Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 252 Apocalypse pulls out a hand gun to fight back, and backstabs the rebellious minister!

In Tianqi's view, the only ones who can kidnap him without anyone noticing can only be Wei Zhongxian or Ye Chengxue.

If he is still hidden in the palace now, it is Wei Zhongxian, because everyone in the palace is dispatched by Wei Zhongxian.

If it is outside the palace, it is likely to be Ye Chengxue, because Ye Chengxue is responsible for the entry and exit of the palace guards. Only he can collude with the eunuchs to secretly kidnap him out of the palace. Otherwise, even if some eunuchs want to kidnap him out of the palace, then It will also be detected by him when he is banned from the palace.

After Tian Qi yelled loudly, the people outside were not afraid, and sneered: "The one we want to imprison is the Son of Heaven."

Tian Qi asked directly after hearing this: "Aren't you afraid of being punished by the Nine Clans?!"

"Nine tribes?! So what about the ten tribes. If you don't be a cruel person, it's rare to be a Han."

"Your Majesty, I'm already old and dying. If you can't abolish all the new laws before you close your eyes, you won't be willing to reincarnate even if you go to hell, even if you have to go to hell."

At this time, an old man's voice came from outside.

Not long after the old man spoke, he ordered to the two guards outside the door: "Open!"


Immediately, the door of the dark room where Tian Qi was locked was opened.

Rows of torches appeared outside the door.

Apocalypse immediately discovered that the cabinet scholar Lai Zongdao, Ye Chengxue, who was newly promoted to the commander of Jinyiwei, and a group of courtiers including Bingbi Wang Tigan, the Minister of Rites, Ge Guichao, the left servant of the Ministry of War, and Zeng Hui, the prime minister of Guanglu Temple, appeared outside the door.

Ye Chengxue waved his hand first, and several of his trusted guards surrounded Tian Qi with crossbows.

Then, Lai Zongdao, Ye Chengxue and other civil and military courtiers walked into the house and stood in front of Tianqi.

At this time, Tian Qi sat back on a chair calmly, with his chest straightened out, his hands resting on the arm of the chair, and asked solemnly, "Why, you forgot the ceremony of meeting the Son of Heaven?"

"I have seen His Majesty!"

Lai Zongdao and others still gave a big gift.

And Tianqi seems to have accepted this result, showing the unique calmness and composure of an emperor, and said: "Tell me, why do you want to imprison me here?"

Tian Qi said and looked at Ye Chengxue: "Ye Chengxue, I didn't expect you to do this, you won't say it again, you pretended to promise them."

At this time, Lai Zongdao answered for Ye Chengxue: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid you will be disappointed. This time, Da Jinwu did not pretend to agree, but sincerely wanted to help us achieve things. Last time, he was just forced to agree. This time This time, he agreed on his own initiative. We only showed up after we saw that he imprisoned you."

In the Ming Dynasty, the Commander of Jinyiwei was often honored as Da Jinwu, just as the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was often called the Zai of Otsuka, and the Minister of the Ministry of Rites was often called Da Zongbo.

Therefore, Lai Zongdao also referred to Ye Chengxue as "Da Jinwu" at this time.

Tian Qi sneered: "Tell me, what do you guys want to do."

"Naturally, I would like to ask Your Majesty to decree to abdicate to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, abolish all the new policies, and punish the Duke for treason! Destroy his own clan!"

As Lai Zongdao spoke, he took out an imperial decree, and said: "Decree, I have already drawn up the decree, and I will wait for His Majesty's approval, and then make the prince and father-in-law approve it."

Tian Qi asked coldly: "What if I don't agree?"

"Your Majesty should agree. If Your Majesty does not agree, he will die suddenly. If he agrees, he will save his life."

After Lai Zongdao said, he said: "Furthermore, Your Majesty, you like carpentry. You can practice your skills here. You can spend your whole life here."

Tian Qi asked again: "Are you so impatient to abolish me?"

"That's right, can't wait!"

Lai Zongdao replied without hesitation.

Then, Lai Zongdao said: "Since I realized before, when I can't afford to wait, I can't control so much. Sima Wenzheng did not hesitate to forcibly abolish him before he closed his eyes because he didn't want to leave regrets after his death. All the new laws in Xining! How can I not see the time when the chaotic government of Your Majesty and Sui Guogong will be abolished before closing your eyes!"

"That's why you didn't hesitate to take the risk? Did you risk the calamity of the nine clans to force me?"

Tian Qi asked with a sneer.

Lai Zongdao nodded: "Your Majesty has always been smart, and can understand how much I can't tolerate the current political affairs!"

Before that, when Lai Zongdao and Li Guopu talked about the fact that they couldn't bear the reform and the new political affairs, Li Guopu was emotional when he mentioned that their old ministers might not wait until the New Deal was abolished. When he died, he couldn't see the thought of the New Deal being abolished.

"I understand, just like I couldn't tolerate you to ruin my society before."

Apocalypse replied.

Lai Zongdao took a step back, bowed his hands and said, "Therefore, please agree to abdicate, punish the country's thieves, and abolish the New Deal!"

Wang Tiqian also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, agree, so that you can save your life. In fact, this is no loss for you. You have always been unwilling to take care of the government. Even now, you just let the policy maker take care of you." Helping others to monopolize the power of the government, but now, it is just handing over the power to Laige Lao and the others. They can also do carpentry and research and development. And it is even more honorable to be the emperor of the ether!"

Tian Qi said: "Do you think that if I am under house arrest, my brother-in-law and reform ministers of the Department of Policy and Strategy will be at your mercy?"

"Don't worry about this, Your Majesty, as long as you issue an imperial edict to agree, there will be soldiers and horses to destroy the whole family of Duke Sui!"

Lai Zongdao replied.

Tian Qi stood up, took out a revolver firing pistol in his hand, and said: "This is a new pistol designed by Xishan Industry Division Bi Maokang together with me according to the concept of my uncle Zhang Gui. One pistol can be equipped with six rounds. The ammunition is fired with needle-pricked thunder mercury. It has a front sight and is safe, and it is not easy to explode. But the cost is very expensive, and it needs to be carefully crafted by skilled craftsmen. The yield is low, and it cost me a lot of money. However, I have not killed him yet. People, why don't you try it today."

After hearing this, Lai Zongdao snorted coldly: "Your Majesty has always loved Uncle Guo to use these strange techniques to make some novelty firearms, we know that. But Your Majesty, don't you find it ridiculous that you want to use it to kill people now? I have already said that this time, Da Jinwu came to conspire with us on his own initiative, and he will not backfire again. As long as you dare to pick up the pistol again, I guarantee that they will let you be full of crossbow arrows without hesitation !"

Tian Qi still picked up the pistol.

Seeing this, Lai Zongdao hurriedly shouted: "Da Jinwu, do it!"

Ye Chengxue did not move.

Lai Zongdao couldn't help shouting anxiously: "Do it!"


Suddenly, Zeng Hui, the prime minister of Guanglu Temple, behind Lai Zongdao had a bloody sharp knife appear in his abdomen, and the blood on the sharp knife fell to the ground with a patter.

Zeng Hui glanced subconsciously, and then turned around to see Ye Chengxue with a sullen face behind him, gritted his teeth and sent the knife forward again.

Only then did Zeng Hui feel pain all over his body, and for a moment he said to Ye Chengxue with all his strength: "Da Jinwu, this is you."

"Your Majesty, in order to avoid agitating others, I think it's better to use a knife. The sound of the gun can be easily detected by outsiders."

As Ye Chengxue said, he pulled out the Xiuchun knife, and then he put the blade between his elbows, bent his elbows, pressed the blade with his biceps, and swiped the blade with his right hand. Slippery, he wiped off the blood on the knife surface, and then stabbed into the back of Ge Guichao, the left servant of the military department.

"Forget it, then it's up to you."

Tian Qi took back the pistol, sat on the chair, and began to close the door to meditate.

This plot is because I recently read the history of the Song Dynasty, and I read the passage of Yuanyou Genghua, and then I realized that Sima Guangwei was so urgent, so impatient, and even irrational when he saw the day when the new law was abolished before his death, so I wrote Think of such a plot. If you are wondering about the motives for coming to Zongdao, please refer to Sima Guang's motives in his later years.

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