50: Emperor Jianwen's troops surrounded Hanzhong, and Zhu Yuanzhang was furious!

Zhu Yuanzhang is still angry, but the deduction continues!

[However, just when you were at a loss, there was a rumor in Hanzhong that Han King Zhu Xianqiu was wantonly condemning you, and threatened that tens of thousands of heroic souls in Hanzhong were blessed, how could you be afraid of Jianwen tyrant? ] 】

[Knowing the scolding of the Han King Zhu Xianqiu, you not only did not get angry, but also became happy, because you were worried that there was no reason to move Hanzhong! ] 】

[You directly ordered to depose Zhu Xian Qiu Han and mobilize the army of Xi'an and many places to investigate the Han King Mansion! ] 】


This dog thing, mobilize an army of 100,000 to Chahan King Mansion?

Is this TMD going to seize or raid the house?

If it is just deposed, Zhu Yuanzhang can still accept it, as long as he can make the Han King have a way of life, Zhu Yuanzhang can accept it, but looking at Zhu Yunjiang's posture, it is clear that he is going for the life of the Han King!

This cutting clan is also so desperate, it does not give a trace of back!

Those are his Zhu Yuanzhang's sons and grandsons!

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang was extremely remorseful in his heart, why did he take a fancy to Zhu Yunjiang?

But usually, Zhu Yunjiang is the image of a good baby in front of him Zhu Yuanzhang, but he didn't expect to be a narrow-minded person!

As soon as he became the emperor, he would use knives with Zhu Yuanzhang's sons!

These are all his Zhu Yunjiang's own uncles, isn't he afraid of being punished by heaven?

There are also Fang Xiaozi, Huang Zicheng and Qi Tai's dog things that thunder and splitting those days!

If the fourth man hadn't been driven crazy, he would probably have been forced to rebel by you dogs!

And so on....

How could the fourth man not have the ability to bear this, and he would be crazy if he was crazy?

Could it be....

Suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang seemed to realize something!

[However, what you didn't expect was that the entire northwest land sounded with the sound of Fengtian Jingjian, and all the people were soldiers! ] 】

[What makes you even more unexpected is that the imperial doctor sent to Beiping came that King Yan was not crazy, but pretended to be crazy, which was the crime of cheating, but it was already too late, King Yan took Beiping with the family in the palace, and finally went to Daning with all the soldiers and horses! ] 】


Sure enough, when Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he guessed not wrong at all, the fourth was really the opposite!

Not long ago, he also said to Zhu Biao that if Zhu Di had a bad heart and did not accept him, God would also accept him, and as a result, Zhu Yuanzhang was worried about what was coming, and Zhu Di really turned the opposite!

But I don't know why, seeing Zhu Di rebel, Zhu Yuanzhang instead had a little sense of expectation in his heart, because Zhu Yunjiang almost did not give him these uncles a way to live, if he did not rebel, then he really could only wait for death!

[Everything has already been completed, and in the end, King Yan really turned the other way, and also brought 100,000 Yan Sanwei under Ning King Zhu Quan! ] You are furious, you dare to rebel! 】

Bring Old Seventeen?

When Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, he was immediately angry!


"Fourth, you really know how to play!"

In the dream picture, he found that Ning King Zhu Quan was obviously held hostage by Yan King Zhu Di!

That is to say, Old Seventeenth Zhu Quan had no intention of rebelling, and the result was that he was tied to a thief's ship by your Old Fourth!

But think about it, with the strength of the old four's troops at that time, if you don't use some means, you don't want to get the military power in the hands of the old seventeen, what can you use to compete with the million-strong army of the imperial court?

[The entire imperial court was shocked, and Zhu Di, the king of Yan, announced to the world: Emperor Taizu, fight a hundred battles with difficulty, set the emperor of the world, and recover the sixteen states of Yanyun! ] 】

[And Jianwen has no way, favors traitors, messes with the society and the dynasty, slaughters my family, has a heart like a beast, deposes the acting king, kills the king of Xiang, and murders his relatives! ] Since the king was appointed as the son of Taizu, he has defended the country and guarded the frontier, and abided by the rules and the law! 】

[And the traitor was domineering, harming the innocent, deliberately cutting the domain, gathering 300,000 people and horses to surround Beiping, forcing the king to be crazy to survive! ] King Yan of Wu Nai is like this, not to mention the people of the world, how many descendants can the father and emperor be killed? How many fields can be destroyed by Jiangshan! 】

[Zhu Di hereby announces to the world, Fengtian Jing is difficult! ] 】

Zhu Yuanzhang: "..."

Was this crusade written by Zhu Di?

When did the fourth of his own family have such a good literary style and such a clear logic?

And also...... The Qing monarch's side is indeed the rule set by him Zhu Yuanzhang, if there is a traitor in the dynasty, the clan king can publicly ask for it!

But is this Qingjun side letting you use it like this?

Isn't this a rebellion in the name of the Qing monarch's side?

[However, what scares you the most is that in the land of Beiping, Zhu Di did not go south, but led the army towards Hanzhong, which is said to support the king of Hanzhong, but in fact, only you know that if you really let Zhu Di enter Xi'an and Hanzhong, then the imperial court is really in danger! ] 】

[Hanzhong and the northwest land, the land of fish and rice, money and grain are used endlessly, so that Zhu Di took Hanzhong, this battle is estimated to lose half, with the most convenient transportation of Hanzhong and Xi'an grain and food support, just a protracted war can consume the imperial court to death! ] 】

"This rabbit cub is not stupid, you can still see this!"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed angrily!


Zhu Di just rebelled, and money and food are extremely tight!

Peiping is not a rich place in the first place!

Otherwise, the fourth elder would not have had to reach out to the imperial court to ask for food and pay all these years!

But with Hanzhong, it's different!

With the wealth of Hanzhong, it is undoubtedly like a tiger for the fourth old!

With King Ning's soldiers and horses, plus the money and grain on King Han's side, he Yan King Zhu Di really had the capital to compete with the imperial court!

Therefore, the northwest land of Hanzhong, whether it is for Zhu Di or for Zhu Yunjiang, is a vital link!

[You directly ordered to dispatch a large number of troops, demanding that Hanzhong be taken when Zhu Di came to support Hanzhong, and the 300,000 imperial court troops came to Hanzhong, and they were led by the veteran Geng Bingwen! ] 】

"Hanzhong is over!"

"Our imperial grandson Zhu Xianqiu, it was the imperial grandfather who killed you!"

Seeing the 300,000 troops approaching Hanzhong, Zhu Yuanzhang burst into tears, originally the death of Lao Jiu made Zhu Yuanzhang very guilty!

Now it's good, Lao Jiu is dead, Zhu Yunjiang, this beast, feels that Zhu Xianqiu, the second-generation Han king, is a bully, and actually presses the realm, this is the rhythm that intends to talk about Lao Jiu's vein to be completely extinguished!

"Zhu Yunjiang, you are a beast!"

"This throne, let's say that nothing can be handed over to you!"

"Even if Biao'er agrees, we won't agree!"

"That's not right... If we tell Biao'er what you did, Biao'er won't agree! "

For a while, Zhu Yuanzhang, who couldn't help his emotions, jumped like thunder again!

However, before Zhu Yuanzhang finished venting, the next shot caught Zhu Yuanzhang off guard!

Just when Hanzhong was surrounded by 300,000 troops, a flying figure of an imperial sword appeared, and countless coffins descended from the sky! , A coffin with a talisman on its mouth fell from the sky like rain, and there were thousands of mouths!

Soon, Zhu Yuanzhang was attracted by the figure of the imperial sword flying!

At first, Zhu Yuanzhang hadn't discovered who the figure flying with the imperial sword was, and the first reaction in his mind was actually to think of the Taoist master who had just been born!

This technique of flying the imperial sword, as well as this coffin with a talisman on the mouth, could not be explained if it were not for a master!

But as the figure flying with the imperial sword got closer and closer, Zhu Yuanzhang gradually saw the appearance of the other party clearly!

Even though he hadn't seen him for many years, Zhu Yuanzhang still recognized the identity of this person at a glance!

"Lao Jiu!!"

When Zhu Yuanzhang really saw the face of that figure clearly, the whole person couldn't help but gasp!

His voice trembled, wondering if his eyes were seeing flowers?

"Impossible to !!"

"Absolutely impossible to !!"

"Isn't our old Jiu already dead?"

"Who is the person who suddenly appeared in Zhu Yunjiang's dream picture?!!!

He couldn't understand why Lao Jiu, who had been dead for so many years, reappeared in everyone's sight during the Jianwen period?

Zhu Yuanzhang was stunned and looked at that figure in disbelief!

................... The dividing line........................

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