Seeing the pit in front of him, Steve and everyone were stunned.

Originally, before that, the others still didn't believe Steve's words.

But after seeing this pit, their minds were also shaken.

Obviously, this pit is not man-made.

Normal players want to dig stones or mine, and they will basically dig more neatly.

Either it's a 2X2 dig, or it's a dig to the end.

This pit feels like it has been blown out.

So it's not man-made.

Moreover, Steve and the others also confirmed before digging three and filling one yesterday, and there is no one else in the past four weeks except them.

Then this pit can only be the "monster" that Steve mentioned.

After all, it's a well-known fact that the "monster" can use explosive skills like creepers.

At this moment, in the face of this deep pit, they have too many questions.

Why did he go down? Why did he go

down and catch up again

? Was he looking for something

? Why was he a "monster" able to use blocks?

But no matter what the doubt, everyone's opinion of this "monster" has changed.

They didn't take Steve's words seriously, but at the moment, it seems that this "monster" is really not that simple.

"This is too weird, isn't

it?Is there some intelligent AI monster in this game?" "Impossible, right?If there is such a thing, the game must not be hyped?!"

"His behavior doesn't look like a monster at all.,It looks like

a player...""Could it be some kind of mutated player or something?......

""If there was this thing, the forum would have gone viral a long time ago?......

"... ...

After analyzing for a long time, they couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation, and then they all turned their attention to Steve.

After all, that "monster" has only Steve seen.

Seeing this, Steve thought for a moment and comforted everyone.

"Anyway, be careful if you run into him again in the future.

"Anyway, it's just a game, even if you die, you can be resurrected

...""What exactly is he, I can only investigate it slowly later..."

Although this incident is a bit weird, Steve was really scared at first.

But in retrospect, it was just a game anyway.

Even if you encounter that "monster" again, it will be a matter of life.

It's not that they can't be resurrected when they're dead, as long as they don't have any valuables on them, it doesn't matter to them.

As for the doubts about that "monster", they will always be slowly revealed in the future.

When everyone heard Steve's words, they all nodded.

Seeing this, Steve also continued to add.

"Let's build a station around here.

"The environment and resources here are very good, and there is a possibility of meeting him again." "

Since the game has only been open for a week, players are not developing very quickly.

Many players are stop-and-go and do not have a fixed place to live.

After all, the game world is so big, and many players want to go to more places to see.

Steve's people thought the same way before.

But after yesterday's incident, Steve decided to settle down.

He was too curious about that "monster".

He didn't know what was wrong with him, he was originally a person who was not very curious.

For the first time, he felt as if he had some kind of fate.

The encounter with that "monster" was no coincidence.

He was sure that he would meet the monster again.

After everyone heard Steve's words, they all had no objections.

"Okay, then I'll go to pick up the trees, let's build a three-story small western-style building!"

"This grassland is good, the vision is good, and there are many animals, I'll go to the circle to raise a few, and the meat won't have to worry." "

I'm going to dig some coal, try to get more bright spots, and I don't have to be afraid at night!"

After everyone went their separate ways, Steve opened the forum again.

Later, in a post about the Bestiary, he added a star.

[Monster Name: Unknown] [Monster Appearance: White-Eyed Steve (with photos)

] [Monster Attribute: Unknown] [Monster

Skill: The only thing known so far is the explosion, similar to a creeper, but the explosion will not make him die. [

Monster ability: Can obtain and use blocks. [

First haunt location: xxx, xx, xx]

[P.S.: He has his own mind and can think, unlike a code product, excluding the possibility of a game boss.] [

Precautions: Please evacuate quickly when you see him, we are not his opponent for the time being. Steve

is also a well-known boss in the post bar.

He often publishes some very practical strategy posts, which are also sought after by many players.

As soon as the new starred post was posted, it received a lot of comments from players.

"Huh?White-eyed Steve?really

?""Isn't it?"My favorite poster has also started talking nonsense for traffic?!""

If you want to say white-eyed monsters, I still believe it.,What white-eyed Steve... This is too fake?...... "

Landlord, this is hi, what has his own thinking, this is just a game!"

"Guy Steve, I've always liked your strategy, but this time... emmmm,Do we really lack that little traffic?

""No picture, no truth, the landlord is on the picture!"


Based on Steve's words, players naturally don't believe the "monster" in Steve's mouth.

Mainly, Steve's description is a little too ridiculous.

What white-eyed monster that looks the same as himself, what doesn't have a monster name, and what he says has his own mind.

These descriptions are a bit outrageous.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like Steve is talking nonsense for the sake of traffic.

Naturally, Steve also saw the comments from the players.

But he didn't reply to any messages.

The players didn't believe he could understand.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that there was such a bizarre thing.

But the truth is that there really is such a bizarre existence.

Steve believes that there will always be a day when this post will be confirmed.


After more than two hours of hard work, Xu Yuan finally built his first monster farming tower.

At this point, the monster farm is also up and running.

Since the monster farm tower was built by Xu Yuan, even the monsters were not killed by Xu Yuan himself.

It is still possible to gain deterrence.

It didn't take long for the monster farming tower to run, and Xu Yuan was swiped by the system information.


+10] [Deterrence +10]



Acquired: Invisible Arrow] [Skill Acquired: Accurate Shot]

[Invisible Arrow: You don't need to wear an arrow to use the bow.

[Precision Shooting Lv1: Shooting accuracy 100%]

[Consumes 5000 kill points, which can be upgraded to a tracking arrow.] These

two skills are obviously provided by Xiaobai.

The monsters that this simple monster farming tower made by Xu Yuan basically brushed out are zombies, creepers, and Xiaobai.

Xu Yuan didn't need to build a monster farm tower to fix monsters, after all, his needs were deterrents, not materials.

Xu Yuan is not a very large monster farm, it can only be regarded as a medium-sized monster farm.

After all, there are no such skills as flying in the air, and it is too difficult to set up.

The mob farm isn't huge, but it's enough for now.

The efficiency is still okay, Xu Yuan roughly estimated that there are about 5,000 monsters per hour.

That is, a deterrent of 50,000 per hour.

Hang for an hour to unlock a 15X15 monster control range.

Such efficiency is still possible.

Seeing the smooth operation of the monster farm, Xu Yuan was also very satisfied.

"The next thing is to go and get the monster's first kill. "

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