"Brother Xu is here."

At this moment, a group of new disciples exclaimed, and immediately saw a young man in a white robe flying over with his sword, like a fairy.

Many new disciples looked at Xu Changqing with incomparable admiration, because flying with the sword like this was simply something that could only happen in their dreams.

"Hello everyone."

Xu Changqing smiled slightly and greeted everyone, "Since you have joined the Shushan faction, then everyone is a disciple of the Shushan faction, all brothers and sisters, and this time I, Xu Changqing, will lead you to Wanjian Mountain."

"Wanjian Mountain?!"

Hearing this, many new disciples were extremely curious. They were all hearing this name for the first time, and they didn't know where Wanjian Mountain was.

"The so-called Wanjian Mountain is a special mountain created by the master. It is a special area that can automatically breed a spirit sword. 35

Xu Changqing explained: "Because of the influence of Wanjian Mountain's special power, every spirit sword nurtured by Wanjian Mountain is full of spirituality, and it is invincible. When taken out to the outside world, it is all sharpened like mud. The sword. And each of you new disciples is eligible to receive a spirit sword. 99


Many of the new disciples of the Shushan faction were ecstatic.

Sure enough, there are many benefits to joining the Shushan faction.

"But don't think that everyone has a spirit sword, it's just a popular commodity, and it's not worth much at all.

Xu Changqing swept the crowd and said, "In fact, this is closely related to your future. The spirit sword you receive will be your destiny spirit sword in the future. This is the true meaning of our Shushan faction sword repair."

"Senior Brother Xu, if that's the case, then we have received a relatively poor spirit sword, isn't that the end?" Some people immediately became nervous, thinking that this was a top priority.

"Don't worry about this. 35

Xu Changqing smiled slightly: "The method of our Shushan School is naturally not that simple, you must know that the most important method of our Shushan School is the sword raising technique.

What is the sword raising art, that is to use the power in our body to nurture the spirit sword. With the continuous improvement of our cultivation, the power of the spirit sword will also continue to improve.

It can be said that our natal flying sword is a magic weapon that can grow. If our cultivation base is promoted to the fairyland, then our natal flying sword can also be promoted to become a fairy sword.

Therefore, every spirit sword you receive from Wanjian Mountain is the same, but what these spirit swords will look like in the future will depend on your future achievements. 99

"So it is. 99

When everyone heard these words, they immediately felt relieved. It turned out that this was a spiritual sword that could grow. Even if it was ordinary at first, it would become extremely powerful as their cultivation improved.

Is this the Shushan faction's sword practice method? It's really unusual.

"And the power of our Shushan sect's sword raising art is not just that. With the double cultivation of our lives and the spirit sword, our body will continue to devour the Qi of Gengjin and the spirit of the spirit sword, thus tempering us. Every corner of our body turns our bones into sword bones, our skins into sword skins, and our meridians into sword veins.99

Xu Changqing said solemnly: "If we reach the realm of Dacheng, our body will be tempered into a supreme immortal sword. Even if we don't make a move at that time, countless terrifying sword qi will erupt from our body, truly reaching the level of human sword. In the realm of unity, the so-called demons, ghosts, and monsters in the future are nothing more than slaying them with a single sword, and the bones of the family are withered.

You must know that there are indeed many immortal cultivators in the world, but only our sword cultivators are the first to kill.

There was a look of confidence on his face.

Although he is only a Sword Cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Realm now, he is invincible in terms of killing power. If his cultivation is upgraded to the late Foundation Establishment Realm, he can even kill Jindan by leaps and bounds. Early monks.

And this is the killing power of Jian Xiu, it is absolutely terrifying.

He had seen his master take action before, even if he stayed at home, he could raise his hand to kill demons thousands of miles away. This was the top swordsman in the world.

Now he is still far behind.

"so amazing.

The eyes of many Shushan Sect disciples suddenly lit up, and they felt that their blood was boiling.

·0 for flowers

"This book is the true secret book of our Shushan Sect-Shushan Sword Sutra, which records many cultivation methods of our Shushan Sect. As long as you start to learn it, you can go to Wanjian Mountain and choose the spiritual sword that suits you. Once you come, you will be able to embark on the road of sword cultivation.

Xu Changqing waved his hand, and immediately distributed the many secret books on his body to each disciple.

"Yes, Senior Brother Xu."

Many of the new disciples of the Shushan faction are full of emotions, and they simply want to enter the state of cultivation immediately.

A few days later, Xu Changqing was considered to have completed the task of picking up the entry-level disciple. At this time, Jiang Yunfei, Ning Qinyi, Bai Muya and others also came over.

"It's hard work, Brother Xu.

Jiang Yunfei arched his hand.

"You're welcome, these new disciples are the future of our Shushan faction and the future of our human race. It doesn't matter no matter how hard they work, I hope these new disciples can quickly emerge some geniuses. After all, there are still too few sword cultivators in our human race. "Xu Changqing said with emotion.

Now he is not the stunned young man he used to be.

After ten years of cultivation, he can be considered to know the truth of this world, this world has been occupied by demons, and human beings are just a weak race.

Don't look at the fact that the Shushan faction has sheltered an area of ​​500 kilometers, but to the whole world, it is only a drop in the ocean, and it is nothing at all.

And now there are only tens of thousands of sword cultivators in the Shushan faction, but as for the demon clan, the number of the demon clan alone can be calculated in hundreds of millions.

If you want to expel so many demons, as long as you think about it carefully, your scalp will feel numb.

Moreover, these demons have many Nascent Souls, and even the great demons in the God Transformation Realm. Facing such a terrifying great demon, I am afraid that they will blow a sigh of relief, and these new immortal cultivators will be wiped out.

"Senior Brother Xu, there's no need to be discouraged, it's just the first step in a journey of ten thousand miles, even if our generation of Shushan disciples can't see hope, but the next generation, the next generation, after countless generations, will definitely There are countless Shushan Sect disciples adhering to our will and expelling the demons from the whole world."

Ning Qinyi's eyes showed a firm look, and she didn't waver in the slightest.

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