Ming Dynasty: My Brother-in-law is Zhu Youxiao

Chapter 254 Apocalypse is furious, bloody!

At this time, Lai Zongdao could only vomit blood, but could not speak.

Tian Qi continued to stab Lai Zongdao's abdomen with a knife until he was exhausted.

In the end, Lai Zongdao became a sieve with knife holes all over his body.


Tian Qi dropped the knife, collapsed on the chair, raised his sword eyebrows slightly.

"Clean up quickly!"

Ye Chengxue hurriedly gave instructions at this moment.

Then, he came to Tianqi and bowed and said, "Your Majesty, are you going back to the palace now, or going elsewhere?"

"Go to the Duke of Sui!"

Apocalypse said suddenly.

Ye Chengxue was taken aback when he heard this, and said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid it's not safe to go to Sui State's mansion now! As Uncle Guo said to His Majesty before, since there are really forces in the dark who dare to get rid of Uncle Guo, Then this force must be not small! I am afraid it will be extremely dangerous for you to go!"

"If I go in modest clothes, others will only think that I am no more than a commoner, so there is no danger! There is no need to discuss this matter again, I want to see with my own eyes, who dares to send people to contact Lai Zongdao and secretly stage a coup d'etat!"

Apocalypse said.

Ye Chengxue had no choice but to obey the order, saying: "The minister will send a few more capable and ordinary-looking guards to follow Your Majesty."

"Don't send too much. If you send too much, it will attract people's attention."



outside the city.

In a temple.

The cheeky old monk in patchwork clothes was staring sharply at the white beardless man in front of him: "The dragon is really trapped?"

This white-faced and beardless man is Cui Zhijun, Wang Tiqian's godson.

Cui Zhijun said in a low voice: "It's absolutely true! Now it's up to you to grow old."

The cheeky old monk nodded, then sighed, and said: "I think my family's former officials are no better than those of the Shoufu Pavilion. Especially when it comes to generals. In the frontier army, there are several official schools who are good at fighting. I belong to the Li family? Even the slave chief Nurhachi was a dog raised by my Li family back then!"

"Nowadays, today's son builds a military training school, organizes a guard army, and selects a lot of border military officers who were released by my Li family back then! Many of them have come to see me in private. I have given some of them If you are reliable, you are willing to follow this old man to do this big event.”

"Besides, you don't know that there are some dignitaries in the court who belong to the old man, and they would be willing to let them follow the old man to do this big event now."

This Cui Zhijun said: "I believe what you said, even our godfather is old with you, our family really didn't expect it."

The cheeky old monk got up and said: "I'll send someone to inform them now, make sure that no one in Sui Kingdom's mansion survives tonight!"

"Waiting for your good news."

The cheeky old monk left the meditation room after speaking.

And not long after, in a camp in the Beijing camp, Jin Lizheng, a member of the Shenshu camp, called his confidant generals: "The third master has sent a message, do it immediately! I am ordered to seek rebellion!"


Jin Li's subordinates agreed.

Therefore, these generals came to their respective official schools and said falsely: "Brothers, Duke Sui conspired to rebel, His Majesty has ordered us to take part in countering the rebellion immediately! Next, follow me to Duke Sui's mansion, Destroy his family and raid his home!"

"How could Uncle Guo rebel, he is the most supportive of the New Deal!"

At this time, the official school under Jin Li, who was born as a commoner and had relatively successful ideological education and independent thinking ability, questioned.

"Yeah, that's impossible."

"That may not be true."

"General, why don't you go and ask first!"


The official school that planned to launch a coup directly shot and killed the subordinate officials who questioned him: "Execute the order!"


It is not good for other official schools to question it.

Not long after, Jin Li and many other government schools led the government schools under their control to charge towards Sui Guogong.

In addition, some dignitaries who had a close relationship with this cheeky old man also brought their own servants and soldiers to Sui Kingdom's mansion.

All of a sudden, more than ten thousand armed forces, pretending to be ordering to destroy Zhang Gui's Sui State Mansion, came to the Sui State Mansion in mighty force.

Many spectators also followed.

Including some wealthy businessmen and wealthy family slaves who were also dissatisfied with the New Deal, they followed with gloating mood.

Tianqi also followed in advance with the flow of spectators.

Of course, many scholars and common people who supported the New Deal began to worry about the Sui government.

A Xilin scholar who came to Beijing to rush for the exam even shouted directly: "What's going on, how could Uncle Guo rebel! What is His Majesty going to do, is he trying to cook like a rabbit!"

"The key is that the cunning rabbit is not dead yet, so why is your majesty so eager to do something like a running dog! Sure enough, even emperors are unreliable!"

Some radical Xilin scholars spoke out so bluntly.

"Your Majesty, what's the difference between doing this and being a fool! If you really kill the uncle of the country today, wouldn't it be chilling the hearts of the world! After finally rehabilitating Zhang Juzheng, the hearts of the world have been inspired, is it necessary to use cold water again?" Douse it?!"

Some Xilin scholars also cried out in pain because of this.

After hearing this, Tianqi couldn't hold back his face, he even wanted to come out and explain, the truth of the matter is not like this, he has never issued such an edict, these people are spreading the imperial edict falsely!

"Your Majesty has finally come to his senses, and is going to kill the national traitor Zhang Gui! This is simply a matter of joy!"

"It's a joke. If you don't wake up, this tyrant will fall into the water again. Since he favored his relative Zhang Gui, we officials and gentry have had a better life."

"Not only the officials and gentry, many relatives of the royal family are not as comfortable as before, but those untouchables are getting more and more comfortable, and those military households, those military households in the Beijing camp, are now living a good life because of the New Deal, and their salaries have been increased several times , This time it was because of the killing of Tartars, at least dozens of taels of silver were distributed! On the contrary, many dignitaries can no longer serve the military households in the Beijing camp as before, and even all loans have to be controlled by the people of Xichang. Now that this tyrant can wake up and change his past, our good days are finally coming!"

However, Tianqi also heard many scholars and wealthy businessmen cheering for these traitors who launched the coup d'etat, and even ridiculed him.

As a result, Tianqi suddenly raised a wave of evil fire, and for a while, he couldn't help but want to kill these people directly.

And when Tian Qi followed the flow of people to the outside of the Duke of Sui's mansion, he saw that the mansion of the Duke of Sui was already surrounded by officers and soldiers.

Liu Zongmin had already been ordered by Zhang Gui to lead a department of the Xichang official school and the family members of Zhang's family to guard outside.

Along with Liu Zongmin and other Xichang official schools and Zhang's family Dingshou, there are also many Xilin scholars who came here after hearing the news, and officials in the DPRK and China who support the New Deal, such as Zhang Guowei.

Zhang Guowei first asked Jin Li, who had the highest authority here: "General Jin! You said that you came to destroy Sui State's government under the order, what is the order?"

Jin Li said: "The imperial decree is also something you can read? Mr. Zhang, if you dare to obstruct the imperial envoy for the rebels, don't blame me for treating you as an accomplice of the rebels and killing you on the spot!"

"Boss Zhang, and you guys! Don't stop here, do you really want to resist the order?!"

At this time, Hou Guoxing, the commander of Jinyiwei, the son of the Hakka family, and Ke Guangxian, the younger brother of the Hakka family, also came here with their family members, and Hou Guoxing shouted loudly at Zhang Guowei and others.

Liu Zongmin said at this time: "You dare to confiscate the mansion of our commander-in-chief and destroy his clan without an imperial decree, what is this! Our commander-in-chief is the uncle of the dynasty, and it is impossible for His Majesty to think that he is going to rebel!"

"What is uncle Guo! As long as my mother cries casually in front of His Majesty, she will be able to clean up his Zhang family for a few lifetimes without even thinking about raising her head. Not to mention killing his whole family, even killing his nine clans, my mother can do it too." get!"

Hou Guoxing said with a sneer at this moment.

Ke Guangxian followed suit and said, "To tell you the truth, it is my sister's intention to copy your Zhang family this time, and what my sister means is His Majesty's intention! The prince (Wang Tiqian) in the palace also has a warrant for Yong. Wei Ying, tell them to come to the Zhang family immediately, it is impossible for you to stand against the imperial court now. You can only be captured obediently! Otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude, and even your nine clans will be wiped out!”

Tian Qi heard all this with his own ears, he didn't expect that Mrs. Ke would have such thoughts, so that his two relatives also participated in it.

Therefore, Tian Qi came to the front at this time, looked at Hou Guoxing and Ke Guangxian: "Really, according to what you say, Ke Baba really has the final say on my country?"

When Hou Guoxing and Ke Guangxian saw this, they lost all courage on the spot.

Wasn't the emperor imprisoned by Ye Chengxue and the others? Why did he appear here again?

Your own eyes are not spent!

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