Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1144 Get sss-level evaluation and reward the favor of the world

On this day, Zhang Julu, the first emperor of the Daxia Dynasty, soared through the sky, and the whole country celebrated.

The second emperor was succeeded by Zhang Julu's younger brother Zhang Liang.

Although Xia Chuan had already left this world, he had already made all kinds of preparations before his ascension, so when the second emperor succeeded him, he was calm.

Since the various systems of the Great Xia Dynasty have been smoothly transitioned for fifty years, basically the entire Great Xia Dynasty has adapted to this system, plus a large number of foundation-building cultivators and Qi-training cultivators have been born.

No matter how eager those aristocratic families are, they can't shake this system.

At this moment, Xia Chuan also returned to the reincarnation space.

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At this moment, a mechanical voice sounded, transmitted into his brain.

"The reincarnation evaluation has been settled."

"You built an immortal dynasty, expanded the territory by more than ten times, and built the foundation of an empire. Even if tens of thousands of years have passed, countless people will know about your deeds, and you are known as the emperor of all ages.

"You have changed the fate of countless people, allowing countless people to survive.

"You established a Taoist temple, passed on the secrets of Taoism, gave birth to a country of monks, nurtured a civilization of monks, broke the monopoly of aristocratic families, scattered the seeds of Taoism in thousands of households, and raised the world's morality. Civilization level.

"You have created rune trams, rune ships, rune cars and other rune utensils, which have improved the lives of the people and promoted the growth of rune civilization. You have created the foundation for rune civilization."

"The Five Elements and Eight Trigrams array you left behind will forever protect the safety of the Great Xia Dynasty. The weather and rain you created are smooth, the spring breeze and the rain array have increased countless grains and saved countless lives. You have left a rich legacy for this world. ."

"You are the emperor of eternity, the ancestor of civilization, and the master of the formation. Your every move has had a great impact on this world and laid the foundation of eternity." 35

"This evaluation is: sss level."

"Get the reward: 45,600 reincarnation points, and the number of reincarnations increased by three times. 35

"You will be rewarded with additional rewards from the world: this is the heavenly reward of the world of the Great Xia Dynasty. Thanks to what you have done, the potential and future of the whole world have been enhanced, so you will be favored by the local world in every world you visit. , you will be spoiled by this world.

"Because the evaluation of this reincarnation mission is extremely high, your authority in the reincarnation space has been improved, and now you have obtained the second-order authority, I hope you can go further and further in the reincarnation space."


Xia Chuan's eyes showed a gleam of light. Although he knew that he had done a good job in this mission, he did not expect that his evaluation would actually reach the sss level.

You know, task evaluation is also graded.

The lowest grade is naturally E, followed by D, C, B, A, S, SS, and the highest grade, SSS, and so on.

Basically, after being reincarnated, they can survive for a few years, and then they can reach the E-level evaluation.

But most of the reincarnators can only get D-level evaluation.

Of course, if you are a little better, you may be able to get a B-level or even an A-level evaluation.

As for the S-level evaluation, it is simply unimaginable, even in the entire reincarnation space, it is a rare existence.

And Xia Chuan got the highest evaluation of the SSS level, although I dare not say that it is something that has never happened in the reincarnation space, but it must be one of the few achievements.

"It seems that I did the right thing by staying in the Great Xia Dynasty for fifty years. If I left after the Great Yan Dynasty was overthrown, I'm afraid the evaluation will not be particularly high."

Xia Chuan instantly understood the scoring mechanism of this reincarnation space.

Basically, it depends on the influence you have left in this world, whether it is a good influence or a bad influence, in short, the greater the influence, the higher the evaluation will naturally be.

In the world of the Great Xia Dynasty, he opened up an ancient dynasty, a country with unprecedented territory, and also left an educational system, which greatly increased the population, and even promoted the civilization level of the entire world.

There is no doubt that if it continues like this, the Great Xia Dynasty will definitely rule the entire world and become the only country in this world that no one can match.

"How can you increase the authority? Could it be that this reincarnation space is also selecting talents? The higher the authority, the more privileges you will have. In the end, you can even control this reincarnation space?

Xia Chuan touched his chin, he was very interested in the secret behind the reincarnation space, and did not know why this reincarnation space appeared?!

I don't know if there is a master behind this reincarnation space, and if so, what is the purpose of the other party.

If not, then what is the purpose of the emergence of the reincarnation space, is it to cultivate a large number of strong men for this universe?!

To be honest, he became more and more interested in the reincarnation space.

Whoosh whoosh!!!

At this time, in this space, beams of light appeared, followed by silhouettes. Obviously, they were all reincarnators.

But obviously, the number of people who came back has been much smaller.

‘Come back, finally come back, I almost thought I was dead.

"Isn't it? I actually reincarnated as a beggar and almost starved to death. Fortunately, I learned a little skill and found a job before I survived."

"You are lucky. I was reincarnated as a disciple of the devil's way, and as a result, the disciples of this devil-dao sect fell in love and killed each other. No one in the whole sect can be trusted. If I hadn't been scheming, I would have been killed long ago."

"Indeed, it's really hard. I just finished the basic tasks and ran back in a hurry. If I'm one step late (Nuo Zhao's), I'm afraid I'll die in that reincarnated world."

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and all of them seemed to have lingering fears.

Obviously, for them, the reincarnation mission this time can be regarded as a life-and-death situation, and it is extremely lucky to be able to complete the basic mission.

"Wait, what's going on? It seems that there are at least half of the people here."

Someone suddenly noticed this. Compared with before, the number of reincarnators was too small.

"It's not surprising, because these reincarnators couldn't complete the basic tasks, so they died in the reincarnated world. You are lucky to be able to come back alive.

At this time, the senior reincarnation sneered and looked at the crowd.


As soon as these words came out, many reincarnations suddenly became terrified. Although they had expected it for a long time, they were still half cold when they heard the words of the senior reincarnation.

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