Miniature World: I Was Treated As An Ancient God

Chapter 1200 The Shushan faction ten years later, the expansion of the land of Shushan

In the blink of an eye, ten years flies by.

Don't look at Xia Chuan's reincarnation into this world for only ten years, but in these ten years, the area of ​​Shushan within a radius of 500 kilometers has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Originally, this place was the domain of demons, but since Xia Chuan personally took action, used ten thousand swords to return to the ancestors, and slaughtered the demons in the area of ​​500 kilometers, this place has become the domain of the human race.

It can be said that this area no longer needs to worry about the slaughter of the demons, and the human beings have also been able to recuperate, and have built one after another human race city, and the population has rapidly multiplied to tens of millions.

Of course, the biggest change is naturally the Shushan faction.

Originally, there was only a solitary Taoist temple in this mountain.

But after ten years of development, many surrounding mountains have been included in the scope of Shushan School, and many buildings have been built on many peaks, which are enough to accommodate a large number of Shushan disciples.

In fact, because Xia Chuan has no class, all human beings with spiritual roots can join the Shushan Sect, so the number of disciples of the Shushan Sect has grown rapidly.

By now, the number of disciples of the Shushan School has exceeded ten thousand, and the number is even increasing.

It can be said that the current Shushan faction is beginning to take shape.


At this moment, many new disciples of Shushan also came to the sect of Shushan School.

"Is this the Shushan sect? The immortal sect in the legend of 050, I didn't expect that we would have the opportunity to join such a sect." A new disciple said very happily.

Because after joining the Shushan School, you will have the opportunity to learn the legendary method of immortals, be able to fly with the sword, and even kill enemies thousands of miles away.

"It is said that the Shushan Sect is a sect of immortals that suddenly appeared ten years ago. The master of the sect was born out of thin air, and one person and one sword instantly killed all the monsters and ghosts in a radius of 500 kilometers, making this area completely a safe zone for our human race. Since then After that, we humans no longer need to worry about the invasion of monsters.

Someone could not help but sigh.

You must know that in the area of ​​Shushan before, it was basically the domain of demons, and their human beings were just food for demons.

The reason why they are still alive is just because the demons are not hungry, and if they are hungry, they will grab some humans and eat them directly.

It can be said that the life of the human race is like a fowl.

"It is said that the master of the sect is the supreme sword cultivator, who can light the nineteen states with a single sword, and can take the head of the enemy thousands of miles away, and the Shushan faction taught us the way of sword cultivating, as long as we master the way of sword cultivating, Then everyone can master the ability to kill demons." A new disciple clenched his fists, his eyes filled with endless hatred.

Because his family died at the hands of the demons, they and the demons were inseparable, they had a bloody feud, and it was impossible for them to resolve each other.

Only when one party is wiped out can such hatred be completely resolved.

"Really or not, can we also master such power?"

Many new disciples asked in anticipation.

"Of course you can, do you know Senior Brother Xu Changqing and the others, they are the direct disciples of the Sect Master. It is said that they were already disciples ten years ago, and now they have entered the Foundation Establishment Realm and have reached the level of flying with the sword. , Ordinary monsters are no longer an enemy of unity.

A new disciple explained.

"Senior Brother Xu Changqing? I've heard this name before. It is said that his reputation is not only spread in this area of ​​Shushan, but also spread to other areas. I don't know how many demons he killed and how many humans he saved."

"Actually, there were not so many humans in our Shushan area. The reason why the population has soared to tens of millions in just ten years is that many humans have escaped from other areas. They don't want to become the demons. food, so I desperately tried to escape."

"It turns out that, no wonder I think the population of our Shushan area is increasing so fast, it turns out that there are still many humans who came from other areas.

"This is also a normal thing. In fact, the reason why the sect master recruited us as disciples of the Shushan School is to train us to become powerful sword cultivators who will slay demons and eliminate demons in the future, and completely exorcise all demons in this world. , and completely liberate mankind from the hands of demons.

"We will definitely become sword cultivators, kill all the demons in the world, and avenge those compatriots who died. 99

Numerous new disciples of the Shushan faction clenched their fists, gritted their teeth, and felt extremely resentful.

You must know that each of the Shushan Sect disciples present had a bloody feud with the demons, and their relatives, friends, brothers and sisters more or less died in the hands of the demons.

Before, they resented their own weakness and powerlessness, but now it is different. They have the power to fight with demons, so they will definitely spare no effort.

"But is our Shushan area really safe? Although the sect master is indeed powerful, he is only one person after all. The sect master can shelter the sect, but can he shelter the entire Shushan land?

Some new disciples are worried about this.

He is also a person who has just moved to the land of Shushan. Since his brothers, sisters and parents live in this place, he is naturally worried that his parents will be attacked and killed by demons.

"Haha, don't worry about that."

Hearing this, a disciple of the Shushan faction suddenly laughed: "You must know that the Sect Master has long since set up a ten thousand sword golden light array in the area of ​​500 kilometers.

This formation is a formation for slaying demons. Once the presence of demons is sensed, the entire formation will instantly activate, and bursts of golden sword light burst out at once.

And this kind of golden sword light is invincible and extremely sharp, no matter how powerful the monsters are, they will be instantly beheaded, and tens of thousands of monsters have tried to break into our Shushan land before.

But in the end, the corpses of these monsters are already piled up like mountains. You haven't seen that kind of scene, but all the monsters who dared to emerge were killed by a sword, so our land of Shushan is the safety of the human race. land. 35

He looked proud.

It is precisely because of the existence of this Ten Thousand Swords Golden Light Array that it is able to shelter the entire Shushan land, covering an area of ​​500 kilometers.

Otherwise, Xia Chuan alone would naturally not be able to protect the safety of the land of Shushan, and paying attention to the land of Shushan all the time would also involve his cultivation effort.

Therefore, Xia Chuan naturally arranged a large array of heaven and earth to protect the safety of this area.

"As expected of the Immortal Sect, it is really too powerful.

"It's no wonder that there are no demons in the entire land of Shushan. It turned out that a large formation was arranged. 99

"It seems that our family will be quite safe living in the land of Shushan."

Many new Shushan disciples immediately felt relieved.

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