The content of the secret letter written by Sun Chuanting to Li Yan was that he was entrusted by Li Yan's father Li Jingbai and the request of his wife Tang to persuade him to return to the right path. Sun Chuanting used his position as governor of the three sides to guarantee that the emperor would pardon his faults. , and charged him with meritorious service, eradicating Li Zhangliu's thieves, and shining a bright light on the lintel of the Li family.

Mrs. Tang, in addition to talking about the pain of lovesickness, did not complain at all. She also hinted generously that it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines. She had no dissatisfaction with taking the red lady as his concubine. She just asked him to go home quickly. Support the Li family.

Niu Jinxing did not open this secret letter for reading, but handed it directly to Li Zicheng intact. After Li Zicheng opened it and read it, he passed it to Niu Jinxing for reading.

"King Chuang, could this be a estrangement plan by the old thief Sun Chuanting?" Niu Jinxing was very smart. He did not take the opportunity to step on Li Yan. On the contrary, he put in good words for Li Yan.

Some things must be done in the opposite direction to be effective. This is the trick he played.

Among the four great counselors, Li Yan was the last one to join. With his ingenuity and ability, he won the trust and reliance of King Chuang. He was close friends with Song Xiance and had a good relationship with Gu Junen, which made Niu Jinxing jealous and fearful. , finally caught the opportunity, and must try his best to kill Li Yan.

"Huh?" Li Zicheng frowned, was Sun Chuanting trying to drive a wedge between each other?

"King Chuang, the overall situation is the most important thing." Niu Jinxing observed his words. When he saw King Chuang's eyes wandering and his face uncertain, he knew that he had begun to doubt Li Yan, so he quickly made another stab.

Regardless of whether this is true or not, the battle to annihilate Sun Chuanting's 300,000 elite troops and conquer Kaifeng City is about to begin. It would be bad to change generals at the critical moment and shake the morale of the army.

Furthermore, when Li Yan and Hong Niangzi and his wife came over, they brought many people with them. In addition, Hong Niangzi was highly skilled in martial arts, generous, and had considerable influence in the army. It would be quite troublesome to cause a scene. of.

"What the military advisor said makes sense." Li Zicheng nodded calmly. Although he did not believe that Li Yan would betray him, the seeds of doubt had already taken root in his heart, but he was not sure yet.

"That bully should be put to good use."

"Yes, Chuang Wang." Niu Jinxing responded, secretly happy in his heart, Li Yan's good days are not long, hehe.

Niu Ba was weeping hotly as he devoured wheat cakes and drank mutton soup mixed with wild vegetables, almost without a drop of oil.

From the perspective of the guards of Niu Jinxing, this guy has been hungry for several days, so he must be so moved that he can eat such delicious food, right?

It’s so damn unpalatable…

Niu Ba complained all kinds of things in his heart. This is a high-end delicacy that can only be enjoyed by Niu Jinxing's guards. Wouldn't the food of ordinary soldiers be even worse?

Any general who leads an army to fight has his own private guard. The guard is the last barrier to protect his own safety. Therefore, the weapons and equipment of the guard are not only the best in the army, but the food and other benefits are also the best.

It is precisely because of such good treatment that every guard in the guard team serves his master loyally.

As Sun Chuanting's guard, Niu Ba didn't dare to eat big fish or meat every day, but he definitely had enough white rice. Not only was the food rich in oil and water, but he also often ate delicious, oily fat meat. Otherwise, how could his body be strong? Like a calf?

Although he was born into a poor family, he was used to having good food and good food. It would be difficult for him to go back to the poor life before, and he didn't want to go back. He wanted to live a good life.

Although Li Zicheng captured many places and confiscated the properties of many powerful nobles, he still had too many troops, many of them women, children and the elderly. Logistics and supply have always been the biggest problem, even if the four great counselors tried their best. Even though he is super powerful and has incredible abilities, he is helpless and can only make some targeted arrangements.

The food for women, children and the elderly was the worst. They basically stammered and would not starve to death. This was enough for the people who had to flee from their homes due to war, natural disasters and man-made disasters. They were grateful to Li Zicheng.

Soldiers who go into battle should have better food, or at least half full, so that they can have the strength to pick up weapons and go into battle to kill the enemy.

The ones with the best food are naturally Li Zicheng and other generals and leaders at all levels. The guards of each general and leader are slightly inferior, but they are still much better than ordinary soldiers.

But compared with the food of the escorts of the Ming army generals, it is definitely several grades behind. How can Niu Ba not eat so much?

"Niu Ba, the military advisor calls you."

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