Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 253 The Son of Heaven raises a knife to kill people, not only to kill, but also to kill!

Ge Guichao, the left servant of the Ministry of War, was in a daze, and then he didn't expect that he was also stabbed, and then fell to the ground unwillingly.

"Follow the order!"

Ye Chengxue replied with a sneer, and then stabbed a civil servant in the back with a knife.


The civil servant let out a scream, and slowly fell to the ground.

"This this!"

Ye Chengxue followed up with another slash, knocking down the civil servants who came here with Zong Dao to the ground.

"you you!"

A civil servant was almost speechless in astonishment, only turned around and pointed at Ye Chengxue.

Ye Chengxue didn't respond, but just stabbed in again, and the surface of Xiuchun's knife was stained with blood again.

Seeing this scene, Lai Zongdao was stunned and speechless. He had to look at Ye Chengxue and asked, "Didn't you say that you are sincere this time, Ye Chengxue? In this way, no scholar-bureaucrat will trust you anymore!"

Ye Chengxue stabbed another civil servant into the back, and ignored Lai Zongdao's doubts.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing this, Lai Zongdao simply looked at Tianqi and called out. He wanted Tianqi to tell him what was going on.

Tian Qi also ignored him, just closed his eyes, listening to the sound of blood sizzling.

Naturally, he was too lazy to explain so much to Lai Zongdao.

What Lai Zongdao didn't know was that even though Li Guopu himself said that Ye Chengxue was trustworthy, the last time he betrayed him was only because he had to do so after listening to Li Guopu's orders, but this does not mean that Ye Chengxue would not betray him again, after all In fact, it is Zhang Gui's people, not Li Guopu's people.

Therefore, Lai Zongdao would not have thought that Ye Chengxue dared to do this because he had obtained the secret permission of Tian Qi and Zhang Gui to cooperate with them.

Therefore, now Lai Zongdao can only watch his people being slaughtered by Ye Chengxue.


Wang Tiqian had already knelt down first, in front of Tianqi, kowtowed his head like pounding garlic, and said with a weeping face: "My lord! This servant is guilty, this servant deserves to die, this servant should not have the intention of persecuting the emperor, and now he has come to this point , but only ask the emperor to show mercy to the servant once! The servant will never dare again!"

Wang Tiqian is extremely regretful now.

He was originally Wei Zhongxian's most powerful godson in the inner court, but he was also dissatisfied with the new policy of clearing up the farmland and requiring all powerful officials and gentry to pay food and errands. Undoubtedly, he could not rest in peace even if he died, so he agreed to Ye Chengxue and others to do it, but he really didn't expect that Ye Chengxue was an unreliable person from beginning to end.


Wang Tiqian suddenly felt that his back was pushed hard, and he was dumb for a moment, and then fell to the ground.

After Ye Chengxue drew out the knife from his back, he walked towards Lai Zongdao.

At this time, Lai Zongdao didn't feel any fear, he just smiled wryly and said: "The old minister still lost the bet. After all, he was right. I really can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and the conspiracy is really useless."

Tianqi knew who Lai Zongdao was talking about, so he didn't ask much.

Lai Zongdao continued: "But Your Majesty, there will not be only one gambler like Chen. You can use Ye Chengxue to make Chen end up with nine clans or even ten clans. But you can't stop gamblers like Chen from appearing." After all, this sun of yours is too venomous, so venomous that people can't stand the heat, even if you use the biggest cattail fan, you still feel anxious when you keep fanning."

Tian Qi sneered: "But there will be fewer and fewer gamblers like you. Besides, even if there are more people who want to be gamblers, how can I be afraid of them. And I am not a gambler."

As he said that, Tian Qi stood up, untied his robe, and revealed the explosive tube all over his body: "This is the explosive clothing designed by myself. When Qi Changguo and the others in the Industry Department discovered that cotton soaked in nitric acid has a great explosive power. , I let them try to develop new explosives based on this discovery, and the explosives on my body are this kind of new explosives! I already knew that Ye Cheng would learn to cooperate with you and imprison me, so I did it just in case I am ready to die with you, as long as you dare to kill me with crossbow arrows, I will explode myself, and you will also be reduced to ashes."

Lai Zongdao turned pale with shock when he saw Tianqi's full stomach of explosives, and then said, "It seems that even if Ye Chengxue didn't turn his back on the water, I won't be able to see the day when the New Deal will be abolished."

"It's not just that if Ye Chengxue didn't turn against you, even if I really cooperated with you to make this decree today, you wouldn't be able to completely abolish the New Deal. The powerful bureaucrats, military and civilians who make profits or survive in the industry, as well as a large number of government schools that rely on the New Deal to start to eat the emperor's food, and the West Factory official schools that rely on the West Factory to make a fortune overseas, who is willing to abolish the New Deal? Even if we are now and Uncle Zhang is willing, but they will not. I can tell you the truth, the average labor in the south of the Yangtze River is not what I and Uncle Zhang want to do. of."

Tian Qi replied with a sneer.


Lai Zongdao sat on the ground dejectedly.

Apocalypse said: "Once the river course is changed, it will be difficult to go back. It cannot be done by humans! I have already expected this day, and I also know that there may be a day when I will lose power. But so what, it is better than death. You want to get rid of Zhen or Uncle Zhang Guo, so that Daming can go back to the past, it is impossible!"

As Tian Qi spoke, he yelled at Lai Zongdao: "That's right, it's just impossible!"

Lai Zongdao burst into tears, stretched out his hand, looked at the blood stained on his hand: "Then they died in vain, and the old man gambled in vain!"

After speaking, Lai Zongdao looked at Tian Qi and said, "But no matter what, all of this was caused by you, a foolish tyrant. It was you! It was you who brought Daming into such a scourge!"

Tian Qi said: "You first harmed Daming, which was founded by the great grandfather with the people as the most precious thing, and now you blame me for harming Da Ming. Is Da Ming yours, mine's, or the people of the world?!"

Lai Zongdao was very desperate. After he heard what Tianqi said, saying that even if he won the bet, he could not realize what he wanted, he felt extremely desperate.

Ye Chengxue was also deeply shocked when he saw that Tianqi had already tied the explosives all over his body. He didn't expect how fearless today is, and when he heard Tianqi said that even if people like Zongdao won the bet, it would be impossible for them to be let down again. When the current Daming returns to the past, he is even more shocked, knowing that it is indeed impossible for him to hope that his Ye family can return to the past, and he needs to look forward after all. The new dignitaries.

Of course, he also knew that His Majesty the Emperor told Lai Zongdao these things before killing him, but he wanted to punish him before killing him.

Apocalypse really wants to kill Lai Zongdao before killing Lai Zongdao, so that Lai Zongdao is completely desperate! Knowing that even if the New Deal is abolished, it is impossible for Daming to return to the past.

Tianqi has already snatched the knife from Ye Chengxue, and brought up Lai Zongdao's whole body, then stabbed Lai Zongdao's abdomen with a knife, gritted his teeth and said, "I will personally send you a ride! After all, you came here because of me." There is no way. Come to Aiqing, I am really sorry, let Daming become a look that you don't like, Aiqing."

As he said that, Tian Qi pulled out his knife again, continued to stab Lai Zongdao in the abdomen, and said: "But I believe that the Ming Dynasty is better without people like you, because there are more and more people like you in the Ming Dynasty. , and it's getting worse."

Tian Qi then slashed at Lai Zongdao again: "Do you think what I said is right?! If you want me to tell you, why did Taizu and Chengzu be able to start a prosperous age back then? It's because powerful bureaucrats like you killed a lot! What do you think, come to Aiqing .”

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