Zhu Youjian had too many things to deal with, and he also had to find time to train the soldiers of the Royal First Regiment. He was really busy as a dog. No matter how much he wanted to do everything perfectly, he couldn't do everything by himself. In the end, he was replaced by Jin Yiwei. The commander called Tian Boguang and asked him to find a suitable candidate.

"Your Majesty, maybe Governor Sun has a way..." Uncle Tian, ​​who was forced to take over the task, had a bald head as big as a bucket. Fortunately, he had an idea and pushed the matter to Sun Chuanting, the governor of the three sides.

"Huh?" Zhu Youjian frowned, thought for a while, and then nodded. Let Sun Chuanting handle this matter. He was the one who wrote the secret letter anyway.

Not to mention, the things that gave Zhu Youjian and Tian Boguang headaches were not difficult for Sun Chuanting.

After receiving the emperor's secret letter, Sun Chuanting thought about it carefully, and then asked the guard Niu Ba to be called.

Niu Jinxing was from Niujia Village, Lushi, Henan Province. Among his 100-man escort, Niu Ba was also from Niujia Village and was Niu Jinxing's nephew. It just happened to happen.

Niu Ba is as strong as a calf. He seems to have well-developed limbs and a simple mind. He is usually carefree and looks like a big fool, but in fact he is quite smart. Because of his bravery in battle and repeated military exploits, he was selected into the escort team and can be regarded as Sun Chuanting's confidant. As a confidant, it would be perfect for him to act as the dark room and hand the secret message into Niu Jinxing's hands.

Early the next morning, Niu Ba, dressed in shabby clothes and unkempt, looking like a beggar begging along the street, quietly left Xi'an and went straight to Kaifeng.

Kaifeng City has been besieged by Li Zicheng's 500,000-strong army. Li Zicheng adopted Li Yan's suggestion and only surrounded the city on three sides, letting go of the west city so that the officers and soldiers in the city could still maintain contact with the outside world and make it easier for the rebels to sneak into the city. Spying on military intelligence.

Li Zicheng led his troops to attack the city every day, but they were all feints, forcing the officers and soldiers in the city to desperately seek help from the court, while he led the main force to hide in the dense forest, waiting for Sun Chuanting to take the bait.

This is a typical tactic of encircling a point for reinforcements. However, this tactical term has not yet appeared. It only appeared in Zhu Youjian's secret letter to Sun Chuanting.

Among the four great counselors, Niu Jinxing was the first to follow Li Zicheng to rebel. He gave Li Zicheng advice and helped Li Zicheng get out of trouble or win victory time and time again. He was Li Zicheng's most trusted confidant and had the greatest power in his hands.

When Li Zicheng established the Dashun Kingdom, he appointed Niu Jinxing as prime minister, which shows Li Zicheng's trust and reliance on him.

On this day, Niu Jinxing was drinking tea leisurely in his tent. His guards came to report that a young man who called himself Niu Ba came outside the camp, saying that he was your nephew and had important information.

"Niu Ba?" Niu Jinxing frowned. He had heard that Niu Ba, a clan nephew, seemed to have joined the army. Why did he suddenly come to find him?

"Third uncle, I finally see you... ow... wu wu..."

As soon as he saw Niu Jinxing, Niu Ba was like seeing his long-lost biological father. He threw himself into Niu Jinxing's arms and burst into tears.

A young man as strong as a calf cried so hard that the earth shook and the mountains shook. The scene was too beautiful to imagine.

"Niu Ba, don't cry, don't cry..."

Niu Jinxing comforted him repeatedly. He had a lot to ask Niu Ba and tested his purpose at the same time. But seeing him crying so sadly, the doubt in his heart was reduced a bit.

It must be admitted that Niu Ba's acting skills are at least at the level of a movie actor. Even Niu Jinxing, who has always been shrewd and calculating, was fooled.

After Niu Ba had cried enough, he wiped his tears and nose with his sleeve, and then explained his purpose intermittently.

His words were already vulgar and confusing, which made people have a headache. It took him a long time to understand what he meant, which made Niu Jinxing get rid of the last trace of doubt in his heart.

According to Niu Ba, he only joined the army to earn a living, and now he has become a corps commander in the Shaanxi Army. A few days ago, Sun Chuanting suddenly called him and a commander named Li Jian and gave them a task. , let them disguise themselves as poor people, secretly send a letter to Li Yan, and repeatedly emphasized that if the rebels find out, they will destroy the secret letter even if they die.

Li Jian was from Qixian County, Kaifeng, the same hometown as Li Yan. It was perfect for him to deliver the letter to Li Yan. However, Li Jian was unlucky. On the way to Kaifeng, he encountered bandits who blocked the road and robbed him. Niu Ba was stabbed to death by a bandit because of the troubles he had, and Niu Ba only escaped by handing over all the money he had.

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