49: Beast, actually used a knife on his own uncle?

Zhu Yunjiang's life deduction continues!

[You ascended the throne and became the emperor as you wished, but the inferiority in your heart still hasn't diminished much! ] You know that your imperial grandfather, who loves you, killed countless people to help you sit up, and compared with Zhu Yunxi, you are somewhat suspected of being in the wrong position! 】

[For this reason, after you ascended the throne and became the emperor, you were somewhat confused in your heart, and you longed to be able to make some achievements and be recognized by the people of the world, but you didn't know where to start! ] 】

"This silly child is too drilled and too strong!"

"Since we have helped you clear the obstacles and support you to the throne, then you can be a good emperor with peace of mind and govern our Ming Dynasty, why think so much?"

Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but sigh again and again!

It seems that Zhu Yunjiang's inferiority problem must be paid attention to!

This is also the benefit of dream deduction, being able to find problems in advance, we can correct them from now on, and prevent some bad things from happening in the future!

[You want to make some achievements in the position of emperor and make everyone impress you, but you suddenly find that the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu, except for Fang Xiaozi, Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai, others don't seem to be interested in your ambitions, but more hope that you can be a prince of keeping! ] 】

The so-called king of shoucheng, that is, only requires you to be able to hold the rivers and mountains, and does not require you to have great achievements?

This is obviously another stimulus for Zhu Yunjiang, who has low self-esteem!

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, a not very good premonition also rose in his heart!

[But you are unwilling and do not get the support of other ministers of the DPRK, then you simply put Fang Xiaozi, Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai who can support you to high positions! ] 】


Zhu Yunjiang's next operation directly began to make Zhu Yuanzhang incomprehensible!


Whoever supports you, you will take it?

Is there anything else to do?

Don't you also see if these individuals really have real talents?

Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai don't care, after all, they all watched you Zhu Yunjiang grow up, they are all your teachers, you trust them, and it is understandable to reuse them!

But what the hell is this Fang Xiaoxiao?

For this Fang Xiaoxiao, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't look at it in his heart!

During the Hongwu period, this Fang Xiaozi had the intention to join the army, and as a result, that pedantic thought directly let Zhu Yuanzhang send him back to his hometown to become a teacher!

But who would have thought that after Zhu Yunjiang took the throne, he would actually recall this old man directly to the imperial court, and also entrusted him with a heavy task!

Isn't this a rush to the doctor and playing the piano?


Really confused!

[But you look at the uncles of the clan kings on the map, this map is not good to look at, you are afraid that the clan kings are powerful and will pose a threat to your rule! ] So you began to cut the clan at the suggestion of Fang Xiaoxiao and others! 】

Cutting the clan?

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he was stunned!


The first thing after coming to power was not thinking about how to rest with the people, but how to cut the clan?

Especially Fang Xiaoxiao, he actually gave advice to Zhu Yunjiang's slashing domain!

This bastard old dog!

How dare he?

Isn't this a proper provocation of the uncle-nephew relationship between Zhu Yunjiang and these clan kings?

[In the thirty-first year of Hongwu, you directly used the excuse that King Zhu of Zhou had secretly met his father-in-law, the imperial court general Xungui, plotted to rebel and had a disobedient heart, and demoted him to a commoner, and assigned him to Yunnan! ] 】

Old five!

Isn't he a doctor?

I have been studying medicine all my life, and I just met with my husband, and I was actually put on the hat of rebellion!

This stinky boy is also a little too ruthless, right?

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth!

[In the first year of Jianwen, Zhu Yu, the king of Qi, Zhu Gui, the acting king, and Zhu Feng, the king of Min, were all demoted to commoners, and they were also exiled by you! ] 】

[At first, you went very well, but an accident happened! ] You got the news that the twelfth uncle, King Zhu Bai of Xiang, set fire to his concubine and died in the palace! 】

"Mess with stuff!"

"Is this still human?"

"You said that if you cut the clan, you will cut the clan, you cut their military power, why do you degrade all the people to commoners, and even force our old twelve to death!"

"Our old twelve!!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he was directly dumbfounded!

In Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes, Zhu Bai has been intelligent since childhood, good at learning, loves to talk about military affairs, has a heroic spirit, and is both civil and martial, and has led the army to several times and has been praised by Zhu Yuanzhang many times.

And in the simulated shots, his old twelve were framed for rebellion!

When the army surrounded the royal palace, Zhu Bai was both shocked and angry!!

In order to protect his reputation, he set fire with his own hands, set fire to himself with his concubines and died in the palace, and vented his anger in an extremely tragic way!

"Zhu Yunjiang, you are a beast!"

"How dare you?"

Zhu Yuanzhang's idea of opposing Zhu Yunjiang as the prince for the first time at this moment, and personally supporting him to the throne, was shaken!

You know, the age of the old twelve is one year older than Zhu Yunjiang, and he can be regarded as the same age, and he has played from childhood to adulthood, how can he bear to start!

"And that Fang Xiaozi, Huang Zicheng, Qi Tai!"

"These three dog things !!"

"We must cut them all by a thousand cuts!!"


"Killed our old twelve!"

[Although you are sad to learn that the twelfth uncle died by self-immolation, the cutting of the clan is still continuing, and you sent people to monitor all the remaining clan kings! ] 】

[You have heard of King Yan's bravery, don't dare to move this uncle first! ] 】

[However, the same mother as the fourth uncle King Yan, King Zhu Di of Zhou, has been belittled by you, and it also relieves you a lot, at least even if King Zhu Di of Yan wants to rebel, he will not get the support of King Zhou! ] 】

"Bullying soft dog things!"

"Together, you first take the old five, because the old five is easy to handle, right?"

"Isn't it just bullying our old fifth is a literati?"

Seeing this, Zhu Yuanzhang was angry again!

If you want to cut the domain, you should first cut from the most powerful, and the result is this?

[For your successive slashing of the clan, the other clan kings dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, and soon there was news that the king of Beiping Yan was crazy! ] I learned that at this time, you sent the imperial doctor to Peiping! 】

[But soon, Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaoxu, the sons of King Yan who had previously entered Beijing to mourn the emperor's grandfather and were detained, stole Xu Huizu's beloved BMW and crossed the river to return to Beiping, and on the way back, Zhu Gaoxu was still killing Yicheng in Zhuozhou! ] 】

[Many ministers condemned the evil deeds of the son of King Yan, but you ignored it, but looked at Hanzhong, because now Hanzhong has become the richest city in Daming, but now you can't think of any charge to buckle the head of King Zhu Xiqiu of Han! ] 】


Don't even let go of the heirs of the old Jiuyi lineage?

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he immediately exploded!

The point is!

Other clan kings, you say that you can move, and when you get to the Han King Zhu Xianqiu, you can't find a reason to cut it?

We must cut the three dogs of Fang Xiaoxiao, Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai by a thousand cuts!

What does it mean to add to the sin?

This is proper to kill you without negotiation, these three dog things are also to say that the descendants of our old Zhu family have been driven out and killed!

Which one of the degraded and killed is not his descendant of Zhu Yuanzhang?

And our fourth!

The old four are more heroic and brave people!

He was actually driven crazy by Zhu Yunjiang, a beast?

................... The dividing line........................

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