after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.

Seeing this, Steve slowly removed the blade.

When he saw the scene in front of him, the whole person became excited.

"It turns

out that the God of War Blade can still be used like this?!!" The withered head that had just come into contact with the God of War Blade did not explode, but was bounced out by the blade

of the God of War Blade, and exploded in other places! Steve also didn't expect that the withered head encountered the God of War Blade, which was like a fireball of ghasts, and could actually be beaten back

!" "There is a way to deal with it!".

Since the God of War Blade has such an effect, Steve can deal with this wither like a ghast.

Steve was thinking about it when he saw a blue withered head slamming towards him at a rapid pace again.

Seeing this, Steve lifted the blade of the god of war and drew a perfect arc in the air, as if catching a ball, and blasted the blue withered head towards the wither in the air.

After the counterattack, Steve also immediately focused on the withered HP.

Originally, the blue withered head didn't fly very fast, but after being thrown back by Steve, its speed became significantly faster.

Wither didn't have time to react, and was bombarded by the withered head he thrown.

His HP dropped by a fifth in an instant

!"Damn?!What just happened?!

"It's the boss!!The boss's blade of the god of war can resist the withered head!!"

"Hiss... Is this the power of the God of War Blade?!! so awesome?!!"

Steve's blow can be described as quite inspiring.

Seeing that the withered blood volume had dropped by more than half, the morale of the players was instantly boosted.

Seeing this, Steve also immediately chatted privately with everyone on the guild channel.

"Everyone, come and gather here at once!!" In

fact, the most taboo thing about withering is to get together, and Steve at first also let the players scatter and attack separately.

But now the situation is different.

It is no coincidence that Withering was able to accurately lock on to Steve in the crowd and sneak up on Steve.

This is enough to prove that this wither is conscious.

After being counterattacked by Steve, it was absolutely impossible for him to attack Steve again.

Because he knew that the only one who could hurt him on the floor was Steve.

He will always look for other players to kill him to heal.

That's why Steve had the players all gather around him.

As a result, withering would have to attack Steve's side if he wanted to regain health.

And when he attacks Steve, that's when Steve counterattacks.

When the players heard Steve's order, they immediately moved closer to Steve's side.

Steve then had them build a platform above their heads.

Everyone hid under the platform.

Steve was the only one standing above the platform and confronting the withering in the air.

This scene undoubtedly added a lot of heroism to Steve.

Seeing this scene, the players in the live broadcast room felt their scalps tingle.

"We players have finally come out on top!!"

"I just came from the live broadcast room of the Demon King Group, I didn't expect it to be so ?!!burning here

" "Hiss... He's so handsome!One person is at the forefront!""

This artifact is really strong, it can actually bounce back the withered capital..."..."


withered body fused with the purple consciousness body is not stupid, seeing Steve's formation, he knows that he is a hard bone.

And he was given the order to kill as many people as he could.

It's undoubtedly not cost-effective to spend here.

After thinking for a moment, Wither flew in the opposite direction.

"Want to run?!"

Seeing that withering had given up the attack and was about to escape, Steve immediately pulled out a TNT from his bag.

After igniting the TNT, he raised the blade of the god of war and threw the TNT with a slash with all the strength of his body.

TNT made a perfect arc in the air, shimmering and expanding in the air.

As it was about to explode, it fell above the withered head.

With a loud "bang", the withered blood volume dropped a little more.

Although it doesn't lose as much health as the explosion of the withered head, it is also very impressive.

The explosion of TNT also slowed down the pace of withering's departure.

Without a moment's hesitation, Steve threw out a few ender pearls and quickly chased after them.

At this moment, the withering had already flown in front of a dense forest.

And it is slowly lowering the altitude of its flight, as if trying to get rid of Steve in the dense forest.

Seeing the withering lower in height, a very bold idea suddenly appeared in Steve's head.

"No matter! try it!" After

a moment of thought, he threw an ender pearl directly at one of Wither's heads!

Without a moment's hesitation, he grabbed the hilt of the sword with both hands and thrust it into the middle of the skull.

I only heard a "snap", which seemed to be the sound of something shattering.

A purple aura instantly poured out from the withered skull.

At the moment when the purple aura gushed out, it was instantly absorbed by the blade of the god of war!

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