Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1143 Promotion to the Golden Core Realm, Condensing the Five Elements Golden Core

At this moment, in the palace of the capital of the Great Xia Dynasty, this is the place where Xia Chuan retreated and practiced.


Xia Chuan sat cross-legged on the ground, and the five elements of spiritual energy from all directions surged like a tide, instilling into his body, making his body full of huge five elements of spiritual energy.

After fifty years of cultivation, he has reached the perfect state of the Foundation Establishment.

Of course, it wasn't that he couldn't break through to the Golden Core Realm.

It's just that once he breaks through to the Golden Core Realm, then this world will not be able to accommodate him, and he will be directly repelled by this world and return to the reincarnation space.

In order to avoid the destruction of his many years' achievements, he suppressed his cultivation, so that his cultivation has always been in the perfect state of Foundation Establishment.

After all, the aristocratic clans in this world are still very deeply rooted. The so-called emperor and courtiers, if they leave rashly, these clan clans will definitely make a comeback.

At that time, the Great Xia Dynasty will probably return to its old path and re-enter the cycle of reincarnation.

But it is different now. After a series of reforms by Xia Chuan, he has created various rune utensils and cultivated more foundation-building monks.

It can be said that these newly born foundation cultivators are much more powerful than those old foundation cultivators.

These new interest groups, in order to safeguard their own interests, absolutely cannot let those old forces make a comeback.

Only now can he be considered to be able to return to the reincarnation space.

"However, in the past fifty years, it is not that I have gained nothing."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

In the past fifty years, he has collected the knowledge of cultivating the whole world, basically thirty-six profound sects are authentic, and all the secrets of one hundred and eight side sects have been seized by him.

Basically, all the monastic knowledge in this world belongs to him.

To a certain extent, he has a deeper understanding of cultivating immortals. Whether it is formation, rune, alchemy, or weapon refining, etc., he has improved his skills to the master level.

After all, there are no enemies in this world, so he can improve his various skills with peace of mind, which is a rare leisure time.

"But after suppressing it for so long, I'm afraid I can't continue to suppress it. If so, then let's break through." Xia Chuan's eyes showed a terrifying gleam.

rumbling ∼∼

In an instant, a huge power of luck was instilled, which came from the power of luck accumulated over the years by the Great Xia Dynasty.

Don't look at the accumulation of only fifty years, but the luck accumulated in the previous four hundred years of the Great Yan Dynasty cannot be compared with it, and I don't know how many times it has surpassed it.

This is the difference between the industrial age and the agricultural age.

Even if it has only developed for 50 years, it is hundreds of times more tyrannical than the development of the agricultural era.

If the Dayan Dynasty were to recover now, I am afraid that a random army of tens of thousands of people from the Dayan Dynasty would be enough to defeat the millions of troops of the Dayan Dynasty, thus winning the world.

"Going to be promoted."

Xia Chuan's heart moved, and he felt that the five elements of spiritual power in the depths of his dantian qi sea were constantly rotating, and it seemed to form a huge five-element vortex.

Gold-based spiritual power, earth-based spiritual power, water-based spiritual power, gold-based spiritual power, and wood-based spiritual power, etc. come together, and they compress, compress, and continuously compress.

At the end, a golden core was instantly condensed in the depths of the Dantian Qi Sea.

And this is the Five Elements Golden Elixir that is condensed from the Five Elements Spiritual Power

For Xia Chuan, stepping into the Golden Core Realm and condensing the Five Elements Golden Core is like a natural progression without any difficulty. After all, he has been honing it for fifty years.

It's just that he doesn't want to leave this world for the time being, so he didn't get promoted. At the same time, after 50 years of polishing, he was basically promoted to Jindan, and it was already an overnight thing.

"Is this the Golden Core Realm?"

Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light.

He sensed that the moment he stepped into the Golden Core Realm, the spiritual power in his body immediately underwent earth-shaking changes. It seemed that it had transformed from a liquid state to a solid state, containing a trace of immortality.

There is no doubt that this is Jindan spiritual power.

Compared with the spiritual power of the foundation-building cultivator, the cohesion of the golden elixir is more than ten times tyrannical, and a single strand of the golden elixir can easily defeat thousands of foundation-building spiritual powers.

This is why Jindan Zhenren can easily crush the Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Even in the world where the Changchun Sect lives, a Jindan real person can create a sect, and can spread his Taoism for a full five hundred years.

After all, after stepping into the Golden Core Realm, his lifespan has reached 500. If he is good at health preservation, I am afraid that the real Golden Core can survive for 600 years.

To a certain extent, Jindan Zhenren can already be called a land fairy.

This is also the realm that countless immortal practitioners dream of.

"However, what I have in my body is not an ordinary golden elixir, but a five-element golden elixir, which contains five different golden elixir spiritual powers. Xia Chuan felt that the five elements of golden elixir spirit power circulated in his body.

Basically, five different colors are constantly rotating in the golden core, and the power of the five elements is permeated from time to time, which makes this golden core of the five elements incomparably mysterious and unfathomable.

You must know that even the quality of Jindan is different.

If it is the worst golden core, basically Nascent Soul will be hopeless in this life.

Only top-notch golden cores are qualified to step into the realm of Nascent Soul, and the five-element golden core that Xia Chuan has condensed is undoubtedly one of the top golden cores in this world.

"The five elements of the body have also been improved by 970."

Xia Chuan smiled slightly.

After being promoted to the Golden Core Realm, not only the five elements spiritual power in the body has changed, but the most important thing is that his body has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Innumerable Five Elements Golden Elixir spirit power poured into his body, basically tempering his skin, muscles, bones, and internal organs all the time.

It can be said that he is filled with the tyrannical Five Elements spiritual power.

Vaguely, the power of his Five Elements Spirit Body went further, and the Five Elements barriers appeared on his skin, showing a faint immortal golden light.

Undoubtedly, the defensive power of his Five Elements Spirit Body has been further improved. I am afraid that even if the spiritual power in the body is not activated, the defensive power of this body alone can resist the attack of the magic weapon.

In fact, the combat power of his Five Elements Spirit Body is no less than that of those cultivators who practice the Peak Body Tempering Technique.

His every move, every word and every word contained great power.


In an instant, Xia Chuan punched out with a light punch, and a terrifying sound of breaking through the air instantly erupted in the air, and a sonic boom was already generated.

After being promoted to the Golden Core Realm, he was already an inhuman existence.

"Huh? Are you leaving?"

At this moment, Xia Chuan's heart moved, and he suddenly found that the laws of the whole world were rejecting him, and it seemed that this side of the world could no longer accommodate him.

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